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Some Random Phrase

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Everything posted by Some Random Phrase

  1. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik was forcibly jolted back into conciousness by the telepathic communication. He sat up, saw the three Makuta arguing, and through a combination of the shock, and the surrounding emotions, he collapsed again with a thump on the floor.
  2. IC Feraz: Hearing teh bit about multi-dimensions, Feraz turned to Venga. "Oh, we mastered that tech ages ago", he bragged, "You don't need a Gem for that."
  3. Yeah, Feraz is right there and just asked what was going on/
  4. I'd like some clarifications on Deraz's "Sixth Sense," please. For example, how quickly can he receive the information? Fairly quickly. It's usually just a way of noticing things he might have missed otherwise, like someone he might glimpse out of the corner of his eye, but not notice.
  5. IC Feraz: Feraz looked up. "Er, what did you say about gemstones?"
  6. Move. If you woke up in New Atero as a Glatorian one day.
  7. IC Feraz: As he walked through the hallways, distractedly typing on FIDAT's keyboard, he had no idea where he was going and therefore did not notice that he was heading right towards Miril. IC Therex: Therex ran towards Hollis, endeavoring to show that he did not intend to attack.
  8. How would one hear these rumors? Overhear it from a couple NPCs, what?
  9. IC Nilax: As he clambered down and hopped to the ground, Nilax thought about improving Tactivs's shoulder gun. So far things worked quite well, but one had to keep making improvements or you risked becoming comfortable and letting your guard down.
  10. IC Nilax: Finally, it was finished. Tactivs' hand twitched as Nilax rebooted the Jaeger. Then he turned it off and clambered out of the Conn-Pod
  11. Feraz would be happy to come. I just need to make an actual post with him. Where are the people interested in questing, anyway?
  12. IC Nilax: A loud clanging was heard from the Conn-pod of the Jaeger Tactivs. Nilax was inside, repeatedly whacking a wrench with the handle of another in an effort to get it to move. A few wires were loose behind this panel, and the last bolt was being very stubborn.
  13. Shark will be happy to show him to a private room and demonstrate to him how he intends to commit his next murder. (But seriously though, Shark's getting to have quite the queue. Now that Sliver's thrashing Rain, she could well wind up alongside Tea-Rex's characters, possibly Karzfire, and anyone else who manages to annoy Shark anytime soon. I'm starting to worry he'll never get around to doing it all.) And Optis will be happy to listen up until the point at which there's a knife next to his throat, at which point he knocks it to the side and dives out the window screaming comically.
  14. IC Therex: Therex sighed. He wasn't going to let someone be killed without a chance to fight back, but he also wasn't going ot get into a situation he couldn't handle, especially if the other person could handle themselves.
  15. Name: Deraz/Mocletir Species: Toa/ Experimental Makuta Mask Faction: Cultist of Power/Weapon 1 & 2: The Mocletir has the power to transform the user's body into a kind of extremely viscous liquid. This composition renders the user impervious to sharp weapons and most types of blunt force, as the user can just reform their mass, and allows them to slip through extremely small spaces. This ability has limited offensive abilities, as follows: The creation of tendrils out of the user's mass. However, this use of the power depletes the user's body mass, meaning they can only use one or two significantly long ones at once. The user cannot return to original form unless their mass is in the normal shape. Power/Weapon 3: A sort of 'sixth sense'. As Deraz and the Mocletir share the same body and senses, the Mocletir can use Deraz's senses to notice what Deraz could have missed and inform him. Appearance: A normal-height Toa, with an odd mask that is constantly shifting. When tranformed, appearences vary, but he is always a sort of gooey metallic color. Bio: Deraz was an average Toa Hagah originally. His timeline progressed fairly normally, but instead of the first Hagah immedietly rebelling when they discovered the Makuta's corruptness, they covertly informed the other teams. Deraz snuck into his Makuta's lab, where he found an odd mask; the Mocletir. It bonded to him, and taking control of his body forced him to escape. After some time, he was vworped to the Cult, and the Mocletir still controlling his body, he ended up as a Cultist of Fear. The Mocletir almost never lets him control his own body, and instead he is forced to watch as his body is forced to do terrible things. Personality/Other: The Mocletir is cruel and sadistic, little better then an animal with a cunning intellegence. Think Venom from Spider-Man. Deraz has become grim and overly serious, burning with rage against the Mocletir. A far cry from his previous, carefree, personality.
  16. This coilgun's basically equivalent to a gunpowder-based weapon. Has to be, to conserve power reserves.
  17. IC: Scriva - Sota Coliseum. Of course, since Scriva and Therex were both moving forward at the time he ducked, she tripped right over him and crashed to the ground, skidding across the sandy floor for several more bio before coming to a stop. "Stop what?" she hissed, picking herself painfully up off the ground. "Trying to escape this place? No way." IC Therex: Sota Coliseum Therex picked himself up off the ground, experimentally flexing a finger and wincing. "Trying to kill people. That's crossing the line, big-time."
  18. I'm sorry, but saying that you grabbed another character and threw them is an autohit, and I'd like to request that you please edit this post. SOrry. Fixing. FIxed
  19. There's really not much to tell. Unless someone asks him for specifics, this is all the explanation I intend to give: Dang. Note to self: Have Optis eventually decide to conduct interviews of everyone in the school for research purposes.
  20. *Faints of surprise* EXXAN"S ACTUALLY BACK Now I expect a massive post of exposition explaining how he made it back.
  21. IC Optis: Optis watched, spellbound, as the Rahkshi fought in a display of magical energies. One unleashing wind here, the other using cyclones with great skill. IC Fog: Fog turned and walked into the school, heading for the Armory. He needed new weapons. More importantly, he needed to learn to fight. r
  22. Removed plasmacaster, nerfed cordak launcher, and clarified the Tactical Payload Delivery System's mechanism.
  23. I can Nerf the cordaks when I get home, but the launcher is nothing like a railgun. It just uses magnetic fields to substitute for gunpowder.
  24. IC Therex -Sota colosium: Therex bent over backwards, easily avoiding the punch, then with lightning speed stood up straight next ot the punch, and attempted to grab Scriva's arm and flip her over his shoulder. "Stop it.", he growled. OOC: Therex fighting Scriva.
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