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Everything posted by silo

  1. IC: Kamanau (Snake) - 4th Tier, Malebranche No! No! I can't! They'll...know my thoughts, my fears, everything! I sense the presence of a being within us, something that unifies us, but it is...alien. I've heard its voice once before, as our bodies collided together. It is darkness and pain, and terror. It's mouth grins in the shadows. What are you? I whisper into the emptiness. The thing opens its eye, and speaks: "I am..." "You are..." "We are..." "Kamanau." A mighty roar erupts from our mouth as my mental barrier is shredded.
  2. Natoooooooooooooooooo! but seriously, they keep getting better and better. nice backgrounds. etc.
  3. ooh, liking the backgrounds. I also like miras' suffering > : D am I a permanent character in this now? :0
  4. it was a joke lol no need to get stressed, soz if you didn't understand it
  5. Give up, loser. Hey folks! This is basically the worst possible thing you can post in a creative forum here, joke or no. In the interest of having a public example, I'm leaving this post as-is, and don't do it again. -GSR it was a joke between me and dane...?
  6. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    Theta coming soon...
  7. IC: Kamanau (Snake) - 4th Tier, Malebranche I'm plunged into all the sensations and stimuli in an instant, pain being the most noticeable. I stagger with the shock, my own surprise rippling outwards from the centre of the pool of my mind, reaching its edges and...mixing with the other two pools. It feels like the other rahks are standing right next to me, shoved against me, embossing their shapes into my consciousness. The familiar panic returning like it never left, I realize that Jayar and Shield, or whatever mix of the two 'stands' beside me, can read every thought that passes through my head...I'm drifting, colliding with them. I can't stop it. I'm being pulled towards them by the rapids as the mental ponds turn to violent whirlpools with my frantic attempt to swim. I desperately try to pump their psyches away from mine, putting up an imaginary barrier to divide my mind from theirs as much as I can. Unfortunately, my will isn't very strong.
  8. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche No! I can't do this. I can't. I've got to-- Escape isn't an option, Snake. The thought enters my confused and agitated state like a knife, its cold voice alien, filling me with dread. I try to open my eyes, closed to shut out the world. I can't. They won't respond. Unease slowly washing over me, I try to move my legs, but its like I'm wading through liquid lead. They're numb. Dead. I slowly realize that the sounds around me are muted, like I'm underwater. I can't move. I try frantically to turn, to run. But every stimulus around me is blurred, fading, stretched and dissolved. I can't even tell which way is up anymore. Primal, instinctive terror takes over as I try to tear myself from this nightmare and flee. Chilly, unstoppable apprehension soaks through my mind as I realize I can't. I try one last time, I try to scream. But my mouth isn't there. My form falls away from me, like meat falling off the bone as it's boiled. Oblivion envelops me. I'm nothing but a mind, stranded in infinite nothingness. I have no idea how much time is passing. I don't know where I am. I don't know anything. There's nothing to see, or hear, smell or touch. No feeling, no experience. I drift, or maybe I fall, or maybe I am still and silent in this zero space. To even think of it as a space is misleading - you're probably imagining it as an infinite grey expanse, but it's not even that. It's the absence of any self-awareness, any interaction. Time moves on, what feels like eons, and I am still in this void. Once or twice I feel a shape, vast and mysterious, brush against my consciousness. They never quite enter my mind, but I can sense that they're there, at the very edge of what I can perceive. They hint at things I can only imagine...colour and form and scent and texture and temperature and flavour and voice and space around me. I lost these things millennia ago, and my memory of them faded soon after. Gradually, even my thoughts are falling away, leaving only my emotions within me. My life before...this, this indescribable, senseless void, pales in comparison to the endless time I've spent here. I wonder if I'll die here, this not-place that's almost all I've ever known. I wonder if at last I'll fade away completely, and be free. I can feel it now, as the uncountable centuries trickle through my fingers. I'm calm. I let the hope of seeing the world I once knew go, and let this hollow state go too. But then...something wakes me from the unending sleep I was drifting into. Something brushes against my perception, stronger than the rest. It's gone, but then it comes back again, more forcefully this time, yearning to break through the thin barrier that divides us. I can barely think, but I know that I need to get to it, I need to get...I need to get back! I reach for it with my mind, hacking at the barrier that keeps us separate. I feel an instinct that I haven't felt for what seems like forever: hope, the thing that drives me on when I seem doomed, the thing that makes me take my chances, makes me try a little harder to survive when I know I'm going to die. It blossoms inside me, filling the emptiness with form as the spinning, shouting, hysteric shape collides with me. Sensation and light and colour and sound smash into me, booming in my ears and blinding my eyes as I spin uncontrollably into the others. I gasp as my throat pulls in air for the first time in eternity. I'm here.
  9. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro This guardsman is evidently very inept. Maybe he never learnt to count. I keep my launcher in my hand.
  10. [humorous and original comment]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dane-gerous


      [sarcastic and rude remark]

    3. Dallior


      [really late comment that no one will see]

    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      [grumpy old man observation]

  11. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah I sigh. We need to get going. It's a shame to end the silence, but I've got to be strong, I've got to do my part. My duty. Both of our survivals depend on it. I stand up, reaching out a hand to help Nymph up too. "We'll have a look at the maps..." I say. I have an idea of where we could go.
  12. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I grab the outstretched hand, heart racing. My mind is full of desperate panic, and it's only increasing - I can't feel anything, any kind of connection...it's not working, it's not working!
  13. IC: Zeleran - Circadian The Steltian raises an eyebrow, but remains silent. What implications could these discoveries have for the crew of the Jatikko? Perhaps Zeleran would at last be able to return to his old ways, a commander of many. Yes, he could see it now...legions marching across vast silver cities, fleets gliding gracefully across the liquid platinum sea. His attention returns to the stranger. The blue warrior is hungry for information, but asking a lot in one go might put off this "Toa". Instead, he asks a simple yet obvious question: "What power does this kanohi actually hold?" IC: Olis - Ruins of Ascension A thought occurs to me, and I dive into my satchel to retrieve my data tablet. Instead, my hand brushes against something cold and slimy. I pull my arm out quickly and reflexively, disgusted by the texture...after a few moments I've emptied the contents of the bag onto one of the flatter sections of rubble. Lying there, staring up at me, is a sight I never thought I'd see again: it's the fleshy Kanohi that was once attached to the face of the strange being we found in the tomb. It looks like it's grinning.
  14. I know how you feel...
  15. OOC: Soz it took so long to get this post up... IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I stare in silence. What?! They seemed to actually believe I was the best person for the job. No...I...I can't...Isn't this what you wanted? I'm acutely aware of Shield's life slipping away with every second. I realise my hands are shaking. No...I can't do it...It'll go wrong, I know it...But...this is my chance, my chance to prove my worth. The clock is ticking, Snake. I put my head in my hands, pain spearing through my mind. No. No! I can't. Tick tock, tick tock...I'll mess it up...That's right, let's take this chance to add today to your long list of failures. No...I have to...I have to take the risk. Shut up, shut up! I can do this. But what if you fail? You will fail. Get out of my head! I stride forwards towards the other two...my eyes are cold and resolute. I can't change my mind. I have to do this. I have to help. it doesn't matter how they see me, I have to help. But... For a second, I hesitate. I stop, coming to a halt. The kid coughs one last time, a pool of antidermic blood trickling from his head as his heart stops beating. Silence. My eyes are wide. I rush forwards madly, shaking the corpse by the shoulders, shouting his name as if doing so would call him back to the land of the living. I scream and scream until my throat is hoarse and tears blur my vision. You cannot change, Snake. You'll always be a coward. The others stare at me, but all I feel is a chilly hollowness inside me. Empty. Void. It's over...I'm over. I blink away the vision. There's still time. Time to change, time to make a difference. I look down at Shield's barely alive form. "Let's do this." I say with more confidence than I feel.
  16. In a set of dimensions warped and strained by the god-like energies of an inconceivably potent artifact, natural law is torn asunder. On the world of Mortalitas Magna, in the ancient heartlands of the agori Sun Tribe, stands an everlasting monument to this fact: Mount Ukaarnos is a monolithic mountain whose entire form, compared to a normal mountain, is inverted. At its highest point lies a vast flat plane, while the mount's base is a minuscule point where its upturned peak meets the ground. The 34527th Paradise
  17. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro Well...this isn't like Jaco. No doubt he has further violence in mind. I'm fine with that. "Agreed." I say, repressing an edge in my voice. The words 'shady bunch' haven't gone unnoticed.
  18. IC: Vandal - Kini-nui What's this? Another chance to use my masterful treasure hunter guise? Nah, I'll leave off for now.
  19. This is really cool, love the shading.
  20. pretty sure it's a her
  21. OOC: Oops... IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro I'm not in the best mood today, but I try to keep an air of cold professionalism. If I need to kill this buffoon to make sure that better people live, so be it... But I can't give in to the Rage just yet. If that has to come, it will come later.
  22. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro Jaco starts talking about begging for oranges or something, but I'm more worried about the homicidal "peace" keeper. "Let's just worry 'bout this one right now, bro."
  23. IC: Snake - 4th Tier, Malebranche I feel a slight pang of disappointment. Surely I hadn't wanted to form a Kaita, had I? I don't know, but there's still a vague sense of missing out...I shake my head. It seems like nothing's changed. Still too afraid to commit and too involved to not care.
  24. IC: Eztanda - Le-Koro I can feel annoyance bubbling up inside me, but I keep it suppressed...for the moment. Almost in an offhand way, I throw a smoke grenade. Blue-grey smoke erupts around the attacking officer vortixx, clouding his vision and view to Excelsior. I raise my launcher. I don't let any emotion exist.
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