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Some Random Phrase

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Everything posted by Some Random Phrase

  1. IC the Shadow: A De-Toa lay against a rock, having been drained of energy. This was the Shadow, who had shapeshifted in order to avoid drifting apart from himself in smoke form.
  2. IC Kama: Nervous in the dark, Kama reached into his pack and pulled out the VOrtixx-made flashlight. He opened the shutter halfway, letting enough light to see by out, but not enough to reveal their presence excessively.
  3. IC Kama: "I volunteer!" Kama shouted before he could stop himself from his hiding place he had gone back to after putting Lariska back in her cell.
  4. Name: Zivuch Species: Male Bota Magna Zesk Powers, Abilities, and Skills: Zivuch has no natural powers, but he is a skilled climber and burrower. His modifications allow him to burrow rapidly. His stinger is sharp, as he is somewhat obsessive about it, but has no venom. He is quick, but not a good jumper Equipment: He wears a backback with some special climbing claws in them, but as they are hard to put on and he doesn't usually need them, these are at the bottom of his pack. He also has a sharpener for his stinger, and some tinted goggles to help prevent glare. Who: Zivuch is in general fun-loving, adventurous, and obsessive about keeping his stinger razor-like. He is extremely sensitive about his Bara Magna reletives, and is apt to lash out at anyone who insults any Zesk or Vorox. He looks like most Zesk, but with a slight red tint and a bigger stinger that is very shiny. Backstory: Zivuch has lived here as long as he can remember. His memory isn't too good, however. He never fit in very well, so he decided he might as well come.
  5. I like both new comics. A lot.
  6. Name: Zivuch Species: Male Bota Magna Zesk Powers, Abilities, and Skills: Zivuch has no natural powers, but he is a skilled climber and burrower. His modifications allow him to burrow rapidly. His stinger is sharp, as he is somewhat obsessive about it, but has no venom. He is quick, but not a good jumper Equipment: He wears a backback with some special climbing claws in them, but as they are hard to put on and he doesn't usually need them, these are at the bottom of his pack. He also has a sharpener for his stinger, and some tinted goggles to help prevent glare. Who: Zivuch is in general fun-loving, adventurous, and obsessive about keeping his stinger razor-like. He is extremely sensitive about his Bara Magna reletives, and is apt to lash out at anyone who insults any Zesk or Vorox. He looks like most Zesk, but with a slight red tint and a bigger stinger that is very shiny. Backstory: Zivuch has lived here as long as he can remember. His memory isn't too good, however. He never fit in very well, so he decided he might as well come.
  7. I'm going to be unavailable from Monday-Sunday, but once I'm available I plan to join.
  8. Well, this is a little awkward. I'd already mentioned his arrival down in there, hoping top get Arsenal into the action quickly. Here: Do you want to go with that or keep RPing his trip down? Oops. I'll go with what you had.
  9. IC the Shadow: The spear hit home, badly wounding the Shadow's arm. Desperately trying to shapeshift, the Shadow transformed partially into smoke, then finished. Now freed from the magnetic grip, he began to fly around Zarrick, hoping to confuse and disorient him.
  10. OOC: Oh. IC Ahktu: Being very tired, Ahktu just lied on the stretcher. IC Arsenal: The Vahki watched the injured miners. Nothing more could be done, so he just monitored them.
  11. OOC: It is, but the SHadow shapeshifted, via his natural power, into a Skakdi that does have metal components. IC the Shadow: The Shadow fired a haphazard beam of Laser vision. It was pretty inaccurate, due the the fact he could not aim properly, but it would hurt if it hit anything.
  12. OOC: The Shadow has no resistence to magnetism, so unless there is some other circumstance, the freeze should have worked. IC the Shadow: The Shadow swung his sword at the cover, hoping to knock it off course.
  13. IC the Shadow: The creature looked at the vechicle. It glowed.... GLowing generally meant it had some kind of energy component... And the Shadow knew that there were many ways to use energy to harm a creature of smoke. On an impulse, the smoke swirled together and took the form of a purple Skakdi. A sword suddenly popped into existance in the Skakdi's hand. The Shadow slunk forward, trying to be silent.
  14. OOC: What's a Hexagon? IC the Shadow: In a dump somewhere near the Hexagon, the noises woke a creature. It drifted out of it's tunnel as a puff of smoke, and began to make it's way toward the sounds.
  15. IC Ahktu: "My name is Ahktu." Ahktu managed to cough out. IC Arsenal: As the Nuurahk's charging sequence finished and the Vahki lumbered out of his hut, he overheard two excited citizens talking about something. Arsenal caught something about a cave-in in the mines. This immedietly triggered a priority sequence calculation in the Vahki. The calculation took a total of ten seconds, but finally the core programming of a Vahki, prevent chaos and restore order, kicked in. Arsenal was going to go find out what was going on. OOC: I hope I'm not powerplaying here, I just wanted to give Arsenal some action.
  16. I really like this, especially the Metru armor plates. The back is a little jarring, though. I also like how you used real hand pieces.
  17. Name: No one knows. He has never told anyone, and is never recognized enough to be named. For the purposes of this, I'll call him the Shadow though. Sex: Male Species: Krahka's. Powers: He can shapeshift into any being he has seen before, gaining their powers in the process. He can also combine forms. He is skilled at combining traits from many different individuals of the same species to look like a completely different individual. Skills: Combining traits from many different individuals of the same species to look like a completely different individual. He is also skilled at changing shapes rapidly. Other then that, he is reasonably skilled with Laser VIsion he copied from a Skakdi a while ago, as well as elemental Sonics powers copied from a De-Toa. Equipment: I don't know if Krahka can copy Kanohi, so for the purposes of not being OP, he cannot form and use masks. He can convincingly look like he is wearing one, however. A power copied from a Skakdi he encountered a while back allows him to form weapons which he is famileir with. Appearance: He often uses the form of a smoke creature, and looks like a shadow in this form. Other then that, he also sometimes looks like a Hau-wearing De-Toa or a purple Skakdi. Personality: Shadow is very nervous about interacting with other beings, and is very protective of his home, a small tunnel network under an abandoned dump. He is also distrustful of surface-dwellers, a term he applies to mean anything other then a Rahi. History: He lives here. He arrived on a shipment of fish before the city sank, and made his home under a dump. He is alive due to the fact that no one has found his home and been clever enough to get him yet.
  18. IC Ahktu: Ahktu awoke with a start. The air felt heavy, and Ahktu could see little colored light dancing about his vision. HIs throat hurt. He tried to dig his way out, his claws weakly scratching the edges of his little air pocket. SUddenly he realized something. He could hear faint voices. With a sudden burst of energy he began to dig at the top, where the voices came from. Suddenly the dirt gave way, and a rush of fresh air flew in through the hole. He began to climb out, still weak.
  19. Name: No one knows. He has never told anyone, and is never recognized enough to be named. For the purposes of this, I'll call him the Shadow though. Sex: Male Species: Krahka's. Powers: He can shapeshift into any being he has seen before, gaining their powers in the process. He can also combine forms. He is skilled at combining traits from many different individuals of the same species to look like a completely different individual. Skills: Combining traits from many different individuals of the same species to look like a completely different individual. He is also skilled at changing shapes rapidly. Other then that, he is reasonably skilled with Laser VIsion he copied from a Skakdi a while ago, as well as elemental Sonics powers copied from a De-Toa. Equipment: I don't know if Krahka can copy Kanohi, so for the purposes of not being OP, he cannot form and use masks. He can convincingly look like he is wearing one, however. A power copied from a Skakdi he encountered a while back allows him to form weapons which he is famileir with. Appearance: He often uses the form of a smoke creature, and looks like a shadow in this form. Other then that, he also sometimes looks like a Hau-wearing De-Toa or a purple Skakdi. Personality: Shadow is very nervous about interacting with other beings, and is very protective of his home, a small tunnel network under an abandoned dump. He is also distrustful of surface-dwellers, a term he applies to mean anything other then a Rahi. History: He lives here. He arrived on a shipment of fish before the city sank, and made his home under a dump. He is alive due to the fact that no one has found his home and been clever enough to get him yet.
  20. Well, Ahktu can't really do much right now, being KOed and all.
  21. I like. Really unique concept, and I really liked the line about 'More like the time he went to Orlando and brought back teh Brotherhood of Makuta'.
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