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Some Random Phrase

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Everything posted by Some Random Phrase

  1. IC:Shatter Shatter considered his options. "I'm in." he told Xara.
  2. IC Shatter: "If you must.",Shatter says, drawing his weapon back. "I'll come. But Xara owes me a rematch."
  3. IC Arsenal: The Vahki blocked and fired Command bursts ordering the Rori to attack teh rest of the Hammer directly at the Rori's head.
  4. IC Shatter: The Panrahk was walking into the Refectory when he saw some Rahkshi trying to skewer another with yet another standing gaurd. Man. Some Rahkshi. I mean, he understood if it was assassination. That silly thing, sure. Fun but silly. He hadn't volunteered. Was too late. Anyway. he was pretty sure actual death was a bad idea. So, Panrahk rescue force to the, uh, rescue. Shatter spun his Hammer before launching one of the metal balls at Xara IC CLockwork: Clockwork stashed his books on a reasonably out-of-sight pillar and began flying through the Causeway.
  5. IC CLockwork: Books in hand, teh Rahkshi walked towards the Chirox Causeway. He daren't leave them in his dorm. Anybody could see him leave and wait for him.
  6. IC CLockwork: Suddenly thinking of something, Clockwork walked into teh library, still appearing sleepy. Once out of sight beyond the bookshelves, he began to keenly browse the shelves, grabbing the occasional book. One of them was a two-inch-thick book on Toa, how to find them, how to avoid them, and most importantly, how to stop them.
  7. IC clockwork: Clockwork awoke, annoyed as he remembered yesterday. He had gone to Phantom-on-the-Water, and found nothing useful. He resolved today to get some work done. He purposely acted sleepy as he opened his dorm door and made his way down the hall. First he intended to find a weapon, then he needed to find Palma. He had heard that she was teh person to ask if one needed to know something about Kraata or Rahkshi.
  8. Good point. My issue is that there are likely no Lerahk with enough power to make anything potent.
  9. Part of Clockwork's bio is that he already knows the Ghosts on phantom-on-the-water fairly well for a Rahkshi in teh academy. Is that okay? Oh, and if one wanted to use poison for the assignment would one have to get a hold of actual poison? And are Rahkshi vulnerable to Doom Viper Breath?
  10. IC CLockwork: Clockwork zoomed down the halls, headed for the CHirox Causeway. He paid little attention to the fighting students, and once at teh Causeway, soared upwards.
  11. I wonder if Phogan would be interested in gadgets... I.E. traps and launchers and the like.
  12. Name: Shatter Variation: Fragmentation Level: 2 (SOmebody started on level 3. How does that work? I'd like to up Shatter to 3 if I can, since stage 2 Fragmentation is pretty useless) Gender:M Gear: Shatter has a meteor hammer, mostly because the maces were taken and he thought it looked cool. He doesn't carry much else. He has some carving tools in his dorm. Appearance: Shatter is slightly taller and bulkier than the average Panrahk. He greatly dislikes his natural hue, and has painted himself a brighter orange, almost the orange of Pohatu Phantoka. Personality: Shatter is fairly carefree, but likes chaos. Not so much in the form of events, but in the form of fragments of things. He considers a shattered object beautiful, and once spent a week carving a detailed statue, only to take it, once it was done, to the gym and smash it to pieces. He then looked at the pieces for hours, before cleaning them up and taking them to his dorm.Despite this... odd hobby, he is known throughout the school and has won many gym tournaments. He is very skilled with his weapon, and though opponents often laugh at him using what amounts to two metal balls attached by a chain, they soon eat their words. Bio: Shatter named himself after the first thing he did: Shatter his vat when he came out of it. His unusual choice of weapon drove him to seek somebody who actually knew how to use it. He eventually found somebody and dove into his training wholeheartedly. Other then that and the previously mentioned statue incident, his life is fairly normal for a Corpus Rahkshi student. If anybody wants to hear my opinion on the assassination subject, I was planning to have Clockwork go for the chemical aspect. That and booby traps.
  13. IC Clockwork: The Accuracy Rahkshi clambered onto the stage for two reasons: First, he was in a unique position to win, having both a knowledge of machinery and also being an Accuracy Rahkshi. His second reason was that his target might be that Kaulsirahk who had dropped mush on him.
  14. IC Clockwork: Inwardly fuming, Clockwork gathered up his things and went to the gymnasium.
  15. IC Clockwork: Under normal circumstances, Clockwork would have noticed teh slight tipping of the bookshelf, keen as his eyes were from watching minute movements in teh innards of his clockwork creations. But at teh moment,he was engrossed in the textbook. So when the bowl of what was optimistically called food fell on him, drenching him in muck, he was understandably surprised. And angry. Most people would be when somebody they didn't even know dropped muck all over themselves and their book. So Clockwork immedietly looked up, grabbed the nearest object which happened to be another textbook, and dropping into a crouch, hurled it at teh kaulsirahk. The accuracy of this was unconciously enhanced by Clockwork's natural power.
  16. IC Clockwork: The Rahkshi sat on a chair, poring over a machinery textbook. He was researching impact-resistant armor plating. His clocks and little robots kept falling off the shelves. Fortunately, the library had many books on armor.
  17. Name: Clockwork Variation: Accuracy Level: 2 as of the start of the RP Gender: M Gear: A satchel full of precision tools. He also has had his fingers modified to be smaller and more suited for working with machines. He has a small extremely sharp knife, but rarely finds use for it, preferring to tinker with his projects. Appearance: Slightly smaller then the average Rahkshi, with more laid-back spines. He has painted gear symbols on his wrists and shoulder plates. Personality: Clockwork is a quiet Rahkshi, who feels that rushing is a surefire way to get killed. He would probably make a better general or inventor then he would a fighter. Bio: Clockwork did not name himself immediately, as he felt that he wanted a name that would reflect what he was good at. He could not figure this out for a while. He wasn't too good in the arena, Better then average but not wonderful in the mind games and strategy exercises that the school made all the Rahkshi do, and simply disastrous at the agility courses. He was also teased for having no name, until he accidentally broke one of the Porters. Not wanting to get in trouble, he opened it up and tried to see what was wrong. He quickly saw that a gear had been knocked loose, and using his knife to carefully wedge it in, fixed the machine. He then realized what he wanted to name himself, and from then on, began to devour the machinery textbooks, assembling himself a set of tools. He eventually went to Nynrah and got his fingers modified in exchange for allowing teh Ghost that modified them to look at the energy conduits that ran his armor. Oddly enough, Clockwork's hobby was not discouraged by the teachers. Perhaps they understood that some individuals could be more useful developing innovations then on teh front lines?
  18. IC Gresak: After his little skirmish, Gresak was angry. A target had slipped out under his nose. But as Gresak scanned the snow, he saw footprints. He began following them, jogging to warm himself up.
  19. IC Gresak: The Skakdi looked at the Matoran walking steadily towards him. This was what Ko-Koro used as soldiers? "Oh well.", he muttered, "I shall show them their folly.". And with that, The Sniper fired. The blast hurtled towards the Matoran... And suddenly the Matoran was not there. He was a foot to the right, looking at Gresak and continueing his pace. Gresak growled, rising to his feet and putting his rifle on his back. So what if the Matoran could dodge? He was still no match for a Skakdi trained to kill. Gresak pulled his Patero launcher from his belt, pressurized it, and fired a projectile at teh Matoran. Suddenly a bamboo disk was in the air, on a collision course with the dart. The Matoran had moved so fast Gresak hadn't seen him throw the disk. The Matoran broke into a run, and Gresak did too, holdstering his Patero gun. Gresak charged at teh Matoran, his fist out, and suddenly he felt a hard kick in the back that sent him sprawling. He got up quickly, and blocked the fist that was sent hurtling towards his face. He kicked out at the Matoran. The Matoran tried to dodge,but not fast enough and was sent spiraling into a snow drift. Gresak threw a grenade and ran. Moments later, a boom told Gresak, along with a scorched Kanohi that was flung into the air, that the Matoran was no more. OOC: There you go, Timageness!
  20. TBH, I would've been happy with any fairly light-toned color scheme. .
  21. A humming filled the air momentarily as the staff buzzed and returned to Arsenal.
  22. IC Fotioks: A small Su-Matoran leaves a bar and walks toward the train.
  23. OOC: WOuld MOrtem be visible to a Skakdi hiding next to a snow drift with telescopic vision?
  24. IC Gresak: The Skakdi decided to take out the good guys; THe villains were more likely to pay him. He looked for a likely target.
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