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Everything posted by Tuuli

  1. Function: Flight Appearance:Great Miru
  2. Not enough room in the story? Am I really hearing you say this?
  3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/21/Africa_satellite_orthographic.jpg
  4. We all know the infamous Toa of air from Generation 1 that was always being controlled by an infected mask here and a Krana there, but has anyone ever thought that he may be under control again? Of course you did, and this time it's a filthy skull spider! My prediction is that the Toa will have to fight Lewa while under the influence of a skull spider. Also take note that Skull Slicer, the jungle warrior, is wearing a silver skull spider mask.
  5. They have enough power to shape the land and who knows how far that can go.
  6. That would be completely sucky and dumb if their colored masks had NO power at all. They do have power, just need nearly as much as the magical golden masks. I would hate to hear that they were wearing pointless masks that did nothing besides cover their faces.
  7. It should be noted that Bionicle is taking a throwbot/Slizer approach with the pie slice island and the planetary storyline.
  8. Bringing it all back now.
  9. Where my pearl gold mask of time? I'll trade ya for dat yep
  10. I want the Jungle Axe. Give me the jungle Axe! Noticed I said 'jungle' instead of air.
  11. It could be another giant Robot, helping Mata-Nui achieve his goal in the universe as the second robot helper that lifts Mata-nui from planets and does other things like have it's own interior shell where all the revived beings live and work.
  12. The last good set I opened was Kopaka master of ice! Extremely awesome set 10/10 would recommend.
  13. Seriously? Where?A really old toyshop from back in the day "Smith's"
  14. I liked the earlier, more "voodoo" years of bionicle mainly 2001-2003 saga on the island of Mata-nui which is to date my always favorite location.
  15. Sell that mold on Shapeways so we can get custom protector mask
  16. Looks cool but I really hate MLP no offense.
  17. ARRGH SO FRREAKING JEALOUS!! -wiggles little matoran arms trying to reach for the mask- D:
  18. Adult bionicle. I just hope it doesn't become THAT kind of adult.
  19. Because everything was made of Protodermis for a reason, it is basically the building block of life for Bionicle(no kidding?), and that everything in the matoran universe was made of protodermis meant that they were creations by the Great Beings, I personally liked the idea of this because it is similar to cells or atoms, and they all build up as part of a bigger biological system, and I really think Protodermis should come back to G2, because everything in the Bionicle universe is protodermis, and we should keep it that way! And I don't really want to think the Toa and protectors are made from anything else but protodermis. It's like they are made out of iron without it
  20. I agree, just no more Agori. I am so done with Bara magna and Gresh that it isn't even funny. I'm ready to go back to my island paradise.
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