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Makuta Miras

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Everything posted by Makuta Miras

  1. Get a Vezon. I know you're working on a near-MOC of him, but technically he's still in set form. You might want to cut the Ignika off of his head though.
  2. Shall we get into this discussion again?? Yes. Let's. I want a continuation because, although the end of bionicle was filled with loose ends, villains can be introduced without much backstory, with just a quick recap video. Look in the old topic for more.
  3. With Annona's help. Because they both probably hate the GBs.
  4. Well, I'm sure some craziness will ensue in the Melding universe if he meets up with Annona! And with just a bit of modification here and there, that could be my self-moc!
  5. It's weird that the year of my birth is now being referred to as "Vintage". I feel old. Back on topic, back in the old speculation topic (70 pages long!), someone mentioned that this new mask and the one on the original leaked display might not be the same one. That would be an interesting story dynamic, with maybe the heroes trying to get one mask, and the villains going for the other? An online animation for that showing just the final bit would be very cool, especially if Lego/Ghost handle it as well as they did the "Mata Nui Rising" part of the Mistika animation in 2008.
  6. But remember, he didn't die for the Doctor. The soldier from Into the Dalek attracted the antibodies so that the Doctor could do something (I've forgotten what), and the robot in Deep Breath presumably jumped to save the Doctor from having to push it/him.
  7. True. Maybe it's a Kraahkan/Avohkii thing like in 2003?
  8. The original was probably just a prototype. Maybe this one's the final image?
  9. Maybe I'm going to be crowned "King of Hype"! After all, the Mask of Scavenging is kind of my avatar... The eyeholes look a bit too wise to be me, though. I'm 100% intelligence, 0% wisdom.
  10. BIONICLE 2015 CONFRIMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. The trailer for next week looks really good. Some of the stuff in the trailer's voiceover sounded a lot like what was used in Series 5 episode 1, with Prisoner Zero. I don't think that Zero or other members of his species will be in the next one though, as apparently the Doctor's going to the end of the universe, and the hand reaching out from under the bed was definitely human. I predict that I'm going to have a nightmare next Saturday.
  12. Just this year, I've obtained Gali Mata, a Tahnok, the Boxor, Makuta, a Panrahk, Nuju Metru, Vakama Hordika, an Oohnorak (Did I spell that right?), both Hagah, Brutaka, and various random Kanohi. But they weren't influenced by The Return, they were influenced by my coincidental resurgence of interest in Bionicle in around early February. (Since Bionicle ended, I've been through various states of being interested in Bionicle and not. Generally the "interested" states have normally only lasted a month or so, but this current one looks like it's staying around permanently.) I still voted "Yes", though, as the rumours drew me to BZP, and I got my Tahnok, Boxor, Panrahk, Nuju Metru and Brutaka through BZP's B/S/T forum.
  13. Trying to put on Skrall's helmet with the head on the wrong way round. XD I only became a Bionicle fan in 2007, and so I had become used to the Metru heads. It took me about a minute to realise that his head was on the wrong way round.
  14. I'm so sorry about having to do this, but... -EXPLODES WITH HYPE- Whoops. That was a bit messy. As for the mask, it looks like it's going to be as iconic as the Ignika, so I'm guessing that it's either the Mask of Creation, the Ignika in a new form, or an entirely new mask.
  15. You might want to add that Teri ejected the Ignika as well as MN, and also the fact that the entire MU is inside the GSR.
  16. It depends on how much money Lego puts into it in the first place. If they pour as much in as they did the first time around, then Bionicle will almost definitely hit as well as it did in 02. Also, Yay! 200th post!
  17. The Robots of Sherwood wasn't really that good in my opinion. Just kind of a mediocre episode. Although the bit with the spoon at the start was good. The whole Doctor/Robin Hood dynamic going was definitely well-written.
  18. And by a mini-episode I presume that you mean something like the Retrospective which was on Bionicle.com in 2008? I love that video.
  19. This is Caernadak, a crippled Toa of Magnetism, also known as Bulletfingers: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta-Miras/Caernadak/img_0049.jpg His right arm is robotic , and his left is permanently in a sling since he was stampeded by a herd of Kane-Ra. The idea here was to create something which really didn't look nice, something which looked as if it had been disassembled and then reassembled using the wrong pieces, and to make him look almost unfinished. And, to be honest, I think that I've done quite well! The Cordak mini-rockets in his fingers were, admittedly, just so that I could nickname him Bulletfingers. Comments and criticism are welcome.
  20. Well, besides stuff that's leaked that we can't talk about, Greg Farshtey has said that he doesn't think a continuation would be effective because it would immediately put new fans at a disadvantage, and it would be immensely difficult for them to catch up with older story. Although I don't really care if it's a reboot ( as in a restart of the story ) or a continuation, I honestly disagree with this. It all depends on how you do it. Sure "start where we left of" continuation won't work, but there surely are examples of "continuations" that were effective. People who never read The Hobbit could still enjoy LOTR, you don't need to watch all the Doctor Who series in order to jump in a new series (aka the current success of the Doctor ), etc. You'll always have to deal with some ground rules surely, but you don't need to know more if you don't want to, and if you do, then there's another great world to discover. I believe the "continuation = difficult for new fans and reboot = only solution"-view is just a bit too black and white. This. Also, remember Star Wars. It was compulsory for episodes 4-6 to be understandable, as 1-3 hadn't been released yet. So a time skip like that of SW might be interesting.
  21. As you can probably tell, I want to get both Legendary Masks in gold. The only problem is, BrickLink and eBay don't have any golden Ignikas, and the Vahis on BrickLink are all from the US. So basically, if you live in Europe and have a Dark Gold Vahi and/or a Gold Ignika, then I'd like to buy them. I would offer a trade, but none of my Kanohi are on the same scale of rarity as the two which I'm asking for. I'd prefer to get both masks from the same person to cut down on shipping costs than from two different people. [Edit]: I've got a Vahi sorted, so all I'm looking for now is an Ignika. [Another Edit]: I have become slightly desperate! I'll now take an Ignika from anywhere!
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