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A revamp inspired by the new golden Ninjago hook element.
Okay, just got Gali done…for the second time thanks to corrupting the first one I made just when I started rendering shots. So easy to see what I wanted her to be, more slender and “femanine” without going overboard. I did want her to have the original shoulder armor but sadly coulden’t find a version anywhere that works in Studio. She is taller than Tahu but shorter than Onua. As for weapons, she has the usual, Mata hooks, Nuva blades and for the replacement to her Ghost blaster I thought it would be fitting to make it a sniper type harpoon gun. (Also her poses are firect references to her Mata and Nuva canister art. And a couple of group shots Nice relaxed scene. Onua chills, Tahu, squats and Gali…well Gali Meditates and well floats.
I brought a Gali mata from ebay in 2019 and it came with a canister, a bonus mask and a chewed back gear. can somebody tell me the name of the back gear on gali and somebody wants a canister and a translucent blue noble kanohi ruru? i will post it on ebay anyways. IMPORTANT INFORMATION i am underage so i may use some of my parents personal information on ebay i am brazilain so how much does a 2001 toa canister with a translucent blue noble kanohi ruru worts in BRL$?
After looking at the designs I had for Gali, I realized she didn't really look the way I wanted her to; she looked too much like a girl instead of a woman and her outfits just looked kind of bland and generic. Plus, I wanted to give her body and face more diverse features- part of what I want to improve on is adding more exaggerated features so everyone won't look cookie-cutter. I also really wanted to try incorporating the old lore of the Bionicle universe into The Halfway, especially tribal values. In this piece, I wanted to flesh out the connection between masks, heart lights, and the metallic spine a bit more, since they are all connected to each other in this universe. Basically, because of major catastrophic events from the past, everyone needed to have a metallic spine and "heart light" (status gauge) implanted into their bodies: In short, the machine acts as a barrier between the person and the liquid they need to function (Energized Protodermis), allowing it to be transferred into the body without destroying it. This keeps the person healthy since without it extreme symptoms of deprivation begin to show: extremely dry, cracked, and scaly red skin, glazed over eyes, difficulty thinking clearly, and strong feelings of exhaustion, pain, and discomfort. Without proper levels of EP, the masks they wear will not mould to the face and their power (if any) won't work. Masks can be taken off for a brief amount of time, but since they help regulate EP to the face, the person will begin feeling weak and their face will turn ashen in colour, eventually leading them to pass out in extreme cases. The heart light acts as a gauge, it's colour of light indicating how much EP is left in the body and when it's time for a "refill". The colour can range from bright yellow (fullest) to dark red (lowest), with various shades of yellow, orange, and red in between. Once the light starts turning orange, the symptoms of deprivation start to show little by little, often starting with itchy skin. Keeping the heart light yellow is part of the Great Spirit's Way, and is part of the duty of every Matoran. *** Overall, I'm really happy with how this one turned out, as Gali has a lot more of the cultural flavour that I wanted her to have, especially with her tattoos. The Ga-Matoran highly value purity as one of their principles, which is represented by the white tattoos they have on their bodies. Primarily, the tattoos are done around their heart light and metallic spine, but some Matoran have them on their arms, legs, and torsos as well. Originally it was supposed to be a reminder to have a pure heart in devotion to the Great Spirit and his Way, but devolved into a "I'm better than you" competition between Ga-Matoran to see whose heart light was "purist". No one is quite sure why the tattoos were chosen to be white instead of yellow, since yellow is generally the colour of light and purity on the island. But keeping with tradition, they still use white anyways. **I know it's a lot of info at once. Please let me know if you'd like it in smaller doses and I'll try to break it down to make it more digestible.
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I realized with the last few posts I had made, I gave you guys HUGE info dumps about the characters and their background, and after seeing other info dump post on the internet, I'm SOO sorry I just loaded everything on you at once! Please forgive me DX From now on, all the large details will be placed either on my Patreon site (which is free to read) or in my journal on Deviant Art. I change the style again, since I really want to emphasize the size and shape differences between each character. I think what really helped me flesh out how I wanted Gali to look was thinking more in terms of "feeling" rather than just straight esthetics or tribal design - especially when it came to incorporating her personality, temperament, and element (water) into how she looks. I think this was the most challenging part of her redesign- shaping her overall design based on these elements- and her body type. And Gali is a curvy lady! (with like, no boobs.) So I decided to look into how to dress for pear-shaped bodies, focusing more on details on the top half of her body rather than the bottom. I've also added some shell armour for her (since she is still a Toa after all!), including a conch arm shield and shell shoulder guard. Normally I'd be posting with her mask on, but I wanted you to see what her face looks like before I slap that sucker on there. The mask picture will be posed in DA my journal for now.
This piece has been a long time in the making and I'm glad to finally be able to show it off to you guys! I made it in entirely from scratch in Blender 3D and did the editing in GIMP. Here is a link to my Deviantart page where you can view it at full size and even buy a print if you'd like to have this bad boy hanging on your wall: Link Feel free to zoom in and see all the small details in the armor and the grungy texture of the metal. One of the things I'm really proud of with this piece is the inclusion of the muscles, something that is often left by the wayside when making Bionicle artwork. I thought it would kind of make sense to have the muscles look a little more artificial and having them also be Gali's complementary colors helps them pop and add visual interest to her color scheme. Another interesting decision that I made with this model was to actually hand draw the eyes rather than having them be actual geometry. I decided to go for a more cartoony look for the eyes because I felt that it allowed more room for expression than the mechanical eyes that I've tried in the past. Aside from the face the model is actually fully rigged and ready for animation - the muscles stretch and contract when the limbs are moved and the pistons and various other pieces all function as you would expect! this was a big undertaking for me and was something that I felt was really important to include. I'm not actually an animator though, so I probably won't be making any videos with this model. If you're into animating with Blender though feel free to shoot me a message and I'd be open to letting you use the model provided you credit me! Thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed seeing this!
My entry to the building contest. I mainly wanted to remake some of the toa to have a better balance of greebles/ccbs, but also to make what I thought shadowmatoran would look similar to. I still can't figure out how to put pictures on here. But, here's the album with all the pictures.
Hey everyone! I have come by an opportunity to get my hands on one of the coveted Inside Tour trans-blue Gali masks from 2015 and was wondering if there might be any interest in it here on BZP. This mask will probably never be cheap enough for me to justify keeping, but I am more than willing to bring it to market here for the right price! To make it worthwhile on my end, I would be looking to get somewhere in the range of $900-$1000 USD, which I know is steep, but for a collectible this rare that is harder and harder to come by I think it is reasonable. The packaging is in superb, near-mint condition, and as far as I know has never been opened. If I can get one or more committed buyers to comment here saying that they are interested, I will go ahead and obtain the mask and bring it to market here. If there are several interested parties we'll do an auction as I've done with other collectibles in BST. Otherwise if there is only one person interested I will simply reserve it for them. Let me know in the comments below if you are interested, and if all goes well I'll have the mask up for sale on here in a short while! Thanks for looking! -Sam
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I was just at LEGO Land in Billund, Denmark (woo!) and I noticed that there was next to no BIONICLE sets left, however both phase 1 G2's Lewa and phase 2 G2's Gali were in massive leftover quantities, left in bargain bins while a mix of other G2 sets remained at full price on shelves. Looking back, was there just less love for the G2 Lewa and Gali sets, or do you think it was a coincidence at one of LEGO's most highly visited stores? photo credit
hello bzp didnt know if you were still around since i havent been on since like 2007 anyway was in the mood to draw a boinnkle preview image: version w/o effects: CS2, maybe like an hour but i was doing other things too
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Just an idea if the lego group decided to go with a more Nuva design for the 2016 toa using some of the Star Wars contraction pieces. I chose Gali as the subject cause she was the easiest to make. Pictures http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_1.jpg http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_2.jpg http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_3.jpg http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_4.jpg http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_5.jpg http://www.brickshel...nuva_2016_6.jpg Comments and criticism appreciated
Hi, I am looking to finally complete my 2015 collectibles. Does anyone have in their possession the Trans-Dark Blue Mask of Water and are willing to sell it or perhaps trade it for a reasonable price? i have some things for trade if you are looking for just trades thanks edit: one item i have for trade is a sand tarakava replica if anyone is interested
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Okay, so the powers that Toa have are pretty well established. They have an elemental power, a mask power,can make Toa stones, protodermis seals, form Kaita, etc. Matoran have low-level elemental power that manifests as elemental resistance (mostly... sorry, De-Matoran) and cannot use mask powers. But then there are the oddballs. Characters using powers that don't come from their mask or element. The most common one is receiving visions of the future- Vakama is the most obvious example, but it's also happened occasionally to Kopaka, Gali, and a few random Matoran in the MNOGs. What's interesting is that the visions are similar to those granted by a Mask of Clairvoyance in that the user doesn't control when they occur, and the images and sounds they experience are somewhat abstract in nature, rather than being a literal depiction of what will happen. Perhaps the mask simply hones or enhances an ability that is theoretically already present in all Matoran and Toa? Or do those who get visions "naturally" have a glitch of some sort that makes it happen? There's a lot of evidence for Gali having some sort of general psychic ability- the Hapka books depict her as empathetic and perceptive to the point of near mind-reading other Toa, she levitates herself while meditating in MoL, and she can create some form of mind-link with Takua (it could be a manifestation of the latter's Av-Matoran power, but the fact that it only worked with Gali, and that it's sustained over distance, suggests there's something else happening here). It looks as though Gali has some abilities similar to what a wearer of a Mask of Psionics might be able to achieve, though possibly at a lower level or with much less precision. And then there's a character even Greg couldn't explain- Kapura, who moves very slowly but can get places almost instantly when he needs to. Vakama has apparently trained him in using this ability by getting him to hone his focus. Kopaka once said of his elemental powers that the power came from within- "the sword is but the focus". What if the same was true of mask powers- what if they were powered by the users' own energy, but the nature of the mask took the energy and focused and shaped it into that specific power? (Side note- Is there any evidence to suggest characters experience fatigue from using mask powers a lot?) What if some individuals had mutations or glitches in their AI that allowed them to access and shape that energy without a mask? I imagine it would be particularly rare in Matoran, who normally can't use masks anyway, but Vakama might have recognised a potential in Kapura that was similar to what he himself experienced. What do you think? How would you explain all these "bonus" powers?
I finally got my signed Gali poster back from the framer! I won this at the BrickFair VA 2015 live charity auction. It's signed by the artist (and designer of the Gali: Master of Water set) Matt Betteker. I knew I wanted to preserve it in as pristine a condition as possible, so I ended up spending more to frame it than I spent on the poster itself. But it ended up looking fantastic, and I'm eager to find a place to display it.
Combiner models need more love and the transparent blue elements from Kopaka and Gali plus Kopaka's ice sword elements cried out for an ice dragon rahi. I also experimented with the new gearbox and leftover parts and ended up with a golden ice scarab with nice gear-powered movement. What do you think? More photos here, including gif and video of the scarab's motion.
Sometimes when I'm feeling MOC stuck, I'll build a quick sketch MOC to keep myself building and see what I'm feeling. I don't usually take pictures of these, and I don't often even finish them! But I liked how this turned out well enough to keep it around. That's the only photo because, again, it's a quick sketch MOC. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!
I’ve been struggling to come up with designs for the new versions of the Toa, but then I finally got inspired. They're Mesoamerican-inspired instead of Polynesian. (Except for Pohatu, he's an Aborigine) Gali's chestplate pattern is now on her necklace, and I made the mask into an eagle warrior-style helmet.The spikes on the kaukau reminded me of an axolotl’s gills, so her helmet and armor is based off of one. All six Toa have a gauntlet on their right hand. They can use it to summon their armor and weapons for battle so they don't have to carry them around all the time. Convenient. Also I just realized that everyone but Kopaka is barefoot. Maybe the Toa need to be connected to their element, and shoes can block the absorption of natural energies? Sure let's go with that. As for Kulta, I imagined him as a sorcerer type. Once an Okotan high priest who oversaw burial rites, Kulta now uses his necromancy for selfish gain and refuses to let the departed rest. The face paint he wears is made from powdered bone, this is why he is known as the Skull Grinder. Though his army is formidable, the souls he commands are trapped in weakened, decaying forms. He desires the mask of Creation so he can use its power to form new bodies to place his bound souls in. Though he commands a skeleton army, he is not undead himself (or at least he looks less decayed). I still need to come up with a full body design, but for now here's his head. The black and orange skin is what he might look like after absorbing the power of too many elemental masks.
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Hello everyone! I was wondering if any of the people who went on the LEGO Inside Tour would be willing to post some pictures of the exclusive Gali mask that was handed out on the tour. That would be awesome! I'm sure other members would like to see pictures of this as well. Thanks, ~KopakaFan116~
So, today I was thinking of redesigning my mask rack, which held seven Golden Masks of Power aswell as my trans-orange Mask of Fire. While contemplating certain designs I came up with in my head, a new thought approached. "Why not make a rack for Gali's Shark Fins?" I mostly did this because I was tired of Gali holding the "Shark Fins" in her left hand. She was initially holding them in her left hand because I was also tired of her holding the Elemental Trident, which as a lot of us know, is very heavy. Because of its heavy weight, it would sometimes fling Gali's right arm down. A photo album of my creation can be viewed here.
- I'm not a MOCer but one of my friends just posted a 4-armed Gali, so I had to one-up him. Finally a use for those exposed ball joints on the torso! Also added some friction joints because the extra arms made her top-heavy.
- a tumblr user posted a haul of goodies from a Lego inside tour including a transparent blue Kaukau/Mask of Water. It is the rarest g2 mask released so far at only 200 pieces, and from the packaging looks to be exclusive to this specific event. This is absolutely unfair, and in my opinion a bit of a jerk move from Lego. Gali was known for her transparent mask, yet she is the only Toa so far to not have a transparent or partially-transparent mask. I know that the clear Hau was also an exclusive, but 1,500 pieces is a lot more than 200. Lego knows that a transparent mask for Gali is one of the most-desired variants, and yet they make hers the rarest. It also strikes me as a little bit sexist that the sole female character's mask is the hardest to obtain.
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There seems to be a conflict between the animations and the character bios regarding Gali's harpoon. First, let's refresh our memories about Gali's equipment. Gali's full bio can be found here. Elemental Trident (it's really a double-bitted battle axe with a trident-like thing on the bottom): In Gali's "adrenalin mode," the trident disassembles into the Harpoon and the Shark Fins. Harpoon (the one that I have a question about): Shark Fins: ... Does anyone else see the problems? Specifying that the harpoon is a land weapon implies that the Elemental Trident is used underwater. Doesn't that make the Shark Fins useless? The "Elemental Trident" is really a battle axe. Battle axes don't work underwater. Also, it's listed abilities (creating tidal waves and heavy rain) don't make much sense underwater either. If Gali uses the harpoon on land, where does she put the Shark Fins? (This is dealt with in her "Power Up" mode.) Harpoons are designed to strike and capture underwater targets.The animations clearly seen to agree with my analysis. Gali is first shown underwater, using her Harpoon and Shark Fins separately; she is later shown on land, using them as the "Elemental Trident." The only possible explanation for this that I can see (and it's really a stretch), is that the description for the Harpoon is referring to the "Power Up" mode. Here, the Shark Fins are combined with the Protector of Water's "Elemental Torpedo Baster" (I didn't make these names, folks), and the remaining harpoon is stored on her back. One could reasonably assume that the upgraded Elemental Blaster is her underwater weapon, and is switched with the harpoon when she fights on land. One could just as easily assume, however, that the website is wrong (and we certainly have precedent for that). I don't think we will have an answer until we actually see the combinations in story. What do you think?