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Everything posted by silo

  1. IC: Snake - Warehouse, 4th Tier, Malebranche I arrive after the other two, heart racing.
  2. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro I open my mouth to say something in a deadpan voice to the newcomer, but at that moment-- --WHAT THE ACTUAL KARZAHNI Ok, ok, Le-Koro isn't the most normal of places, I'll admit.
  3. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche Racing along as fast as I can, I manage to say "Its the ki-- Shield...don't know what happened..." I'm out of breath, but carry on going at full speed.
  4. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro It might not come as a surprise that my eyebrow is still raised at this point.
  5. IC: Vandal - Kini-Nui "Gladly." I reply in a deadpan tone I've refrained from using for a while. I'm surprised at the effectiveness of our combined attack, too, and its satisfying. I'd shout 'Dibs on the staff!', but I have enough weapons to carry as is. Besides, its a little ambiguous how much of a makuta-spawn's power is stored in the staff and how much is channeled from the creature, so the rahk-rod might well be useless. I snap of enough shots of laser energy at the thing's brain box to turn its kraata to ash, before turning to shoot a glance at the newcomer.
  6. what are you talking about miras I don't know what you're talking about
  7. IC: Snake - 3rd tier, Malebranche I wave of relief rushes over me as I spot Jayar, but I'm still so on edge that I'm in danger of falling off. I land, out of breath, eyes wide. In them there's a mix of fear, panic, tiredness, panic, anger and panic. "The kid's dying - you've gotta come!" I reply in a voice distraught with agitation, bordering on hysteria.
  8. Why can't you choose from any of the elements? Is there a specific reason? Are custom elements allowed?
  9. At the pinnacle of the Bionicle Multiverse, High Alaifiir is a realm formed from solid celestial light and golden metal forged in the hearts of ethereal suns. Angelic toa-like beings inhabit its alien geometries and illogically divine landscapes, their forms rending reality itself with the unimaginable heavenly power they command. Ragnarok's World
  10. IC: Snake - 3rd Tier, Malebranche I search and search, but I don't want to draw attention to myself... I know I won't be in time. But hope, #### it, stops me accepting it. There just a glimmer of the stuff left, halting my attempts to give in, to relax, to be truly apathetic. I hate it. After finding a rough map, I realise that the Tier Jayar and Hoto should be in is the one above the Warehouse District, the Third Tier. My heart racing, I head there.
  11. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche Another spear of intense, saturated pain shoots through my head. I manage a nod, flinging open the door once more and stumbling outside. The air out here, as I noticed before, is still stiflingly hot, but at least it isn't stuffy. Market district...The pain in you're head's getting worse, I see...Focus...on the task...at hand. I realize I don't really know my way around Malebranche as well as I thought I did. Panic sets in, flooding over me...I can't just go back into the warehouse, apologetically asking for directions while the kid dies. Can't you swallow your pride and do just that, you moron? We...I...don't have enough time. ​I...I'll just follow the signs, I think desperately. With that, I set off in what I hope is the right direction, flying at a low altitude and haphazardly teleporting whenever I have the strength. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I have obligations, I have duties...but for now, I need to...not rest, exactly, but...be still.
  12. I kinda assumed they worked pretty much like a kualsi at low levels, or at least how I've been playing a kualsi: you can teleport into mid air and stuff, but you keep all your momentum when you change places, meaning that if, say, you teleported way above your enemy and started falling, shifting to ground level would make you slam into the floor just as much. Why Rekhyt why.
  13. IC: Snake - Warehouse, 4th Tier, Malebranche I had opened the door, stepped out into the night air, and then all karzahni had broken loose. My eyes are wide. Don't look, you'll feel sick. I can't just stand by...He's not going to survive, you know it. Just let nature take its course. That's what you've always done, isn't it? Shut up, shut up! This time, I will make a difference. I can see it, a glimmer of hope...maybe I can really earn these peoples' respect for once...You really are petty, aren't you? It seems your only goal now is to be a good little doggie and do as you're told. No, I'm doing this for me-- More than a little selfish, I'd say. I mean...I'm doing this for the kid. Just keep telling yourself that. "I'll...go and look for Jayar too." I say hastily. "Any idea where he went?"
  14. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro My eyebrow stays raised for quite some time.
  15. IC: Venemi - Mangai tunnels My eyes narrow as I rush forwards, poisoned knives in hands. I make a grab at the nearest matoran, sending a keen-bladed slash at the plant parasite on her head.
  16. IC: Torch - Halls I nod. "It's quite nice, actually. But there are some not nice people." I add in a warning tone.
  17. IC: Torch - Halls Hey, looks like we've come full circle. Cool. "So, what do you think of Corpus?" I ask, choosing each word pointedly. I don't want to offend this guy again...don't tell anyone, but I think we'll make the best of friends. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I sit in silence. It's nice having someone by my side at last.
  18. IC: Zeleran - Circadian "And...what are you?" IC: Olis - Ruins of Ascension Great. We've become separated...I haul myself up from the rubble, dusting myself off.
  19. You haven't missed all too much, actually...
  20. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I sigh...internally. Just what we need. Some more time wasted. Some more time lying around vulnerably. Some more time out in the open while the Makuta get nearer and nearer and nearer. We're literally sitting pokawi. I feel like screaming in terror or anger or a mixture of the two. My head's throbbing with dizzying pain, my heart thumping. I'm a...little stressed, I suppose. If I can just recognize that, maybe I can rela-- what am I talking about?! How can I relax? We've cheated death to many times already, and we're just starting out...at some point soon, our luck in going to run dry. I hear Cao talking with Kat and Xara...a Kaita? I wonder what it's like...That though only distracts me from the awful reality of the situation for a few blissful seconds, and then the pain is back. Maybe I should just up sticks and go like the kid's done. Do we, or more importantly I, really need this as much as everyone else seems to think we do? Could I survive on my own? I thought you were going to try and make a difference, not just survive. Survival comes first. Always. I decide I'll go outside, despite the danger. It's not like we're not up to our necks in #### anyway. This won't worsen our situation much - that would be nearly impossible. If the Makuta come looking for us, a wooden wall isn't going to impede them greatly. With that thought, I swing open the door... IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I glance up at Nymph as he approaches, uttering a simple thanks. It's strange...despite the danger I'm in, we're in, I feel oddly at peace in the forest's natural tranquility. Of course I've been to a forest before, but then I had had a different purpose, a darker one. In those days I had been a slave. I hope that, with the Academy behind us, I can embrace freedom more than I ever could before. I listen to the flowing soundlessness for a second. When was the last time I slept? When I...changed, I suppose. My breathing echoes around my head, calm, soft, mixing and flowing into the serene solitude of this place. I gesture to the log stump next to me for Nymph to sit down. We have duties to perform, but we should enjoy this moment of contentment while we can.
  21. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro I roll my eyes. "Sure, why not."
  22. Happy wiki-ing indeed
  23. IC: Snake - Warehouse, 4th Tier, Malebranche On the outside I'm silently fuming. On the inside, however, I'm in conflict...do we really have a choice? ~ IC: Fíor - Causeway Frenzied panic rushes through me as Icarax's voice echoes through my mind. In an instant I'm in flight mode, rushing forwards alongside Nymph. I look over to him. The terror on my face subsides a little as I start flying more steadily. We're doing it. We're leaving. Don't tempt fate...we aren't out of this yet. I risk a glance back at the monstrous edifice of the Academy. Just seeing it makes my feel sick. I turn back. On either side if us is grey-blue sea, swirling a writhing like a tortured creature. Above us are clear azure skies, below us the marble-white pillars of the Causeway rushing past. Ahead of us...the future. ~End of Part One~
  24. IC: Karaihe - Inn, Ta-Koro The other two keep chatting on, but this...this is the stuff. And-- --hang on-- --I peer groggily over to the other end o' the bar. "Oi!" I say, "Brontes? Thought you were on duty."
  25. IC: Vandal - Kini-Nui I let out three rapid blasts of yellow-white laser energy from my rifle, one glancing off it's shoulder, one hitting it full in the back, and one missing as the creature leaps out of the way. It turns, but before two seconds have passed I've taken control of the armour Forger is 'holding', sending a barrage or metal shells at the creature to blind and disorientate it. Forger can make another shield any time he likes.
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