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Everything posted by UngluedBike

  1. Lol nope. I'm not planning on buying it However, I was able to reach the "Confirm bid" button.
  2. I see where you are coming from with 'buddy.' It doesn't really bother me because Lewa had all of two or three speaking lines in MNOLG, and at the time of the Bohrok-Kal the Toa have been on the island long enough to have formed a closer bond with the inhabitants. But none of the inhabitants use that word. Not to mention that Lewa's people in particular use Treespeak, which he himself only starts using in the first movie. That would be more consistent with what you're suggesting. What we need to remember is that Bionicle is a KIDS toyline. Expect inconsistencies. Kids don't pick up on it as easily.
  3. As in, if the winner is international, charge them the auction price, and to counter not being able to add international shipping, ask them to pay for shipping directly through PayPal. You will get a ton more interest if you make it international. Remember, VMKK were only available in the states, so they are more sought after in other countries.
  4. I did look into this--First class mail doesn't include tracking, which is an absolute minimum (along with insurance) when sending something this valuable You could just charge postage afterwards via PayPal.
  5. 2005 would be better if the Hordika were even slightly different from each other. Seriously, they all had an identical head shape!
  6. UngluedBike


    I did link my contest for a while.
  7. I ordered mine from Lego.com on January the 1st. They came in like 4 days.
  8. I love Exo-Force, But let me tell you now, a reboot should be SYSTEM ONLY. CCBS would ruin the original feel that Exo-force had for me.
  9. UngluedBike


    Ehhhh We'll see. At the current rate it looks like there won't even be enough entries!
  10. What do you plan do with these? (nice work by the way )
  11. I want this to be worth it though, I am spending quite a bit of dosh on the prize.
  12. 1: The upper legs 2: Where did the trans-clear Hau go?
  13. You wouldn't be interested in any of the actual Throwbot sets would you? I have one available, long with some Slizer parts if you're interested.
  14. And just a moment ago I was thinking "Those Rahkshi need to be featured on the front page".
  15. And usually, the topic starter prefers to receive items first and send theirs second. Giving out your address can seem sketchy, but if you think about it, the people who you're trading with or buying from are, in all likelihood, ordinary and decent people who would never do anything malicious with the information. And in any case, they're probably pretty away from you geographically speaking, so the risk is very small. -Letagi They aren't exactly gonna spend like $1000 on a plane ticket just to rob your house On a side note, you could use CTRL+F to look up the guy you're trading with in the sales and trading records. If you have more trades/sales than them, then it may be advisable for them to send first.
  16. That's really disappointing. An item like that needs global shipping. Besides, you aren't the one paying for it are you, so why can't you offer it?
  17. Rebuild, and dismantle into bags for each set. Store in a box. Job done. If you want them all built, you're gonna need a ton of shelves. As far as cleaning goes, you can actually get away with hoovering, though be VERY careful about it. The other option is wiping with a damp cloth. Also keep you brother away from your sets. Hope this helps. -Bike
  18. *Galidor Also, that first lot has a few decent items in it, you might be able to get your money back on it.
  19. If I get enough money, I am genuinely tempted to go for it. NOT so that I can open it.
  20. Money is usually sent by PayPal but can also be done by things such as Skrill, Google wallet etc. The only personal info you need to give out is your address, so that the seller can post your goods to you. I would recommend PayPal, purely so that if things turn sour, you can get your money back. Hope this helps. -Bike
  21. That information was later realized to be false.
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