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Makuta Miras

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Everything posted by Makuta Miras

  1. Well, I would say yes, seeing as this does sound interesting, but alas, I can't. I'm 13, and I've got a pretty big workload coming up for me at school this year, mainly because I'm essentially doing two more subjects than most people in my year group, and also I'm generally not free on Fridays after school. Plus I'm in the UK, so the timings wouldn't be very good. But still, good luck and may Mata Nui be with you! (That was a Star Wars reference, if anyone didn't get it)
  2. Really? So, you wouldn't be willing to send me their details in a PM on YouTube?
  3. Rancor. WYR go to Karzahni or the Southern Islands?
  4. No. Although Prime Teridax and Melding Teridax are different versions of the same being, that doesn't mean that they're both destined to combine with Takanuva, so most likely what would happen would be that they would be destroyed, unless Takanuva and/or Melding Teridax is/are destined to transform. What's more, we don't even know if it was Prime Teridax's destiny to combine with Takanuva a second time.
  5. But the thing is, very few people want to see HF's next sets, compared to the people who want Bionicle 2015, which appears to be about half of the internet, judging by what I've seen. So going by the supply/demand thingy, if a leaker has time to get a HF leak or a Bionicle leak, which do you think will get them more publicity? There's lots of demand for Bionicle leaks, but quite small supply, and there's very little demand for HF leaks, and so therefore there isn't much, if any, supply.
  6. The leaks policy stops us from discussing nearly everything except for our speculation.
  7. So, I was thinking about this the other day, and it's quite an interesting question: Do we know if two Toa Kaita, each with a different three elemental abilities, could form a Toa Seal? I think that they should be able to, seeing as BS01 says that: So, seeing as they can wield multiple elemental powers at once, it would make sense if they could form Toa Seals. However, BS01 also states that: So I take this to mean that Kaita can't make protodermis cages. What do you think?
  8. No. I don't like the Agori or the Glatorian. They're just a bit... meh, I guess. They were never fighting to save their universe like the Nuva or the Mahri, and what's more, the overwhelming majority of them have no powers. So Agori and Glatorian are boring. I can see your point in that, but that can be a mental challenge that the heroes have to overcome. You know, trying to prove oneself worthy of existing on a planet, or something like that. And at the end, they could be rewarded with powers, kind of like how the Mata got all Nuvafied and their abilities were upgraded. Yeah, but what's the point in giving them powers after they've done the mask quest? What would they use the powers for?
  9. No. I don't like the Agori or the Glatorian. They're just a bit... meh, I guess. They were never fighting to save their universe like the Nuva or the Mahri, and what's more, the overwhelming majority of them have no powers. So Agori and Glatorian are boring.
  10. IC: Celsakh (Outskirts of Ko-Koro) A blizzard howled around him. Vicious currents of wind, screaming like anguished banshees dancing on the stones of Karzahni itself, assailed Celsakh's ears and sent snow flying into the tiny gaps between his armour plates. He was cold. So, so cold. In the distance, a minuscule pinprick against the all-devouring greyness of the blizzard, there was a light. A white light. Not a warm, welcoming light like that of a flame on a frigid winter day. It was a cold, hard light, as bright as the sun, and as emotional as the Makuta Stone. But nevertheless, Celsakh walked towards it. Then out of the blue, from nowhere, a rock came hurtling out of the blizzard and the night, and struck Celsakh a solid blow on the back of his head. He stumbled, and with his vision failing, his feet walking all over themselves, and an overwhelming sense that he was about to DIE, Celsakh glimpsed a gap in between the glaciers, a gap through which a great city could be seen, a city of ice, and of light. And then he collapsed, unconscious and nearly brain-dead. OOC: Anyone feel like taking a naive Su-Matoran to the Ko-Koro hospital? Please?
  11. Artistic licence probably. And also... That should be "fewer". Not "less". And why yes, I am a grammar pedant.
  12. I wonder what Bionicle would have been like if Lego had decided to make it appeal to both boys and girls. The result... Pink Toa. Or pink Rahkshi. And whoever knows, this time around Lewa and Pohatu might become female. Although that might be... interesting, I think that a lot of Gen 1 fans would get pretty annoyed at Lego if they did that. A decent compromise for that might be introducing a team later on in Gen 2 with even numbers of males and females. It would certainly be a wise idea. Also, I think that the mono-gender tribes idea will most likely be scrapped in the future.
  13. I've just looked through the typings up there again, and I think that I'm kind of an Ice-Shadow mix. So just call me a Toa of Ice who's been hit by a Shadow Leech. XD It's a real shame that I'm not Fire, though. Fire and Shadow are my two favourite elements.
  14. Yes. Me too. Everyone here going to NYCC, take a camera!
  15. OOC: Yay! First BZPRPG post! IC: Celsakh (Ko-Wahi Beach) Celsakh opened his eyes. He saw a leaden sky, filled with falling snowflakes. He felt sand under his body. He heard waves crashing against coral-encrusted rocks further down the beach. And then he sat up. His body was covered in a fine coating of snow, obscuring the bright shades of orange adorning his metallic protodermis armour. Standing up, the slight Su-Matoran brushed some of the ice off of himself, and took in his surroundings with an eager eye. Snowy wastes, as far as the eye could see, blending into colossal mountains reaching up beyond the ominous clouds. Celsakh shrugged and said to himself: "I'd better find some shelter. If my memory, which just happens to be there even though I only just came into existence, serves me right, then this weather is about to get worse, and quickly." He began trudging up the snowy beach, with dragging feet and a mind ready for adventure.
  16. If they reboot it, then I'd hate to see the old universe go to waste, especially seeing as the MU is possibly my favourite location in all of fiction. I hope that they do a reboot Ninjago style though: as in, timeskip ahead to the future, whilst still keeping all (Or most) of the old characters, with some of them in different roles, like Garmadon's shift in character between season 3 and season 4 of Ninjago.
  17. Name: Kouyran Outsider Code Name: Scholar Species: Toa of Ice Gender: Male Kanohi: Great Matatu Power(s): Elemental Ice Appearance: Scholar is short and stocky, unusual traits for a Toa of Ice. His outermost armour is white, whilst the base layers are light grey, and he has small bits of fur-like armour on his shins. Image: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141024225427/bzprpg/images/1/17/Kouyran.gif Tools: Scholar currently carries a huge ice axe and a short dagger. The axe also has a duplicate of his dagger permanently attached to the hilt. He has recently acquired a Patero launcher as well. Weaknesses: He has a tendency to faint in hot temperatures, when "hot" means above 30C. Scholar overlooks details a lot, and his lower neck is also completely unarmoured. Alignment: Himself/The Outsiders History: http://bzprpg.wikia.com/wiki/Kouyran Personality: Scholar is clever, cunning and prefers to use his Matatu instead of doing everything manually. This overuse of his mask has resulted in a very strong force of will. He is hard and (Mostly) unfeeling, having lost almost everything and everyone he used to care about thanks to a certain idiot known as Haarnak. Wealth: None, although he is now a member of the Outsiders. Name: Haarnak Species: Toa of Fire Gender: Male Kanohi: Great Kadin Power: Elemental Fire Appearance: Haarnak is wiry, with thin limbs but strong muscles, required for effective use of his bow. He is dark red all over, with black scale armour at his joints. His mouth is permanently set in the shape of someone who is insane, laughing and also somehow in pain. Image: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141026100240/bzprpg/images/d/d6/Haarnak.gif Tools: Haarnak carries a silver longbow, a short dagger for close-quarters combat, and has a quiver which used to contain arrows tipped with Stralix powder until Krayzikk blew them up. He also has a Native Tech scope on his Kadin to help him with targeting. Weaknesses: He is highly incompetent with his knife, and enclosed spaces make him panic, although he can normally tamp this fear down by setting something on fire. He isn't very co-ordinated, and his feet usually trip over each other, which is why he spends most of his time flying. Since he was badly injured in Ko-Koro, he was reduced to a weaker form, and so he is no longer as strong or agile as he once was. Alignment: Anarchy History: http://bzprpg.wikia.com/wiki/Haarnak Quote: Wealth: 75 widgets Name: Ayar Species: Toa of Iron Gender: Female Kanohi: Mask of Healing Power: Elemental Iron Appearance: Ayar's armour is almost entirely silver, with accents of black instead of the normal burnt orange or gold, mainly due to her opinion of burnt orange being a horrible colour, whereas black contrasts much more nicely with her silver armour. Ayar's tall and slightly on the skinny side. Image: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141024212626/bzprpg/images/f/f4/Ayar.gif Tools: Ayar is a pacifist at heart, and so the only weapon which she carries is a long spear, about chin height on her, which has two flowing spikes on the business end. Weaknesses: Ayar will never make the first move in a fight, and in fact, she will rarely attack in a fight, preferring to merely repel opponents, instead of causing harm. She also has a slightly less than average amount of Elemental Energy. Alignment: Neutral/The Outsiders In-game history: http://bzprpg.wikia.com/wiki/Ayar Personality: Ayar is warm and friendly, a trait which is rare among Fe-Toa, and she dislikes watching others suffer. She can be spiky and fierce towards her few enemies and beings which have really annoyed her, though, something which doesn't show often. She also likes to believe the best in people. And she doesn't like carrots either. Name: Kajak Species: Po-Toa Gender: Male Kanohi: Calix, shaped like a Noble Komau Power: Elemental Stone Appearance: Kajak is tall, strong and long-legged. His armour is a mixture of brown, tan, which extends to his Kanohi, and dark grey. His eyes and heartlight are a startlingly acidic green for a Toa. Image:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/BZPRPGcharacters/ToaAkari/img_0177.jpg Tool(s): Kajak wields a huge mace, shoulder-height on him, which is blackened with war and age. Weaknesses: Kajak was only given his Calix just before he and his team left for Mata Nui, so he’s still getting used to it. His height hampers his agility as well, which leaves him with standing still as one of his few options in battle. His mace is heavy too, which again hampers his agility. Alignment: Good, specifically Mata Nui History: Personality: Kajak is still a fairly naïve Toa, leading him to trust strangers a lot more than he should. He is a natural leader, however, commanding the respect of nearly all of his team. The one exception to this is Akili, defying him at every chance she gets. He believes completely in order, seeing chaos, even in the process of creation, as an evil left behind by Makuta. Wealth: Aim(s): Bring order to the island, be as great a Toa as the one who gave him his Toa Stone, and eat lots of cookies. Name: Khil’rayu Species: Skakdi Gender: Male Alignment: Evil Element: Crystal Powers: Disintegration, (Antidermis power, approved by Nuju Metru) Impact Vision Personality: Khil'rayu is violent, arrogant, and evil. Beneath his exterior, he has a cold, calculating mind, filled with the tunnels and traps of a previous life as a warlord. He finds most other life forms to be beneath him, which makes the chances of him making an alliance with another very slim. Since taking Antidermis, Khil'rayu's violent tendencies have become even more pronounced, to the point where a simple insult or poorly-worded comment could result in the death of the speaker. Appearance: Khil’rayu is around average height for a Skakdi, maybe slightly shorter. His armour is mostly a shade of bright blue, with accents of gold here and there, and a base layer of armour which is white. He has a light blue spine and tail, and he has a horn poking out of the top of his head. His eyes are red. As a side-effect of taking Antidermis, Khil'rayu's armour is slowly darkening in colour, the gold tarnishing and the white yellowing. Image: Native tools: 1x Volo Lutu launcher, 2x knives. Foreign tech: A sword which appears as a hilt with a long, slender metal stick coming out of the top of the hilt. The sword can channel his elemental powers, manifesting them as a blade of crystal around the stick. (Approved by Nuju Metru) Weaknesses: Khil’rayu’s armour can get in the way due to its bulk, and his tail and spines are very sensitive to attack. He can be arrogant at times as well, and his devotion to Makuta is near-absolute, exceeded only by his sense of self-preservation. Name: Lesora Species: Vortixx Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic neutral Powers: N/A Personality: SASS TO THE MAX! But seriously, she is sassy. Like my Ho-Oh in Pokemon HeartGold. Lesora likes toying with people, especially by asking them to hold her hat for a second. Lolz. She always possesses an aura of confidence as well, positively reeking of authority. Appearance: Black, lime and orange. Weird colours for a Vortixx, I know. Lesora wears a luminous bandolier most of the time as well, and often sports glow-in-the dark blue lipstick. 'Nuffin said. Image: Coming soon Native tools: A cutlass. Like most pirates. Foreign Tech: A hat that gives anyone other than Lesora who touches it an electric shock, enough to knock out a Toa; (Approved by Nuju) A taser which works like an RL one, except that it doesn't need to fire the darts first, instead shooting bolts of electricity. The minimum time between shots is five minutes, and the longer the time between shots, the more powerful the shot is; for example, five minutes of charging provides enough energy to knock out a Matoran, whereas a week's worth of charging can knock out a Kikanalo. (Again, approved by Nuju.) Weaknesses: Like most Vortixx, Lesora has no inherent powers, making her heavily reliant on technology and physical attacks. Seeing as she only recently became captain of the Tarakava Bait, Lesora can be a bit over-excitable as well. Name: Excelsior Species: Vortixx Appearance: Excelsior is tall, with dark-blue skin on his face. Any of his other innate physical features are unknown, concealed by his ever-present trench coat, fedora, gloves, boots and aviator sunglasses- all in corresponding shades of midnight black. Gender: Male Native weapons: A few Stralix grenades, tucked deep within his coat. Foreign tech: A simple six-shot revolver, fitted with a laser sight; a powered, full-body, lightly armoured exoskeleton designed to increase his strength, speed, and to protect his delicate bone structure. It is able to offer protection against daggers but not much else. (Both approved by Ghosthands) Weaknesses: After a half-hour or so of use, the exoskeleton requires charging, and Excelsior was also born with a physical condition which left him with fragile bones, preventing him from being able to fight outside the exoskeleton. Also has no powers. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral History: Once a Mafia crime lord in Po-Koro, Excelsior was eventually caught. Then Rakau broke him out in return for a past favour that Excelsior had done for him whilst still a Mafia crime lord. Personality/Traits: The one greatest word to describe Excelsior would be “snazzy”. His words are filled with dry wit and sarcasm, although he understands the value of friends and therefore makes an effort to keep some of his slightly more pointed humour on subjects other than his companions. He occasionally finds it hard to empathise with others as well. Name: Malady Species: Toa Appearance: Tall and lithe, Malady's armour consists of a sandy, acidic green on the main plates, accentuated by a few dots of red around her joints. Her Kadin is far more aerodynamic and elegant than the average shape, consisting of swept-back, angular surfaces. Gender: Female Kanohi: Kadin Element: The Green/Jungle/Plantlife Tools: Malady carries a protosteel mace, a small triangular shield, and a patero launcher which fires poisoned darts. Weaknesses: Malady has a tendency to be overconfident, believing her choices are always the right choices and never anything less- or at least, until they're proven to be bad choices. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral History: After a fairly uneventful childhood, Malady was transformed into a Toa, simple enough. For a while, she fought among the islands' forces against Makuta, before he made his true might known, but when he did... things went downhill. Turning on her comrades during a battle, Malady fled, eventually meeting up with Subject in Xa-Koro. After Makuta's defeat and Malady's subsequent change of loyalties, the two were away doing stuff when the hive of villainy and scum got blown up. Personality: Malady has somewhat of a tendency to be cruel and backstabbing, with a certain respect for immense power, leading her to change sides with the balance of power to keep herself- and occasionally her friends- alive.
  18. It's been ages since I've actually put something here in BBC, so I'm going to post a big one now! Over this past week, I've made quite a few MOCs, most of them being experiments in making small custom bodies. My Matoran design: Front: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/img_0038.jpg Back: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/img_0039.jpg Tyxama, Turaga of Fire: Front: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/tyxama_front.jpg Back: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/tyxama_back.jpg Sanmaka, post- Spherus Magna reformation female Toa of the Green Front: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/sanmaka_front.jpg Back: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/RandomBioMOCs/sanmaka_back.jpg Sanmaka was an experiment in building a titan-scale torso, and although it could do with a bit of tweaking, I'm happy with the overall result. The reason why I didn't make her sword any longer was because I wanted her to look like a soldier, and a short sword helps that along, and the excess amount of black on the hands was intended to look like gloves.
  19. So... You won't believe that it's Bionicle, after ALL of the evidence that we've got? So, you're ignoring: 1. Leaked pictures, which contain images of a launcher which hasn't even been released yet; 2. The "Coming Soon" page on Lego.com; 3. The NYCC passes which Lego has given to BZP; 4. And finally, all of the set names, prices etc. which have come from MULTIPLE sites. To quote Vitruvius, "All of this is true. Because it" is spelt correctly. XD I mean, come on, you must be one hardcore conspiracy theorist to ignore that. And if it is a troll, then it's a troll which has been years in the making. But still, even if it isn't Bionicle, then I'm excited for the new theme too.
  20. POMEGRANATE! We need another Hype Train video! And if the staff do know... Then someone get me a Mask of Fusion! The admins MUST be fused into the Hype Train!
  21. I'm going to cash in on this "remembrance of Bionicle" thing that we've got going now- The only time that I've seen a Bionicle in a shop post-2010 was in Florence, Italy, in 2012. This tiny toy shop had five out of six Glatorian, and seeing as I had four out of six, I bought the only one there which I didn't have- Tarix. I spent all of my 25 euros spending money on one Bionicle set. On the second day of my two-week holiday. I was 11.
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