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Makuta Miras

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Everything posted by Makuta Miras

  1. Maybe it was only the Golden Kanohi which were destined to become Kanohi Nuva?
  2. But then what do the Toa do with the mask? How do they defeat/destroy the bad guy?
  3. I agree with you, Makaru, but remember, the Ignika was only made available in gold in 2009, three years after it was originally introduced, and even then, it was only available in an overpriced titan set. So I'd say that unless the Mask of Creation is actually going to be worn properly by someone, it will probably only be released as part of some type of special event or limited bonus piece, like the Vahi was.
  4. I can PM you a picture of the cape with a ruler next to it (Courtesy of ~The 1st Shadow~) to use as a template to cut out a DIY cape, and as for the 06 Ignika I would suggest looking on Bricklink. The one you need is the lighter grey one, as the titanium-coloured version was used as shoulder armour for Maxilos in 07. [Edit] Do you have a gold version of the Ignika, the one which came with the Toa Mata Nui set? I'm trying to make a Triforce of Legendary Masks, and I have a Vahi already.
  5. First off, congrats, Wiser Whenua! The next generation of Bionicle fans is coming... Anyway, on-topic, I got into Bionicle in 2007/08, my first sets being Dekar and Defilak, bought for me by a friend for my sixth birthday, in 2007. I had an edition of the Lego Catalogue from 2007, and as soon as I saw the Mahri I was dead set on getting them, but mainly Hahli. Because wings. In 2007, I also got Nuparu Inika, Kongu Mahri, Takadox, a maskless Tahu and a maskless Kopaka with Turaga Nuju's head. When 2008 rolled around, I was completely awed by Bionicle's presence in the Lego Club Magazine, and from there I went on Bioniclestory.com, read up on all of the story, read the comics over and over again, got really hyped for Tahu Mistika, and was really disappointed when I discovered that a present which I had for my seventh birthday from my sister was in fact a giant tub of jellybeans instead of Lewa Phantoka, which just happened to be in almost the exact same shape as a Phantoka canister. The next present I opened was Lewa Phantoka. And from there I just kind of went full nerd mode, and the Phantoka have in fact remained my favourite line to this day. If I ever have children (And that's a REALLY long way off for me: I'm only just in my tenth year of school!), then Lewa Phantoka and Tahu Mistika will have to become family heirlooms. A Chrome Hau as well, once I get one.
  6. Okay, thanks! Another question: Do PC Toa have unlimited elemental energy? And also can six Toa form a Toa Seal like in Bionicle canon?
  7. Okay, fair enough. Thanks, guys! Do I have to go back and rewrite some posts then? Please say that I don't. PLEASE!
  8. Well, I guess you could manipulate the air particles to create areas of high and low pressure to boost you... But again, I'm straying out of fantasy BZPRPG canon and into sci-fi Bionicle canon. Whoops. Really? I just looked on BS01, and it said: In the Matatu's article, it says nothing about the user not being able to use it on themself, so until one of the staff members says so, I'll carry on using it as I have been... Unless you are one? Well, in LoMN, Nuju uses his Matatu to lift Vakama onto the Great Barrier, and I don't seem to remember Nuju being too tired afterwards.
  9. Yeah actually. Wait a second! I'm just recalling something Stephen Hawking once said on a TV show, something like time travel into the future is possible if you travel through space fast enough. If the Hype Train is going at ludicrous speed, then it must be going far faster than the speed of light. So basically, NYCC has already been and gone for the Hype Train.
  10. Quick question about what we're allowed to do with Matatus: I'm presuming that we aren't allowed to move other PCs about, seeing as I presume that that counts as bunnying, but are we allowed to use them to fly, compress atoms, etc. ? I'm just asking because I've been moving my Ko-Toa about by making him throw himself using his Matatu, and I want to know if I need to rewrite my posts.
  11. The hype train is moving into hyperspace. Just over two weeks now until NYCC.
  12. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-RARE-Set-6-KANOHI-MATATU-TURAGA-Masks-collectable-rare-/261601152221?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item3ce8a4ccdd Matatu misprints http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-Black-Ultimate-Dume-Mask-of-Power-Collectable-and-Rare-/251652756215?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item3a97ac52f7 Mask of Power http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lego-Bionicle-32571-Kanohi-KAUKAU-Rare-Collectable-Mask-Trans-Flourescent-Yellow-/271556288781?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item3f3a04210d Yellow Kaukau http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-Lego-Bionicle-48419-Kanohi-Kraahkan-Movie-Edition-mask-for-Takutanuva-/281393818674?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&hash=item418460ec32 Movie Kraahkan
  13. What about these rumours of White Hunas and Brown Komaus I've been hearing? Weren't they 01 misprints as well?
  14. I've just looked back to a recent BST topic on this, so I'd say that a three-set display case is worth maybe around 50 USD? I might be being a bit too optimistic there, though.
  15. Hahli Mahri, Lewa Phantoka, Matoro Inika, Tahu Mata, Pohatu Nuva and Nuparu Inika would be my dream team.
  16. Velika seems to be hinting at the Toa Mata having another role to play on Spherus Magna, so they might not become Turaga as soon as we think.I as under the impression that Velika just needed them at some point in his master plan, instead of them still having some destiny left.
  17. I could never get the lids off the Mistika. 'Twas a sad day, the day when I got Tahu Mistika, the set which I'd been hyped about all year, and I promptly couldn't open it. The Mistika lids weren't very well designed.
  18. What I meant was basically boxes in the shape of canisters. Sorry if that wasn't very clear in my other post.
  19. What about cardboard canisters? Might that work? Cardboard is easily recycled, so that's environmental stuff out of the way, and then cardboard canisters can either be squished to take up less room, or kept in the original form to use for display like the old canisters. It ticks all of the boxes! (No pun intended) Environmentally friendliness: Check Cool shapes: Check Pleasing (Old) fans: Check Lego could even make it so that cardboard canisters can be folded down easily and then popped back up when needed.
  20. That first seller doesn't know what he's selling. I might bid on that and then sell on the misprints here at Turaga Beach.
  21. OOC: Wow, it's been a while since Kouyran's been active! IC: Kouyran (Ta-Koro outskirts) The Ko-Toa stepped away from the asphyxiated corpse gingerly, trying not to kick the ball of ice around the body's head, and when he was an appropriate distance away he turned the ice into pure elemental energy, and the cyan light flowed back into his outstretched hands with no visible urging. Activating his Matatu, Kouyran grabbed onto himself using his telekinetic hand, and threw his short body flying up into the ash-filled sky. As he "flew", Kouyran created a giant pillar of ice beneath him, combining his regular elemental power with leeching heat out of water droplets in the oppressive air to form the monolithic structure. He slowly lowered himself onto the top of the pillar, and sat down, all of his mental power focused on drawing the heat out of the air surrounding the pillar. OOC: The idea is that Kouyran's pillar can be seen from all over Ta-Koro, so if anyone wants to find him or hire him as an assassin/general mercenary etc., then you know where to find him. Also, is it possible for Toa of Ice to remove heat from the environment? Toa of Fire can, so seeing as Ko- and Ta- Toa control opposite elements, it would make sense.
  22. The gold one: According to the official collectibles topic, the gold Vahi is worth about five times more than the orange one. (I think; don't quote me on that.) [Edit] Just checked, and the Gold Vahi is only worth double the orange one.
  23. Fair enough. The prices on Amazon are horrific, even for opened sets.
  24. But it's sealed. You can get away with any price for something which is sealed.
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