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Posts posted by Fry



    As a programmer myself, I think you guys should not misinterpret the phrase "we could have ironed [the bugs] out in a week max" and think that, if you were to get your hands on the last build, it would be quite playable. It actually means that the bugs are very very bad! Glitches that ruin the whole game tend to be very easy to fix - they're easy to see, easy to reproduce, and easy to tell when they've been finally fixed. Subtle glitches that can be worked around and don't significantly affect gameplay (that is, the type of glitches that we hope it has) are significantly more difficult to find and fix.


    So you'll probably need access to the source code in order to get the game completely playable, rather than just the last working build.

    I also happen to be a computer programmer. Watching the level 1 videos, the only glitches I see are the onu-matoran are textureless, which is probably not a glitch and just that they didn't get to add details yet, and the death glitch going down those stairs. The stairs are spaced to where you wouldn't get damaged, but the glitch given you enough damage to kill you. A programmer, like myself, could easily create a Patch to go with that part that lets you safely land with no damage.


    Actually, when the videos were first uploaded, I distinctly remember RedQuark saying there were a number of glitches in the game but Deep Brick had edited them out of the videos to make the gameplay as close as possible to what the finished thing would've been like.


    Where was that?


    As a programmer myself, I think you guys should not misinterpret the phrase "we could have ironed [the bugs] out in a week max" and think that, if you were to get your hands on the last build, it would be quite playable. It actually means that the bugs are very very bad! Glitches that ruin the whole game tend to be very easy to fix - they're easy to see, easy to reproduce, and easy to tell when they've been finally fixed. Subtle glitches that can be worked around and don't significantly affect gameplay (that is, the type of glitches that we hope it has) are significantly more difficult to find and fix.


    So you'll probably need access to the source code in order to get the game completely playable, rather than just the last working build.


    Who cares about subtle glitches or even if the gameplay is good? I don't want a copy because I want to have fun playing it, I could buy a modern video game for that. I want a copy because it was the canon 2001 BIONICLE story line. Sure I'll hack around anything major that stops me from playing through the game, but small bugs, nah.


    Same. At the end of the day, it still looks better than *gags* BIONICLE: The Game though...

  3. My conversation with Pohatu:


    "Hello, my name is Jake. Way back in 2001, Saffire was working on a game called BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata-Nui. The game is about robots of different "elements" (Earth, Water, Stone, Ice, Air, Fire) fighting to save their island. According to the games credits, you were on the dev team as one of the "Data Wranglers". I was wondering if you still had a copy of this game. Thank you for your time, thanks. -Jake.S"




    "I did work on that game, but unfortunately I do not have a copy of it. I certainly wish I did though."




    "Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. Seeing as you did work on it, do you remember the state it was left in when it was canceled? Also do you know anybody who might know some thing about its whereabouts? Appropriately, a game called Legend of Mata-Nui has become a legend in and of it self!"




    Out of curiosity, how did you know I worked on the game? I do know a couple of people from the old group, but I have lost contact with most of them. -LISTS NAMES- As far as e-mail addresses, I do not have those, sorry.
    A very old video had a scene from the credits and you were in it as a data wrangler www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuQwM_mK_fE These are the credits. Somebody who had a copy for the game uploaded this video for it www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKrJI4TENG8 but nobody knows who he was as he decided to stay compleatly anonymous. He has had no activity for almost four years. So, I decided to try finding the game by using the credits. Since you actually worked on the game first hand, can you tell my why it was canceled? Also, what state of compleation was the game in when it was cancelled 50% 60% 70%? Thanks.
    "The game was mainly canceled to budget issues.  911 didn’t help the economy much either.  There were some bugs in the game, but that was not the major reason. If we had the time, we could have ironed them out in a week max. The game was approximately 75-80% complete."
    "Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. This has really shed some light on this old canceled game! Thanks again, Jake.S"
    And that's it for Pohatu.
    • Upvote 4
  4. Why can't you post it for everyone to see?

    Sure, as soon as I get home. I will have to edit out any names though


    I was planning on waiting till I got everyone's responses but it's clear that most of them will not reply. Recently, a one of them saw my message for the first time even though it had been sent in June.




    I contacted 8 developers


    According to TrashBoat and Pohatu, that never happened, it was just a rumer to explain how DB had it. The 8 beta disks are impossible seeing as how "no official Beta test took place"

    That's pretty well established.

    I, personally, believe DB to be a lego employee myself. Lego got a new build every week

    Do you mean an updated CD every week?

    When I get home, I'll PM you the entire story.

    Who are you talking to here?

    1) Yes, Lego got a new build weekly.

    2) I was talking to TheDarkSide

  6. Actually, I have one big question that I've been asking myself for many years.


    If the game was never released, how do we know that 10 Beta Discs exist?

    Especially if DeepBrick is the only one who has come forward to say "hey I have the game".

    Why have the other 9 people never come out to say they have it?

    Why has the 10 discs never come up on Bricklink or eBay?

    Edit time! I'm finally at a computer. Anyways, there were no Beta Disks ever released to the public in any way. Who knows where that rumor comes from, probably from someone trying to explain how DeepBrick had a copy. DeepBrick never actually came foward to the public. He only ever communicated through RedQuark (BZP name) Mark Durham (real name) MarkOfMod (youtube name) *NOTE those names belong to one person in case you didn't know*. My opinion is that DeepBrick is a Lego employee who has a build (seeing as how Lego got a new build weekly) and Mark managed to get into contact with him. Keep in mind, this is the same person who owns a Sand Tarakava for reasons that (he couldn't reveal). 
    So yeah.





    Great! I'd assume that we will be seeing this game sometime in early 2015, correct me if I'm wrong. I am really interested in that remastered music, can we get a sample of it or would we have to wait for the release? :3


    I doubt they've even started on that...


    Though if you have started work on that... even a 30-second preview would be pretty exciting (since I'm a music buff).

    And you would be right about that. We never even confirmed that the music was going to be included at all since we do not currently have a music producer capable of the quality standards we wish to meet.

    Ohhhhhhhhhh... I can actually help in that department. Need anything?
    • Upvote 1
  8. Alright, a quick random update, while as XONAR mentioned, little progress has been made on the game itself as of late, I was just informed today that my Shapeways account has been approved for the use of full colour plastic for printing! As soon as I get an acceptable texture from Vrahno, I'll go ahead and order that backpack prototype, then a new Pakari if that turns out well.


    I am sorry for the delays on the game itself, but I personally have no experience with flash, and that just leaves XONAR who currently has a lot on his plate. If anyone else would be willing to fill in for him every so often, it would be greatly appreciated.


    As usual, we'll keep you posted. :)

    Great! I'd assume that we will be seeing this game sometime in early 2015, correct me if I'm wrong. I am really interested in that remastered music, can we get a sample of it or would we have to wait for the release? :3

    • Upvote 1
  9. Funny how this lines up so perfectly with Bionicles return. I thought this game was lost to legend, but it seems you might actually have a chance of obtaining it.


    Good luck to you sir, I will definitely be following this thread. Keep us posted!



    Just read through the thread, hopefully luck stikes out, but you're making a great effort. I'll be checking on this thread!



    Thanks guys :)

    Anyways, while I am waiting for email reply's, does anyone have any suggestions on possible LoMN owners?


    Unfortunately, I just talked with volume air. She says that after she left the UK, she no longer had a copy of LOMN. She did wish me luck though. :(


    That must be pretty recent because the last time I talked to her, she was still residing in the UK. She has an active eBay store, so I'm hoping it didn't end up getting sold on there. 


    What's her eBay?


    More Disappointment. I just talked to "PepsiCola" and he told me that, while he did work on the game, he didn't in fact own a copy as it belonged to Lego. Wonderful.

  11. Well, looks like I wasn't alone XD



    Proto: first. Dermis: Skin layer. Protodermis: First Layer. 


    This makes sense because in MNOG, the protodermis layer was the last thing separating the Mangaia from Onu-Wahi. I never actually put two and two together... :(


    That's one of the hints at Mata Nui's true nature which we didn't pick up on until much later. "Dermis" is entirely appropriate because the protodermis layer which the Onu-Matoran couldn't break through is implied to literally be the "skin" of the Mata Nui Robot. Of course, later on Protodermis began to be used for anything and everything... but at the time, the meaning was quite explicit.


    I didn't notice that either.

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