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Everything posted by silo

  1. wow, these actually look pretty cool! I like the use of almost exclusively rahkshi parts on Nevomen, gives it the look of a rahkshi that has been wildly mutated. The colour scheme is limited - on the one hand this makes the figure look very themed, which is a good thing, but it might also be good to add some highlights of brighter colours to break up the monochrome a little. Gorog is visually very imposing - the first thing that struck me when I saw it is how fierce it looked I really love how everything is covered in spikes, making it look pretty mean...on a related note, that's a really creative use of the piraka head piece. To improve I'd suggest maybe using different weapons, since the blades are the only silver on the model and therefore stand out a bit. Also maybe streamline the head (which, by the way, is a really original design) so that is fits with the rest of the model a bit better... As for Shalan, I have to say that's pretty neat - again, by using lots of the same parts it makes the figure look consistent, like its an actual set. The rider is the icing on the cake, and I think his colour scheme is just different enough to distinguish him. As for what would add to it, maybe reducing the amount of silver a little would help, at the moment it's a bit of an overdose. However, I do enjoy how jagged it looks, so I'm not sure what a good alternative would be. These are all pretty good, and its cool that you've come up with a backstory for them too - hope you can find time to make the other three
  2. Wow, these look awesome - a very creative use of CCBS. I'd also recommend downloading LDD to POV-Ray Converter to get better renders of LDD MOCs - this is really cool looking, but its a little hard to make some details out.
  3. "Lessovikk? Eh, never cared much for the guy." Teridax
  4. silo


    chisel - death by slipping and impaling Hafu
  5. IC: Snake - Forest of Kaam I arrive back from our scouting out of breath, Shield alongside me. We had talked a little, in low muted voices, but it had been idle...my mind was and is taken up with other things, such as my-- our survival. I open my mouth to ask what's happening, but Shield beats me to it. Then I notice that a member of our party is missing. I don't want to ask in case it was in some part of the plan I missed, and by asking I'd be admitting to having not been listening. However, when...unfriendly noises start to emanate from beyond the clearing, this worry somehow pales in comparison to the problem of, as always, survival: "Where's Cao?"
  6. if it turned out that Ekimu had been using the toa all along, and Makuta was really a good guy...
  7. silo


    random boulder - death by being in the terrain crawler's way
  8. Your technology becomes self aware and turns on you. THAT MASK BELONGS TO MEEEEEEEEEEE (my mask)
  9. stand still for a few seconds before screaming for a few minutes if, after all that, Spherus Magna exploded again, you would...
  11. (oh look I'm doing this again) uh...Hahli? "the one who would never shut up"
  12. IC: Maripi - Sado Docks > Sado rooftops I looked for Askha and our client at the docks. Only Somei was there. Karz. I reach instinctively for my dagger as I hear a sound, but-- Of course, it's gone. And so is my token. In the rush I completely forgot about it. That imperial slug must still have it, but...I can't go back. I can't risk another run in with those clueless loyalists. I feel conflicted for the first time in ages...rationally, there's no reason to go back. Askha can handle herself, and the token is nothing of use. But...but...both of them are all I have left of the Mashtet. I can't afford to...lose them...No, I won't. What I can't afford is to let my feelings get in the way of my survival. That's all I need to do, survive. I tried feelings before, and let me tell me tell you they're overrated, I think bitterly. An image of the abandoned camp flashes through my mind, making me feel sick. No emotion. No fear. Nothing standing in my way. I look down, and see my legs running along the rooftops. While I was caught up in thought, it seems another part of my brain has commandeered my body. Oh well.
  13. so I unofficially left for a week or two here anyone mind telling me what's hip and happenin' atm? (in other words, what the heck is going on?)
  14. so I kinda disappeared for a bit there, I'll admit but anyway I should be mostly sorta maybe back now so if anyone is waiting on a post from me, shoot me a PM general stuff concerning what I might have missed: is the mangai quest still going? anyone know what's happening with the Outsiders? that's about it.
  15. its just a prank bro, its just a prank

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CeeCee


      You're being filmed, there's a camera bro.

    3. Dane-gerous


      small loan of a million dollars

    4. CeeCee




      We all wish that was a ###### prank

  16. IC: Snake - Kaam "What do you suggest?" I ask everyone in general, having zoned out for a few seconds. I stare at the footprints intently. Rahkshi? Maybe...or something worse...
  17. I'll go with liking both - as some other people have said, the crystalline shapes on the masks work really well with the transparent colours. With the silver, I'm less enthusiastic, but it's nice to have a change; this offers more opportunities for MOCists etc. as well. Besides, silver is fairly neutral, and unlikely to clash with the sets' colour schemes.
  18. When you spend your valuable time posting something in this topic
  19. IC: Snake - Kaam "Right." I say. I give a nod to Shield.
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