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Everything posted by Khromatose

  1. IC: Bullseye "Take her to the infirmary. Just in case." Bullseye walks off to the his dorm. An idea struck him. He needed to replace his weapon.
  2. IC: Bullseye "What should we do with her?" He pointed to Melody, who was still apparently unconscious on the floor.
  3. OOC: I'm back on my desktop! IC: Bullseye He grabbed his arrows, and held his hand out to Omega. "The name's Bullseye."
  4. OOC: The fight did end. IC: Bullseye He finished disposing of the slop and went to collect his arrows from Vaalku.
  5. IC: Bullseye He began cleaning. He saw what Vaalku was doing and shouted to Siren. "You've lost. So stop whining and crying so you can leave with your dignity intact." He thought about the assailant with the flail and made note to beware of him in his mind.
  6. IC: Bullseye He had noticed but wasted no time or weapons against the unseen foe. He kept note of the fact that this person could meld into the walls and darkness and wielded a mace. He won't forget either things.
  7. OOC: I would have something but I cant access them now. IC: Bullseye He prepped a barbed arrow and shot at Siren's elbow.
  8. OOC: Now this girl is on FIYAAA! IC: Bullseye "Siren was choking a felliw student." He told Squid. Me and Omega found it unacceptable.
  9. OOC: Subtle change to my previous post. Now to do something crazy. IC: Bullseye Because he was touching solid, dry ground with his metal body, he let himself be grounded by the electricity before mounting the burning slop on two of his arrows that he shot at her waist. Once the arrows went inside, her insides will be set ablaze.
  10. IC: Bullseye "Smart...but I'm smarter. I had this contigency plan if our friend Vaalku used his powers." He took a small sample of the burning slop and then dumped a vat of water that he took from the kitchen. The slop was too watery to maintain the fire. But it still was electrified. But the electricity was now strong enough to knock a Rahkshi out. Bullseye moved away from the slop. "That's all I've got at the moment."
  11. OOC: I can use my phone though. IC: Bullseye He forgot to use his barbed arrows. He compensated by shooting 2 barbed arrows at her knees. "Try pulling those out withou taking joints along with it," he thought.
  12. IC: Bullseye Yeah, right. He shot an arrow at her knee in order to stop her advance. OOC: Arrow to the knee joke. hooray. Now i gotta go.
  13. IC: Bullseye He rolls out of the way. He decided to taunt Siren. "And who are you to judge names and tactics anyways. You hide like a coward! And your name isn't evil sounding either." OOC: Also, I love how you aren't acknowledging any of the attacks I've done, I threw slop at you.
  14. IC: Bullseye "Yes, but don't forget that this slop can get stuck on you, too." He start take amount of it off the floor and chucking them at Siren wherever the invisible footprints are. "Anyone want to get some more of this stuff out?" OOC: I got tons of tricks like this up my sleeve. Beware fighting any of my characters. >: ) I have to go for a while.
  15. IC: Bullseye "Alright. Let's see you now." He dumped all the slop on the floor of the hall where they were fighting, and it covered a majority of it too. "Now we can see her footprints. And if she tries to jump or fly, there are other things I can use with this slop, too." He took out his bow and put an arrow in it. OOC: BTW, cloaked people can still leave footprints. >: ) MUAHAHAha.
  16. IC: Bullseye Bullseye filled a tray with a massive amount of slop. And to anyone who asked why as he left, he gave a wink and said: "Disposal."
  17. IC: Bullseye "Ugh." He had no time for this cloak nonsense. He needed something. He had an idea. He ran to the kitchen. "Hold her off, I have an idea!"
  18. OOC: And you haven't acknowledged four arrows shot at you. Did it hit? But okay. IC: Bullseye "I'm sorry, miss!" As he saw the blade, he skillfully moved it away and ran back away from the blade. And shot a barbed arrow at where her hand would be.
  19. OOC: Assuming Melody was dropped. IC: Bullseye "I won't miss this time." "Hurry up and move!" he said to small Rahkshi lying on the ground. He shoot 4 arrows down at Siren's ankles and knees. That way no one else can get hit.
  20. I had wanted to make a third guy. Name: Stronghold Variation: Limited Invulnerability MUAHAHAHAHA! Level: 3 Gender: Male Gear: Burning Cestuses Special Gear Ability: The Burning Cestuses can each burst into flames for a 10 seconds at a time when fighting with a minute of recovery in between. They ignite by a lighter/oil system. He has 5 minutes worth of fuel in both gauntlets, allowing for 30 bursts of 10 seconds in one gauntlet, giving him 60 bursts total. The detachables have no effect on the flames. This burst effect is due to his invulnerability not currently applied to fire and heat. Skills: Boxing, Kickboxing, Minor Blacksmithing, Minor Medical Skill, Minor Knowledge of Other Fighting Forms Extra Gear: Detachable Spikes to put on CestusDetachable Blades to put on CestusSpecialized Heat Resistant Hot Plate (Just a foldable mat for repairs)An Extra (but secret) Canister of Oil (Has enough to fill up one Cestus)Currently after his battle with Xara, he decided to get himself a Rhotuka blaster on his chest that deals blunt damage.SkinMail Lvl 2 - His skin wrapped around his armor plates, giving it his Kraata properties. Is currently immune to blades and other pointy and sharp objects. Basically, it's chain mail.Appearance: Grey completely. Just like brother, Bullseye, he is tall, but he's also quite bulky with his armor. His Kraata is also larger in comparison to other Rahkshi. Due to the fact that he repair himself his armor looks a little creased and dented sometimes. He has a full spine. Armor is silver, though. He's currently looking a little black and sand yellow metallic since he's wearing his skin. Personality/Battle Style: He fights like a boxer. Doesn't eat at all. Or sleep...at least when he wants to. After being told about the lies of the Makuta, he wants to also find the truth. Being the youngest of the brothers he is the least mature, but he understand the responsibilities of being a mentor, having taught Punch and Counterpunch the way of boxing and kickboxing as a way to relieve stress. Often wanting to fight, he is very confident in his abilities, but is able to accept defeat. He is also very friendly, unless angered. To make sure he doesn't falter he often trains to keep his skill going up. Behind his calm exterior, when he's extremely angry he acts a lot like a feral Rahkshi. He has never said anything about this to his brothers once. Bio: Born a few days after Bullseye and Toxin, Stronghold was born. They spent a week of bonding before Bullseye and Toxin left. Following his brothers' footsteps, he found a Ghost that was willing to make him a weapon in exchange for helping him enter a temple to get the material needed for the fiery part of his weapon. He basically provided his services as a living shield. Along his way to the academy, he has learned to patch himself up by taking the metal armor from his kraata and crudely bending/molding/forging it to fit his broken armor plates. Also along his way, he learned boxing and kickboxing and met Punch/Counterpunch and taught them this as a way to relieve stress. He joins his brothers' mini group when he finds them and joins the Abyss when Toxin joins for the three of them.
  21. IC: Bullseye "Hey, Omega. You want some backup fire?" He prepped some regular arrows instead of his special ones. If the cloaker was that good at hearing, then shooting her would be a problem. OOC: Thanks. BTW, can someone save Toxin though?
  22. OOC: I just wanted to finish this before I go cuz' I currently got no more tricks up my sleeve. Thanks for the battle. BTW, I hope Silencer and Toxin can be on good standings after this. Toxin mostly just wanted to battle. Metal isn't a friend yet. But hopefully he does become one after all Toxin's done. Just being optimistic here. IC: Toxin In a gasp of blood, Toxin fell. He had lost. He shouted at the top of his lungs. "I will have a rematch! And I will win!" He coughed another heave of blood. "You were a worthy opponent." He sat there, blood continuing to ooze from his mouth. OOC: So...if this guy doesn't get to the infirmary on time, I think Toxin's going to lose a lot of blood. Also I hope someone picks up all Toxin's kunai and returns it to him. Hopefully I get my 1v1 rematch. And man, Toxin is fragile.
  23. OOC: Is the ball coming from behind or from the front? I'm assuming the front. IC: Toxin Toxin knew for a fact that his blood would do nothing. So he was ready to flip over the ball while throwing 2 poison kunai at Silencer. OOC: Now at 8/33 kunai. Won't post till tomorrow.
  24. IC: Toxin "FINALLY. Something to dodge." His adrenaline rose too as he backflips a short distance to evade the ball. He decides to cough blood tainted with some of his poison directly at Silencer's face as a distraction. And while the blood is in the air he tried to get behind him.
  25. If Toxin loses. I bet he'd come back for a 1v1 rematch later. Next time with more ninja stuff.
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