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Everything posted by Tuuli

  1. I mean it looks great I just wish you had not made him so multicolored... Maybe if you had evenly distributed the colors I think it would have been even better. Though he does remind me of Okoto the island itself with the "slices" of colors/elements. I thought that was pretty cool.
  2. Great, nice when you admit that money drives your decisions... I guess I'm not worthy enough for this site because I didn't give you any money. Wow. I love the favoritism. Nice administration.
  3. It's awesome but...Giant robot confirmed.
  4. I like the colored masks, my disappointment when no mask packs though.
  5. The thread was revived by none other than Binkmeister, one of BZP's founders, who actually had some valuable perspectives to contribute (y'know, as the mask's original owner and all). If there's ever a justifiable topic revival, it's this one right here.No no, that's just [...] favoritism. In other words, sorry the rest of us don't have a gold mask. Now let's be fair. Bzpower founders need to play by their own rules, I really don't care who or why but you made these rules now follow 'em.
  6. Yeah they are quick to lock my month old revived thread, but I guess they have their favorites...
  7. Tahu's real mask is the mask of time. That's why it has a distinct "T" shape, for Tahu!
  8. The world could do with some more Bionicle
  9. The only one I could think of was replacing the Keetorange shells on Lewa and replacing them with the trans green shells, to up the trend of trans pieces and to give him a more jungly look.
  10. I have a quite a handful of kraata, countless kranas, a few metru disks. Kanohi: Pohatu's great masks Gali's Great masks Red hau, pakari, akaku, miru, ruru, matatu Lewa's great masks and Tuuli's ruru Onua's great masks and ruru, Matatu, huna White miru, pakari, akaku, kakama, kaukau Golden masks except akaku Gold mask of time Mask of time *3 Takanuva's masks
  11. Is it possible to replace the red with dark red shells?
  12. Cool thanks it's sometimes hard to find the time for it with work and all but yes I appreciate it
  13. We've all been fans of Bionicle for a really long time, long as we can remember. Bionicle has been a great part in my development as a child it always inspired me to do more, it made me create characters who had to socialize with eachother in order to survive in their world. But after Bionicle ended in 2010 I slowly began to stop playing with my toys. I didn't really build anything else after that either. When Bionicles recently came back I was thrilled, to no end! But now, midyear I think I'm finally beginning to lose my imagination. Can that happen? Can we really lose something as important as imagination?
  14. The mahiki had circuits running to it, not a microphone. What, does Matau need a mic near his mouth AND his forehead?
  15. I hate gender in Bionicle. Causes too much unwanted discussion and unwanted theories and ideas.
  16. Brings me back to the good days
  17. What is a Tufi piyufi the moc looks great
  18. I didn't want to be corrected I wanted to know your thoughts on the matter, thank you.
  19. What if the matoran and other denizens of the matoran universe have to wear masks because they are in the presence of a Great being (Mata-nui) and their faces are not worthy? Tell me your thoughts about this.
  20. Lego just needs to hurry up and give us mask packs and quit making rare exclusive BC
  21. I was looking out for the Maskers 2 honestly
  22. Tuuli


    I don't want to see anything else from Bara Magna, we just got out of that sandpile, and I still have sand stuck in my gearbox so please no more agori, glatorians, vorox etc. The story would get bland again with those characters and don't tell me they aren't bland.
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