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Everything posted by Observedhalo

  1. I restore the world to its formers glory, and you give me the mask in gratitude. As I see that this mask has caused nothing but trouble, I seal the mask away and guard it with one hundred thousand trillion Mata Nui robots.I am a god and this is my mask.
  2. IC: AthielHe took the pack from her and slung it over his shoulder. "When did he leave? He can't have gone far unless he flew. If that's the case, there's no point in looking."
  3. IC: Athiel The sun was high in the sky, and it was as hot as a furnace. This didn't effect Athiel much. "Where shall we start looking for him? Also, give me a pack. It wouldn't be fair for you to hold it, now would it?"OOC: Had to fix a problem with the water. Sorry it took so long.
  4. IC: Athiel"Good, but we must find Qyntar before we venture off. Please pack up the gear. We must leave as soon as he returns." He exits the door out into the desert, then turns around and says, "Neither am I."
  5. IC: AthielAthiel stirred from his slumber. "Do not test me Vrina", he said harshly. He slowly rose to his feet, feeling rested. "Where is Qyntar? Has he left already?" He slings his spear onto his back and straps on his sheaths. "I suggest we make for Po-Koro immediately. The sun will not wait, and neither will the rahi."OOC: Just like me in the morning.
  6. IC: Athiel"We will start for Po-Koro in the morning and get any supplies we may need. I would recommend you get some rest." Athiel unpacked a sheet and payed down on the floor, falling asleep quickly.
  7. IC: Athiel"Will it be airtight? One leak and yours efforts are fruitless." He started feeling hungry. "Did you find anything in there"?
  8. IC: Athiel"He was done traveling. His people needed him more than I. I wasn't going to stop him."Athiel was very saddened by his departure, but he refused to show it."Maybe one day we will travel together again."
  9. IC: Athiel"He has no doubt returned to Ko-Wahi by now. He travelled the island with me for a while, but we parted ways after he translated the map."OOC: He is Akura, a roleplaying character I didn't repost and for now he's a plot device. You said joking in the previous post.
  10. IC: Athiel"A friend saved me. Froze it solid. It must have had some liquid in its composition."OOC: Choking?
  11. IC: Athiel" It's body appeared to have been made of a Black Mist. Check the cuboard and see what you can find." He points his finger at the small cabinet located across the room. "There is proboly little left in there, and the rest has likely rotted. We may not eat tonight unless you like hunting at night."
  12. IC: Athiel"That's the thing. I never could touch it but it could touch me. It is a necessary risk if we wish to succeed."
  13. IC: Athiel"It was darkness personified with no distinguishable features."
  14. "I am on the plane and say "Would you kindly crash the plane". You find yourself in Rapture and are town apart by splicers. The mask is mine.
  15. IC: Athiel"When I attacked, it simply when through it. It then started choking me. I barely got out alive. "
  16. IC: Athiel "That they are not. I had to use my mask to sneak past them. But that's not the worst part. A creature of shadow lurks within the deepest chamber, which happens to be our destination. It can change shape at the drop of a Koli Ball. and can blend into the dark. I barley got out alive."
  17. A phrase used by Minifigs to express disdain for others who refuse to do what they do. Your such a Takua it won't even humor Toa Matau.
  18. I delete your profile. My mask.
  19. IC: Athiel "We have come to Po-Wahi to access a cavern not connected to the rest of the tunnels. This is were I first found the map. We must recopy the map to find the next clue. The one found in Trem Krom provided little incite, and we would have to come here sooner or later. The mouth of the cave is home to a pack of Kane-Ra, and Nui-Jaga have nested farther within. Our ultimate prize will bring us all great fortune."
  20. IC: Athiel "Prior to the rahi taking the break, I was searching for a marker. I was led there by an ancient map I had found in a cavern in Onu-Wahi. I had it translated by an old acquaintance of mine. After I arrived, I found the marker and wrote it down and placed it in my pack". He removed it from his pack and took out the map. "The rahi attacked soon after and I was forced to retreat without it. It was to dangerous to return until after the demise of Makuta, and by that time I was exploring Le-Koro. It had been months until I learned and set out immediately to retrieve it. As you know, there were still rahi there and part of the map was burned away by lava."He stopped to stoke the fire.
  21. IC: Athiel "Then it is decided. We shall go to the hut. It is not very far from here, only a few miles out. In the morning we'll travel to Po-Koro." Athiel ignites a fire on his spear to act as a torch. " Follow me." After an hour of walking they arrived. The hut was carved into a stone wall and sealed by a heavy door. Athiel tried to push the door open. It refused at first, then slowly started to give. Dust had settled all around the interior. "Good, none have entered in a long while." He sealed the door after everyone was inside. "I will prepare a fire." Athiel opened the lone window. It was cut small to prevent larger predators from entering. He set a pile of dry wood on the cold stone floor and set it alight. There was nothing in the hut besides a few chairs and a table. He dragged three chairs and positioned them around the fire. "I believe it is time to disclose more information on our quest." OOC: I will make it peaceful. Sorry for the time it took me to post. Was playing Burial at Sea start to finish.
  22. IC: Athiel"Is it safe", he asked. He had never flown before.OCC: Didn't expect that. Good thinking.
  23. IC: Atheil"I already have a location in mind. During my days of wandering aimlessly across the island, I spent a good while in Po-Koro. I have a hut a few miles west of Po-Koro. It's up to you two though. It may take a while to get there. Do we camp now or keep going"?OOC: You have legitiment choice.
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