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Everything posted by JAG18

  1. Last night I had a dream where I was dating a model (the power of just asking), but then she turned out to be kind of clingy and a psycho, so by the end I kind of ended up regretting it.  Oh well. 

  2. Live to be 200 in the current time period so I can see things all work out in the end. WYR have a robot that cooks or does laundry?
  3. Sorry not sorry. :P Yeah, at first I tried to pose Pohatu so that he was kicking Thok kind of like how Vakama is kicking Kongu, but I couldn't keep Pohatu up so then I looked at his fingers and thought, "This could work..."
  4. Today, I got the box containing all my BIONICLE sets down from the top of the closet for the first time in probably a couple of years or so. Giant nostalgia blast. I decided to take a picture to commemorate the moment, but to make it funnier I posed them all duking it out in a huge side-less battle. Can you spot everything wrong with this picture?
  5. JAG18

    In Your Opinion

    Speaking as a guy who's favorite holiday is Halloween, my traditional time is Oct. 1-ish. I guess if it's general autumn decorations then maybe mid-to-late September is fine. Marginally related, I once remember seeing on this TV show, some guy who celebrates Christmas everyday; eats like it's Christmas, opens a present, and I presume keep the decorations up year round. Whenever that guy comes to my mind I try and imagine what the Halloween version of him would be like.
  6. You wanna talk about huge, one of the benefits of having Axonn and Brutaka was I was able to build Botar and see him in all his glory.
  7. Brutaka is such a great set to build and look at; he and Axonn are two of just a few sets I still have on display.
  8. Real. WYR be able to see into the future or the past?
  9. A qualified yes. I grew up listening to contemporary Christian and Christian rock music because of my family, but my music tastes have changed a lot over the years and now I only listen to a little Christian rock for nostalgia's more than anything else. Do you like found footage/mockumentary films?
  10. I think it could work if it was like "Animorphs" and the minifigures had dragon head pieces like the ones LEGO made for the old wolfman figure. Maybe it could also have a small constraction side line too. I think it would be hard for LEGO to have a military theme.
  11. No sense of smell. WYR have your favorite candy be discontinued or your favorite restaurant go out of business?
  12. Eventually, yes. Should you always say "You're welcome," after someone says "Thank you," to you?
  13. Scuba diving, but only because my fear of falling outweighs my fear of sea life. WYR have X-ray vision or heat vision?
  14. No. Have you ever ridden a horse (even one outside a grocery store)?
  15. Get prosthetic limbs. WWYDI chickens suddenly went extinct?
  16. No. Have you ever wondered what your 10/11/12 year old self would think of you now?
  17. Draw because I've at least done that before. WYR suddenly wake up in the Star Wars or Star Trek universe?
  18. No, but sometimes at work I forcibly cram a package into a space until it fits. Would you try the meat of other animals (e.g. cats, dogs, penguins) if it was legal, available, and affordable?
  19. Begin work on the greatest The Shadowed One cosplay of all time. WWYDI the boogie man were real?
  20. Essays. WYR want ghosts or aliens to be real?
  21. Nope, but I have an OK singing voice. Is every movie better when viewed in a theater?
  22. Yes, although I'm sure a zoologist would disagree with that. Are full moons scary?
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