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Posts posted by Fry


    I've played pipe organ since I developed an interest in it at the age of 7. I had already played piano, but the pipe organ is my speciality now. I really love Bach.


    My favorite stops are Vox Angelica, Vox Humana (weird choice, I know) Trumpet 8', Principal 8', and Rhör Floute 16'.


    I discovered at a young age that I had a my much better than average ear. I have videos of myself playing Bach's Little Fugue in G Minor at the age of 5 or 6, accurately!


    My pipe organ belonged to Dr. Virgil Fox and I have paper work to prove it!


    The pipe organ is my life.

    Omg Jake you're so obsessed with the organ lol. 

    No... just... no. Stop please.

  2. The Lord of The Rings movies I felt was an unbelievably great movie series and were just amazing in terms of their CGI and action scenes, they are in the top 20 movies of all time, and i feel they deserve to be there, but everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion thats just mine I guess :)

    The Lord of the Rings movies were excellent I meant that The Hobbit trilogy wasn't very good.



    In regards to Hobbit films, I think the first one was good, the second was horrific, and the third, while having some awesome moments, was a particularly mediocre film. They took a small square of butter, and tried to spread it onto a giant sub roll.


    I will keep my DVD of the Rankin-Bass version close, childish as it is, It was in my opinion an oddly better and more faithful adaption.

    The Rankin-Bass version butchered Barad-Dûr. It also butchered the Witch king of Angmar... and the Mouth of Sauron. It completely destroyed the serious tone of the book by making it for little kids. When you read the books you realize; The Lord of the Rings is not for kids. It is more accurate, but I find my self cringing when I watch it. I actually prefer the 1978 Lord of the Rings animated movie.


    He's talking about the Rankin-Bass Hobbit movie, man. It's not a bad little thing, for what it was, honestly.


    Really wish Bakshi got to make the second half of his LotR films, though. The '78 movie's rotoscoping wasn't even finished, I believe.


    Oh, sorry, I guess that I had the Return of the King on my mind >^.^< In that case, I'll have to agree. The movie trilogy wasn't very good.

  4. In regards to Hobbit films, I think the first one was good, the second was horrific, and the third, while having some awesome moments, was a particularly mediocre film. They took a small square of butter, and tried to spread it onto a giant sub roll.


    I will keep my DVD of the Rankin-Bass version close, childish as it is, It was in my opinion an oddly better and more faithful adaption.

    The Rankin-Bass version butchered Barad-Dûr. It also butchered the Witch king of Angmar... and the Mouth of Sauron. It completely destroyed the serious tone of the book by making it for little kids. When you read the books you realize; The Lord of the Rings is not for kids. It is more accurate, but I find my self cringing when I watch it. I actually prefer the 1978 Lord of the Rings animated movie.


    You wonder why people were attacking you in the other topic, and yet you go and make these sorts of statements here. You're certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I think you understand that you aren't really backing any of your statements up, and that you're presenting them in a confrontational manner. 


    Here's a suggestion. Put more thought into your posts, first off, and if you really want people to take you seriously, buy one new set and see how you like it before making final judgment. Then you can actually make a much more valid argument if you still dislike the new sets. 

    Maybe if anyone on this site had respect for someone who disagrees.


    Omg right?!

  6. People will make more comments in passing on YouTube than they would on BZPower. A person who writes "Bionicle 2015 sucks" might actually feel "Bionicle 2015 is a disappointment because of *blah blah blah* " If they wanted to discuss what they didn't like about Bionicle, than they would do it on BZPower. If they wanted to make a simple comment, they would do it on YouTube.

    Nobody is going to start a thread just to say a simple comment (well, I've done that but that's not the point). You understand?

  7. I love J.R.R.Tolkien and there was no topic about Middle Earth, so I figured that I'd start one. Well, ere' goes.

    The latest Hobbit movie was okay, in my opinion, though it had way more 'filler' moments than Desolation had. *SPOILERS! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE, LOOK AWAY!* For instance, they stretched out the battle between Thorin and Azog way too long. It didn't have to be half of the movie!

    When you're working off of a book that you can finish in the time it takes to watch ONE of the movies based off of that book, you know that somwthing isn't right. Don't get me wrong, the movies aren't bad, alot of the 'filler' comes from books like the Silmirillion, so it isn't inaccurate 'filler' but I found myself really feeling this movies length.

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