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Posts posted by Fry

  1. I am Turaga PrismWind. I still very much prefer 2001 but it'll be interesting to see a Bionicle TV Show. Unfortunately I think that it will be rather cheesy but whatevs
    Whatever I'm still buying them so my argument is kinda pointless.




    Edit: Watch out for that leaked information. Go with what we have from LEGO!


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    Seriously, regardless of what Black Six claims, I really think Lego is teasing its fans!

    Could be... we'll just have to wait and see...

    What do you think I'm doing? You've any idea how difficult that is!?!?? *runs over ceiling*


    # Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow is only a day away!! #

    Yes, but the reveal's not tomorrow, it's on Friday. :P

    Can I sing it now? Can I sing now!?

    (Actually, it was 1 am here when I wrote that, so its still tomorrow XD )

    NEW FROM LEGO 2015... THROWBOTS! What if this is a giant troll and it's not Bionicle? Lol

    Throwbots failed, Bionicle was a 10 year success. Why would Lego do that?

    I find it amusing that everyone is just throwing random theme names out there without looking at the evidence. So far, it looks like Lego Reading Rainbow. :P

    The return of Lego TMNT!!!!



    I find it amusing that everyone is just throwing random theme names out there without looking at the evidence.

    I looked at it at least.


    i think Lego Shrek is a risky company decision, but i can see it working in the long run.

    Why Shrek?? Shrek's been there and gone. Is Dreamworks coming out with a 5th movie? A series? Books? Comics?

    If no, then I really don't see any point...

    God, learn to take a joke
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  3. Bionicles back. Whoopty Doo. I, personally, feel that we as a community should start preparing for Bionicles return. This is a golden oppertunity. We have a whole year to get things going again, whatever those things may be. So... Any suggestions?


    I will admit that with Legos eye on Bionicle (and us) we'll have to really keep in mind that "Big brother (I wonder who) is always watching" so to speak.


    ...This is also a good oppertunity for the Bio-Media Project...


    Speaking of which, I think that a cool name for our Bioicle generation is "Pre Reboot/Return" Insted of BC and AD it's BR and AR



    It seems the Kickstarter failed at just the right time. Shapeways has gone ahead and introduced full colour plastic printing, which will almost halve the cost of the final products since we no longer require the use of dyes. It also means we can potentially add extra designs to the parts, and maybe even a MNOLG Pakari disk, and that we no longer have to simply estimate the colours, but can now exactly match them to 2001 parts. Since the material is currently in the testing phases itself, I had to sign up to gain access. I'll keep you guys informed.


    Also on the suggestion of one of our.. interesting posters on our seemingly dedicated TTV episode, XONAR is beginning work to set up a website for the game. To that end, we have decided that when enough progress is made, we'll be releasing the game episodically as Templar did back in 2001, and then ultimately the final complete product after the last chapter is completed.

    Will we have to wait like a month and a half for each episode to unlock like back in 01'? Can't it be a week or something?
  5. I am like the only person at my school who even knows what Bionicle is. One of my best friends, Abbie (DonutTree here on BZPower) Only ever joined here because I made her :) She stalked this guy called DorkPool until she started kikking him and he blocked her. It was so funny!!! But anyway, only I know about Bionicle, my friends and I talk about Vine, Instagram and whatever else is on our minds. I swear, if I hear another word about Cameron Dallas or Nash Greir, I'm going to have a flipping meltdown.

  6. I fail to understand the trend of "Bionicle is unfair" topics that have been going around...

    Am I the only one who isn't disappointed by Bionicle? I never really had any expectations. The only thing that really bothers me is the build quality towards the end. In all seriousness, Bionicle is a masterpiece compared to some other lines... and I'm surprised that Lego actually came up with such a cool story, 2001 especially. I guess that I am a little disappointed that they left the whole mysterious feel of 2001. Well, never mind, I am really disappointed that LOMN wasn't released, but that's about it. The fact that a Lego toyline has even a remotely good story is amazing in and of itself so I wouldn't be complaining. 

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