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Some Random Phrase

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Everything posted by Some Random Phrase

  1. Can lvl 2 Mind Readers track one mid? I know they can sense them, but does that extend to tracking one specific one?
  2. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik, from his lofty and somewhat slowly-moving position, had a very good view of things. So when Exxan shouted something, Mar'jik spun in place... And saw Illusive and Silencer going up against a Rahk with a plasma-covered sword. Mar'jik addressed Exxan. "Permission to engage?" he asked, idling twirling his chakram.
  3. IC Clockwork: Once he had removed a certain amount of ornaments, Clockwork cut off his flight and landed with a painful clank in a side street. Ow. He then began slinking back along the houses, slipping ornaments in through any open windows he saw. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik dropped his load off near the Twins and left to collect more ornaments. He left just as the fight began. OOC: Can Mind Reading lvl 2 identify minds along with sensing them? Like could they track one person in a crowd?
  4. IC Shatter: Shatter ran up to Recoil, his Hammer a blur. "What hurt Dodge?"
  5. IC Shatter: Shatter's palm crackled with pure destruction as he reached out for an ornament. On contact, the fragile decoration exploded, showering Shatter with fragments. He walked toward Recoil, leaving a wake of decoration fragments in his wake. He kept a peice of each destroyed ornament for proof.
  6. OOC:Construct, Shatter just asked to join Dodge's team, BTW. IC Clockwork: No. No. Dang. Way. Clockwork was not going to do this. He quickly calmed down, anger replaced with the cold reasoning of an Accuracy Rahkshi. If he openly rebelled, Tridax would probably do something unpleasent. Much better to be subtle. He could'nt think of a team to find. Solo was a better idea. He zoomed off over the rooftops, grabbing ornaments and making a careful note of which houses each one was for.
  7. IC Shatter: Paniced,Shatter looked around for a team to join. There. A Dodge Rahk with a couple slots left. He ran up to teh rahk and said "Can I join your team?" IC Mar'jik: Menial. This task was downright menial. But so long as the headmaster was pleased. Glancing at Exxan, Mar'jik hurled a chakram at an ornement's hanger. It sliced through, embedding in the wall, and a quick movement allowed Mar'jik to catch the ornament before it shattered. Mar'jik then levitated up to retrieve the chakram,before flying on to retrieve the high-hanging decorations. He swooped towards the Twins, hoping to deposit his load.
  8. IC: "Most likely some sort of competition, possibly more combat. Possibly some type of scavenger hunt." Mar'jik said.
  9. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik thought a moment. The last thing he wanted was a leader who was inept or reckless. This Exxan rahk was a scholar. And in teh land of books, patience was a virtue one learned early. And this was how Mar'jik decided to walk over to Exxan and stand with the rest of his team.
  10. Wait, Phogen's team is filled?
  11. IC Shatter: Shatter glanced at the hobble the the practiced eye of somebody who specializes in blowing things up. "I can probably do what you want." he said warily.
  12. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik walked to the Causeway, using his ability to home in on the crowds. IC CLockwork: Clockwork walked to the causeway,carrying his satchel and cringing with every limping step. His legs were still not fully functional. IC SHatter: On his way to teh Causeway, Shatter noticed Glass and Xara.Falling into step beside the two, he made a wave of acknowledgement. "Hey."
  13. IC James: James sat at his desk, playing an old-fashioned game on his tablet. The game was virtually ancient, having been recreated countless times by nostalgic programmers. This one was one of the more faithful recreations. James suddenly gritted his teeth in frustration as the endgame message flashed on the Pac-Man recreation. James then opened his email. he was bored.
  14. I'd like to clear something up: Clockwork was assassinated by his assassin. Not his target.
  15. Why do I get the feeling that "Sorry boys, I can't let you do that" is a reference?
  16. Name: James Declax Fletcher Alias: Quantum Age: 28 Allegiance: N/A. He prefers to work for companies with slightly less questionable morals, however. Appearance: He's short and loks childish, with a mechanical-looking cyber arm in place of his right arm. The cyberarm is red-and blue, with shiny blue digits. Personality: James is a bit childish, and prone to melodrama, but is otherwise fairly quiet and shy. Skills: James is skilled at hacking and using the Internet. Augmentations: He has a cyberarm in place of his right one. it looks mechanical, with red-and blue. The fingers are blue, and the last joint in each one is made of multiform particles, which are useful for several things. The index multiform particles double as a port for the inbuilt LIME device. The LIME is merely a file transfer device that is wirelessly synced to his Taurus Qpad Equipment: VR/AR contacts and behind-ear earbuds. Both are connected to his main device, which is a Taurus Qpad. The Qpad is a higher-end tablet made by Taurus to compete with teh many IVX tablets on teh market. Weapons: Little besides a pair of brass knuckles. Cyberspace Environment: The Cyberspace Environment he bought and modified consists of a large factory, with conveyers and bubbling vats of molten metal and chemicals. Data is represented by steel boxes attached to cranes movign along tracks on teh ceiling. ASPs: The environment came with motion sensors that alert James in real life if they are triggered. James also added steel claws on the end of robotic arms designed to grab intruders. Cyberspace Abilities: In Cyberspace, James's arm has the ability to shoot energy blasts and create energy disks, which he uses as shields. The disks can take three hits before dissipating and have a cooldown of 15 seconds. When outside of his environment, James can launch homing minimissiles\ Weakness: James is not very strong, and reletively unschooled in physical combat. Bio: As a youg boy, James lost an arm due to an infection. He got a very crude artificial arm, and became a freelancing hacker after turnign 18. He talks little about his past, but it is known that he came from a poor background and managed to work his way up to where he is now, having teh money for his advanced cyberarm and Qpad.
  17. Are you out if you're killed by your assasin but have not taken down or been killed by your target?
  18. IC Mar'jik: Boredom was powerful.Mar'jik raised a hand,despite knowing all too well how badly suited he was for this.
  19. IC Mar'jik: Mar'jik walked into the washroom, having the detected an unusual mind concentration. One there, he stared about, and got himself some cake. He tasted it and immediately found it to his liking.
  20. Mar'jik edited. And sorry, I didn't see your previous post.
  21. OOC: Shatter wasn't a participant. He just ended up helping Xara.
  22. Is Mar'jik okay without the power boosting?
  23. IC Clockwork(Party time): Clockwork still hurt. After being given to Palma, his armor had been fixed enough so that the pain wasn't enough to actually knock him out, and then he was put back in it. From there he had gone to sleep. Waking up the next morning, the pain was still there, and it was still bad, but it was bearable. He still had to take it easy though, which was annoying. As he brooded, a sound reached his ears. A strange sound. It sounded like music.
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