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Everything posted by Khromatose

  1. IC: Toxin "Oh Karz." He felt himself thrown forward by the flail. But he turned it to his advantage by somersaulting and tossing five poisoned kunai. Landing on the ground he heaved more blood. "This is it." He put his sickles in front and did a defensive stance. "If I don't land anything on him, then I'm pretty much screwed."
  2. IC: Toxin Toxin was about to stand but seeing the flail coming around for a second time, he lay there on the floor as the flail went over him. Sighing in relief, he quickly staggered up and moved out of Silencer's range. A feeling in the back of his head told him that he shouldn't have charged in alone. Where was Bullseye with his back-up fire? Or his elaborate schemes? He needed a way to finish this Rahkshi once and for all.
  3. Just think of what would happen if Toxin was a darkness rahkshi. Oh Legion...
  4. IC: Toxin "Is this guy immune to my poison or what?" That was his thoughts when he got smacked. The chain got loose and he dropped it. He was back to sickles. That was unexpected. That amount of nausea would've stopped him for aiming properly. This surprised him. What surprised him more is that he coughed some blood, but could still stand up. This was the time for seriousness. No more fun and games. OOC: He got hit because he didn't expect it. Toxin is able to dodge because he can imagine what will happen. But as the opponent is poisoned, he tones his "foresight" down. But when he thinks his poison isn't enough. He gets more serious.
  5. Toxin's pretty much an acrobat in battle and has a lot of stamina in order to do his dodging. But he's no Rahkshi of Dodge. He just dodges better the more nauseous his opponent is. So basically Toxin is poisoning Silencer to the point of him not being able to do anything without slipping or things like that.
  6. IC: Toxin "Flail vs. my improvised kusarigama. Time for a more balanced fight." The kunai did their job giving him more time. He undid the darkness and then threw five more kunai. He put one sickle away and had his new improvised weapon in both hands. "Thanks for the chain!" OOC: Don't worry. I'll give it back.
  7. IC: Toxin "Amateur." He grabbed the sickle midair and took the chain, too and threw five kunai, freshly poisoned, at him. OOC: Okay, I need to keep track of Kunai. He has 15 of 33 now.
  8. IC: Toxin "Thank Karz." He picked up 10 more kunai. And had to figure out another way to disarm Silencer, get his sickle back, and knock him out. He stood there ready for anything. Luckily anything Silencer did would be dampened by nausea, and all he would get in the end was endless waves of nausea. "Come at me, bro."
  9. IC: Toxin He mentally facepalmed for letting Silencer take his weapon back. But as he was snatching his flail, he took 10 kunai off the ground and stashed them. This time he won't use them all so sporadically. This time he chucked one of his two sickles like a boomerang. Perhaps if is was fast enough it could puncture some shell. Or slice chain.
  10. IC: Toxin "Yes. Let's." He waited till Silencer jumped. "Still lively, eh? I guess I need to make you so nauseous you won't be able to walk for days!" Undeterred by the field of silence, he dodged to let momentum do its job, and tried to punch and slash from behind. He'll be even more nauseous when his attacks land. "Ready to give up now?" he asked. "Don't make me make this worse for you."
  11. IC: Toxin Luckily, Toxin had been moving around in his armor creating a coating of slime around it, so the blade went under the Kraata. However, he staggered to the left, and tried to throw more kunai from his bag, but too his surprise he had ran out. He pulled out the knife from his neck, and braced for Silencer's attack. Both were forced into melee combat. Luckily, Silencer was more nauseous than before. OOC: Counted 33 Kunai used total. That'll be it. In any other battles later though, he'll be using only 25 Kunai. He'll be using less as he gains access to more ninja weaponry.
  12. OOC: Sorry, misread your post. IC: Toxin Improvising with his sudden flight, he somersaulted through the air while flinging kunai at Silencer. Landing somewhat on his feet, he tries to run and slash at him again with his sickles.
  13. IC: Toxin In a split second, Toxin pushed off the ground, spun around the chains, and tried to flip Silencer over his back. He was having fun in this battle.
  14. IC: Toxin Toxin ducks and roll behind and tries the same trick of throwing five poisoned kunai at the same spots, but as a twist he moves forward to slash with his sickles.
  15. OOC: You mean the chain right, not the ball? IC: Toxin Toxin has forseen this, and blocked the chain with his forearm. He threw the flail behind him, away from Silencer, threw two normal kunai and his elbows, and ran at him with his scythes, grinning madly. The tides of battle had finally turned to his side.
  16. OOC: Okey-dokey. I did say to ignore it, if it was wrong. And I just realized that I did do an auto-hit. Sorry. And why I used a noisy contraption: Rahkshi can't fly indefinitely. Is that right? I think that's right. IC: Toxin Hearing the flail, he backflips over the ball, and pulls the chain, hopefully taking the flail out of Silencer's hands. Since Silencer was inflicted with nausea, it would be easy.
  17. OOC: Don't forget that Toxin left a trail of slime in the dark too. IC: Toxin He went to help Metal. OOC: Waiting for you, Dancing. Fight so that I may intervene later.
  18. On the topic of food. My characters don't really eat the food. Bullseye rather would have whatever food he collect and brings from the mainland to munch. Like Brakas jerky. Toxin doesn't really care, but he likes the taste of Bullseye's food. I still don't have anyone trying to steal Bullseye's foodstuffs though. Also, what are the limitations on Lerahk. And is there room for a Kraata to just slither in place while in its armor? If that's the case, I could move around to create slime, spit it out, and throw it causing uncomfortable feelings and nausea. Because I'm actually battling for the first time and I think it would benefit me and my opponent.
  19. OOC: Toxin is on the other side of the outside of the darkness. I pretty much said that on my last post. But can someone PM or answer the answer to my question about whether there be room for a Kraata to just slither in place while in its armor? It's crucial to know so I can add attacks to Toxin's random battling style. IC: Toxin At this moment he wished to have chains attached to his scythes so could have an even match, but he decided on not walking through the darkness to attack him. He used his Grapple Gun instead to swing above the darkness and threw 3 kunai from above, and then dropped behind Silencer to throw 5 more at his neck, his elbows, and knees. All were tipped with poison. OOC: The grapple gun is one of both of Toxin and Bullseye's extra gear. Bullseye created it 7-ish pages ago. Has one hook that can be only used once and has to be retrieved after battle. So I can't do any aerial assaults like this anymore. Also if contact is the case, than the sticky poison used can distract people with its uncomfortable feeling.
  20. OOC: I guess so. But you have to admit that that was creative. I'll tone it down then. BTW, would there be room for a Kraata to just slither in place while in its armor? IC: Toxin He recognized the chain and its effects and he quickly staggered out of the way, leaving his trail of slime, hoping that Silencer would fall in it. "Have fun!" he thought.
  21. OOC: Toxin can leave behind a trail of slime at Level 1. It makes sense to me that he would pick some of it up to save for later so that he can throw it...C'mon I can't be the only person who can be create enough to integrate different levels of Kraata powers to make custom moves. And I can only do two, too. Also, at Level 4, Poison Kraata can leave behind pools of toxic corrosion. IC: Toxin Toxin reeled backward from the impact of the ball, but managed to quickly throw three poisoned kunai before he hit the ground on his feet. He wasn't sure about his accuracy at that distance. He needed to get out of the reach of his ball and chain, but be still be in range to throw stuff at him.
  22. IC Toxin Toxin jumped backwards barely dodging the ball and landed on his feet. There was no point in throwing solid object. And so he began throwing globs of poison at him. Toxin knew that whether or not if Silencer hit them or not, the poison would splatter around him. One wrong move would get him nauseous and that was what he wanted him to be. OOC: This move is probably an example of using the abilities I have creatively. Level 1 Slime + Level 2 Nausea = Poison Bomber! The poison would splatter around him. Not on him. Remember, Toxin isn't accurate like Bullseye. And does no one realize that Omega and Bullseye are going to attack Siren?
  23. IC: Toxin Toxin saw that the light was coming back and threw 4 kunai (normal) at both the Twins' elbows. He then saw that SIlencer was head towards him. He prepared his nauseous poison by having it ooze on his body. He took his sickles, licked them to add a layer of poison, and began a stance.
  24. IC: Bullseye "Okay." He barrel-rolled behind the Rahkshi with a cloaker and shot a barbed arrow aimed up her back. That probably will be there for a while and hard to take out. He braced for anything to happen.
  25. IC: Bullseye "You're probably right," he whispered. "Perhaps, I could shoot her from behind with a barbed arrow?"
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