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Nato G

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Everything posted by Nato G

  1. In Bionicle it was usually the story which followed the sets, not the other way around. Just 'cause the story that you think the images you saw represent doesn't match up with what a writer said sometime in the last couple years doesn't really mean much. There's no way to know anything for certain at this point based off the "leaked images" other than what color schemes the characters have and some of their identities. Either way, I don't think you have the basis to decry what you think is going on as "hardly a pro business move", I think LEGO would know what they're doing better than a single consumer working off one or two mostly fuzzy images Have some faith! ^^ I seriously doubt LEGO is gonna yell, "WELP KIDDOS HERE'S THIS THING CALLED BIONICLE, MAYBE YOU SAW IT BEFORE. THERE'S A MILLION THINGS THAT HAPPENED THAT WE'RE NOT GONNA FILL YOU IN ON, BUT HERE'S THE DIRECT CONTINUATION WITH NO CONTEXT! GOOD LUCK, SUCKERS!" I don't really think it would be all that difficult to make it a direct continuation without having to introduce a whole lot of backstory. I mean, if you look at the original start of Bionicle, it was about a bunch of characters on an island with no idea how they got there or why an evil shadow-demon was trying to wipe them out. The mystery was of it all was half of the fun. So I maintain that it would be fairly simple to introduce the new theme with a direct continuation of the Spherus Magna storyline. And on fishers64's point, I don't think it really matters what Greg said. I doubt he gets the final word on everything.
  2. It's actually Galidor 2.0. Is that confirmed, or just an idea?
  3. Just to clarify, the comic con thing was some speculation I read on the Lego.com forum. It isn't even an actual rumour, it was someone else's suggestion, so please take it with an Everest of salt. It'd be great if Bionicle was revealed at Comic Con, but there's been no evidence to suggest that this will be the case. That said, I'd love to be proven wrong.
  4. If they keep to the original story and make the new Bionicle a continuation of the old, I'm wondering how they're going to handle all of the plot points that were left unfinished when the serials ended. There's a long list of conflicts that need resolving: surviving Skakdi warlords, any remaining Visorak, the Baterra, Marendar, the Element Lords, the Skrall Remnant, the Shadowed One, the remaining Barraki and their respective armies, Velika, and the Golden Being. There's probably some I've forgotten, but that's still a lot right there.
  5. Lego already has their own official forums: it's called the Lego Message Boards, and it's been around for about as long as yonder forum as been around. BZP has little to fear. I personally don't like it's layout. On topic though, BZPower will most likely stay the same just we'll probably be talking more about Bionicle than we have for the past 4 years. I think we would also be getting a lot of new members as well... Yay! New members! I hope it comes back just so we can share all of our memories of Bionicle with an entirely new generation, while celebrating it return with the old one.
  6. To all of the people who keep discussing the leaks as the only evidence, it's more than just the "leaked images". There's a small pile of coincidences that have been stacking up, all pointing at the likelihood of a return. I'm 99% certain that it will be returning; the only thing we don't actually have is confirmation from TLG.
  7. We shouldn't rule out the possibility that the revival will be announced then; this year at the Comic-Con has definitely seen Lego announce many things. It's impossible to be sure, of course, but it would really be great if the announcement happened so soon. I'm not too familiar with the idea of booking "slots" at the Comic-Con; could you clarify what those are? I dunno, that's just what it said.
  8. I read a rumour on the Lego forums somewhere that Lego had booked two slots at Comic Con, and that they might be using the extra slot to announce Bionicle's return. It certainly might be a way to get old and new fans interested, but it was mostly speculation, nothing concrete.
  9. I voted yes. There's so much evidence, whether it's circumstantial or leaked or whatever; there's just too much for it to be a coincidence.
  10. Presumably Tahu's Golden Armour killed all of the Rahkshi linked to Teridax, so he probably has all of the powers of all of the Rahkshi, regardless of where they were or weren't during the battle. If they were linked to Makuta, they got fried, and he got their abilities. Which makes me wonder, does Tahu actually still have his elemental power, or has it been replaced by Rahkshi powers?
  11. A new film would be nice, but I think Lego would probably go for an episodic series instead, like they've been doing with some of their other themes.
  12. Maybe I misinterpreted this when I read it, but when Lego said they were bringing out a new Constraction theme next year, I took it to mean new as in not HF, not new as in a brand new theme. I could be wrong, but that's the way I took it.
  13. I don't really see how we can discuss rumours of Bionicle's return without at least referring to potentially leaked information. I mean, the rumour in itself is based on leaked information, so... yeah, I'm a little confused about how far we can go with all of this...
  14. I'm having a thought regarding the potential storyline for Bionicle 2015. I think it might just pick up somewhere near where it left off, and here's why... Okay, I'm thinking if there are spiders being shown all over the place, it might be remakes of all of the Visorak Makuta had serving him. The Rahkshi were destroyed, but we don't know what might have happened to the Visorak. I could easily see this as part of the storyline. The Agori and Matoran are settling in peacefully, when a new Visorak horde led by some random Makultists lead an attack on the new united villages. Perhaps that might explain the random colour choices that have been hinted at earlier. Perhaps these remade Toa Mata are actually hordika. Maybe that mask shown on the box is some way of curing them, or something along those lines. And there's your storyline for year one of Bionicle's return. (we'll ignore the fact that the spider seemed to have six legs. It's a reboot/remake, so they can do what they want, I guess...)
  15. Over the past few days, I've been actively following the ongoing cycle of topics being posted up and shut down regarding the rumours and leaks about Bionicle potentially returning next year. To be frank, I'm getting kind of frustrated by the whole thing. Like a lot of people here, I grew up with Bionicle, and as much as I want to jump aboard the hype train, I don't want to have my hopes crushed. If these leaked images really are from someone at Lego, then the company must know about it by now. If someone has a means of contacting Greg or someone else at the Lego Group, please try to get a definitive answer as to whether or not these images, and the leaked names on the Russian toy site, are legit. That way, we can put the whole debate to rest, one way or another. If this is not possible, is there a way for the community here on BZPower to start a petition of some kind, demanding Lego give us an answer? I would love for Bionicle to come back, but what I would love even more is for us all to stop arguing, and be able to agree on whether or not it actually will be returning. After all, the first of the Bionicle Virtues is Unity.
  16. I think they could easily write the story so that Spherus Magna seems like a new beginning to new customers, with enough old references to keep the older fans satisfied. Hopefully Greg and the rest of the story team stays on board.
  17. I think storyline-wise they could easily pick up on Spherus Magna and introduce it as a new storyline. I mean, they started the original storyline with a bunch of amnesiacs wandering aimlessly around an island with no idea how they got there. They could start it with a nice little premise along the lines of "after journeying for many years, a group of heroes find themselves on a wondrous new world, but all is not as peaceful as it seems..." or something like that. I don't see a new to reboot or change the storyline when there were so many unresolved plot points left to be concluded; the Marendar, the Red Star, the Baterra, the Great Beings, Velika, The Shadowed One, the Elemental Lords... the list goes on. I don't see why they would want or need to come up with completely new material when there's so much stuff left over.
  18. From the way I see it, there are a few pieces of evidence that point to a high probability of Bionicle returning. Firstly, there was a post made on Greg F's page on this site a while back claiming that Bionicle would be coming back at some point. There was some contention as to whether or not this was a troll or prank from a hacker, but that was well over a year ago, and it hasn't been removed. Secondly, lego has said that there will be a new construction theme coming out next year (new as in not Hero Factory). Thirdly, Lego has also said they intend to revive some of their older and more popular themes, and since Bionicle ran for nearly ten years, it was definitely one of their most popular past themes. And then there are those famous leaked images, which don't seem to look like any existing sets. If the images are faked, someone had way too much time on their hands and needs to get a life. So I could be wrong, but I'm hopeful that Bionicle may indeed be making a comeback.
  19. Replying to my own topic, I would like to see a sort of mixture of new and old parts, depending on the character. For example, someone spiky like Ehlek would look like rubbish using the new HF plating, but a more organic, streamlined character such as the golden fusion being, would be suited to these pieces. Characters I'd like to see would be all of the remaining barraki, now that their mutations have worm off, I'd like to see what they originally would have looked like.
  20. If Bionicle were to make a return (and please, don't start a debate about that possibility here), what characters would you like to see in the new line of sets? And what pieces should be used (the new HF plating, or the old Bionicle armour)? Share you thoughts; I'm very interested to hear what everyone's opinions are.
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