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Everything posted by silo

  1. Triangles are my favourite shape.

  2. please never do that again
  3. IC: Snake - Kaam I glance around, trying to get a clear view of the source of the spark-laced plume of smoke. I appear next to Kat and the others, saying "Should I scout ahead?" with the steadiest voice I can muster.
  4. IC: Vandal - Mangaia It's always me, isn't it... I aim down my rifle, creeping forwards as cautiously and quickly as I can. I've noticed the same thing as Forger about this cavern - it's...barren, pure. Nothing metallic, nothing nonuniform. That can only mean one thing.
  5. IC: Maripi - Rooftops, Sado Status update: Docks in sight. Hopefully Somei will be there...For a second I wonder if Askha won't be there, but then I remember that last time I checked I was the one in a pile of rubble while she ran off ahead. Typical.
  6. IC: Snake - Airship ---> Kaam A few possibilities run through my head at Shield's reply...I saw Root in Shield's past, knew who he was...and I felt something else in Shield's personality, something...off. Still, that's a thought for another time: the airship has landed. I follow Shield down onto the muddy ground, suddenly alert. I'm glad that for once I planned ahead and actually got some rest on the journey, because what's ahead can only get worse. I exchange a glance with the Fire Resistance rahk and look around for Jayar - of course, Hoto was staying. I sigh internally and wonder if I should be doing the same...I'm probably just as little of an asset to the team as she is. But at the same time, I feel invigorated, as if, in this upside-down world, these will be the most uncorrupted days of my life. I feel that now I'm so likely to die, I should take every opportunity presented, seize the day, because I know it might be my last. In short, I feel hope.
  7. A matoran-only RPG would definitely be more interesting and unique imo, not to mention fitting with the theme and setup a bit better.
  8. IC: Snake - Airship I'm about to nod, lost in thought, but something in Shield's tone catches me. "See...who?" I ask warily.
  9. happy birthday corprahk : D
  10. You never fail to impress, JR - nice work : D
  11. IC: Fíor - Forest, Nynrah "What should we...do?" My voice is a murmur in this half-awake world.
  12. IC: Snake - Airship "And..." I'm struggling with my words again. They build up like water behind a dam, and similarly eventually come rushing out: "I just want to say I'm sorry...if...look, I know you saw into my head, all my hate and fear and anger and...I just...I'm sorry for what I was, and I've changed..." I pause. "I just...hope that can't get in the way of us being..." The word 'friends' sounds so childish to me in this situation that I don't say it, but I hope Shield can understand. I'd almost forgotten that I'd seen inside his mind too...maybe the fact that he knows I know him almost as well as he knows himself will...help. But then again, it was hardly a relaxed, easy experience for either of our mentalities, which might not cast my psyche in that moment in the best light...
  13. IC: Snake - Airship I pause, consciously stopping the snarky response that seems so appropriate, so fitting. "A little." is my plain reply. But something's weighing on my mind...I made a choice to follow these people, to not let fear, paranoia and suspicion overtake my mind, but there's something I've got to know: "When we...were in the Kaita..." I suddenly feel awkward about the situation. "Could you...I mean...could you...see into my mind?"
  14. IC: Snake - Airship I would have said something like "I've already made my decision: let's do it.", but it was never really my decision to make. I wonder if anything, from the moment of my creation, ever truly was. So now I'm on an airship, heading towards my future, with nowhere to run, no direction to turn away. I get the odd feeling that Fate is catching up with me.
  15. IC: Snake - Malebranche My eyes widen...this must be the being that the others had described. I stay silent. I don't feel like messing up again just yet.
  16. IC: Vandal - Outside Vault "I've dabbled." I mutter.
  17. Is this going to have any story relevance, or is it just a GM device? Rhotuka aren't really solid in any way, and are effectively wheels of energy, so this doesn't really make sense (then again, neither does the phrase "wheels of energy"). This seems really under-powered compared to the earlier weapons, and certainly not powerful enough to be classed as an "elite weapon" imo. Also, how do the bolts stay together when they're fired if they're superheated? This is contradicting itself. If toa can't use their powers, how are they supposed to...use their powers? And if you're saying they can use their elemental powers, just not directly on beings, how does that work? Does that mean a toa of earth can't throw a chunk of ground at their enemy, but are allowed to create an earthquake under them? The last sentence in particular doesn't make sense: surely making an attack with your element, eg throwing a boulder at someone, is inflicting the being directly. And even if you are trying to make the distinction between direct and indirect attacks, that's a very blurred line, especially with something like elemental powers. Isn't the point of this game space exploration of some sort? Unless I've missed something big here, there's no way players are gonna be able to not go into hyperspace or some kinda FTL system if they want to move from place to place. And even travelling at the speed of light, it takes decades to travel between most stars. So... Pretty sure skyblasters only really work on beings of shadow (bs01 seems to be down atm, so I can't check right now).
  18. IC: Snake - Malebranche At last my head clears a little, but I still feel shaken. I look around, giving Shield and Jayar a glance long enough to examine, but short enough to not be noticed looking. Something is still nagging at the back of my mind, misplaced. "Together we are strong." The words feel like they were..."spoken" an age ago, but no more than a few minutes have elapsed since the Kaita. Too much of that experience doesn't translate to me, here and now, doesn't fit in the shape and size of the brain I'm employing. Still, the words echo though my mind. Isn't strength what I need? But...I can't be strong when I'm relying on others. That's what unity is, after all. The thoughts seem surprisingly venomous, but...If this is the only kind of strength or power I can have, then so be it...Why am I thinking about this in terms of power?! Now anger at myself flares up inside my mind. Maybe for once in your life, Snake, you should be sincere, you should be a friend! But I can't let them exploit me! You can only gain something by being with them, you fool! It's not like they need you! But...they'll know my weakness, they'll-- Then it hits me. The thing that has been grinning in a dark corner of my consciousness, waiting to reveal itself: Shield and Jayar know everything about me. Of course they do. They know what I fear, why I do what I do. They can predict my every move, and use me to their advantage. They've stolen my mind! My fear and confusion is directed into searing bursts of hate. Not anger, but cold despising loathing. It's like fear, but inverted. They'll...control me! My eyes coming into focus, and my mind into the present with this new revelation at the forefront of my thoughts. I notice Jayar is glancing at me. That...scum! No. Stop this. Stop it before it truly begins, and takes root. Haven't you realized, having a friend is having someone who has the capability to exploit you? But the difference between a good friend and a mortal enemy is that a friend chooses not to. For the spirits' sakes Snake, that's what trust is. My mind pauses for a second, exhausted. There's stillness inside my brain. So many things I've never felt before...but I can see light. But...what if they do betray my trust? I look down at the little thought, vulnerable and lonely. Doubt is its name, the origin of all my troubles, yet so innocent. I take pity on it. Well Snake, you'll just have to take the chance. And who knows, perhaps you'll get the best friends of your life, I reply. I look up at Jayar, who has by now turned away, my eyes once narrowed opening. I try a smile.
  19. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    IC: Theta - Project Hatchet Base I press down my impatience.
  20. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    Full Name: Agent Theta (goes by “Theta” to anyone who knows him) Gender: Male Species: Hero Organisation: Project Hatchet Equipment: Supplies Powers: An incredibly powerful telekinetic ability with multiply capabilities: - Psychically lifting and moving heavy objects - Shattering and ripping apart objects with mental force - Throwing bolts of telekinetic force - Creating temporary semi-solid force constructs (shields, simple weapons etc.) - Achieving limited flight and levitation Every second of using this potent psychokinesis requires varying degrees of focus. Usually visible as a faint purple glow.Physical characteristics: Theta is a little taller than your average Hero, and is clad in industrial-looking practical battle armour. Its purples and greys are faded, the paint scratched to reveal his gunmetal body. His helmet, and the outer layers of his armour are geometric in style.The helmet in question covers his entire face, and has a deep scar running across the right eye, which is dark. His other eye is burning white. Theta’s “Hero” core is cast in the shape of an upper case Θ, and is onyx-black, while being obscured by armour plating. He also has the same symbol picked out in white on his left shoulder. Theta is of average strength, but increased agility and speed. Weakness: The Agent tends to over-rely on his powers, which he has become accustomed to using. Mental characteristics: Before his conditioning, Theta was level-headed and calm, not letting any emotions show in case they were exploited. However, the operation that gifted Theta psychophysical abilities also gave him an unpredictable and erratic temper, and a more cynical and generally contemptuous outlook on life. Bio: Project Hatchet had recruited rogue “heroes” into the organisation on several occasions before Theta’s arrival, but Theta was the first of them to undergo a highly experimental procedure that granted him bizarre psionic powers. Therefore Theta carries no weapons: he is the weapon, and is used for infiltration, terror attacks and raids.
  21. Hey, welcome back PMOS (late to the party)
  22. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    Yeah, I'll wait till Ardor is approved to play Vandal...if he doesn't get approved at all, I'll edit the bio. Thanks
  23. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    Ardor is Onaku's character, who me and Onaku previously agreed had hired Vandal some time ago to aid in his plans. I suppose Vandal might be better classified as a villain, but he's more neutral. I chose to call him a "hero" in the sense of a species, not a job description. As for Vandal's past, I'm not really sure why him having a past that happened before the game's events would be a problem...his character still has time to develop, and giving him a past seems like a good way to help that development. Are you saying that you have an issue with something specific in his bio, or are you saying he shouldn't have a bio at all? What do you mean "write me an interaction subplot"? Thanks in advance~
  24. silo

    HF RPG 2.0

    Profile~ Full Name: Cyrus Vandal Gender: Male Type: Hero Equipment: Five combat knivesMiniaturized railguns: a rifle and two pistolsSteel railgun ammoSuppliesPowers: Vandal has a strong electromagnetic force emanating from a core within him. This has several applications: - Projecting a magnetic field to repel or attract ferrous materials to his body - Projecting a magnetic field to repel or attract his body to ferrous material - Sending an electric shock through any part of his body - Sending an electric current through his rail weapons to allow them to work Physical characteristics: Medium height with geometric and streamlined gunmetal, silver and metru gold armour. Relatively industrial-looking, with little to no decoration. Burnt orange eyes and a burnt orange hero core, which is obscured by armour plating. Fairly thin and wiry, with an agile frame. Vandal has sharp vision. Weakness: Vandal is not overly strong, and his armour is lightweight. Biography: Vandal was built a while ago as a hero, but developed an unforeseen independence. He started questioning orders, doubting his leaders. Eventually he managed to remove his command chip and strike out on his own, travelling across countless worlds in search of fame, glory and wealth. He found life as a mercenary suited him best. Eventually he found Ardor, whose plans held the appealing glint of gold. And yeah, I know irl railguns are way op, but these can just be treated as normal guns that need a flow of electricity to work. I simply chose railguns because they were magnetism based. Anyway, thanks in advance~
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