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Everything posted by Ford

  1. O.O This is exactly what I would want a Bionicle MMORPG to look like.
  2. In some of the pictures with the being wearing the mask, it says "mask maker". Maybe it is Artahka, who is now the creator of the great masks, or a being who is entirely different. Another theory I have is if a being is living inside of the mask, much like how the Ignika had a consciousness in the story...
  3. College Life Is Tough... ;)

  4. It would not surprise me if it was Minecraft after all of this, as Lego has not put any official pictures up on their website yet.
  5. I would say Dume because he had the most value to the story the way I see it. I can't say Vakama because he was sooooooo cryptic and misleading. I usually go back to MoL when he always says things about "the prophecy" and "exactly as foretold" without telling ANYONE ABOUT THEM! If he just opened his mouth (or respirator?) the Matoran would have had time to prepare for threats such as the Bohrok and Rahkshi. I just REALLY DO NOT LIKE VAKAMA! >
  6. I always liked what they did with Hahli, putting her directly into her element and all...
  7. It really did not matter to me whether or not there were many Turaga present in the storyline because they gave pretty good reasons for their absence. For example, Jovan was killed during the Great Cataclysm.
  8. Jaller must come back. I don't care if he is brought back as a Matoran or a Toa; he was my first Bionicle set, as well as my first LEGO set!
  9. My most memorable time with Bionicle had to be when I found out it was ending back in 2009. I almost lost interest in the line and story as I was entering high school, but when I found out it was ending that soon changed. I made it a point to read every serial, book, and comic, even though I never got around to it until the eleventh grade when I found that the fan community was still booming. Bionicle is generally memorable to me as a whole. It was what I liked and, where I lived, people did not. No one could tell me not to like Bionicle because they had no grounds to make their case. I still have my MOCs, which I may put up sooner or later, and they stand proudly on top of my cabinets. ;.)
  10. I always thought of the MU as a computer, where the inhabitants were the various programs running the system. If I were to think of it as the human body, I would say a few things: 1. Voya Nui is the culmination of blood platelets covering a wound. 2. The Rahi could be red blood cells (RBCs, as I refer to them), but can be easily infected with a virus, as the Makuta can control them using infected masks. 3. The Core Processor is the brain, Karda Nui is the heart, obviously... 4. The Pit could be... the liver? It keeps (or kept) bad things away from the rest of the body or attempted to purify them, so maybe. That's all I have to say for now!
  11. I asked a similar question before on the Lego Message Boards. I would just go with physical stress on the body, as with humans.
  12. Not to make it sound weird, but I thought Gorast was cool, being one of if not the only female amongst the other Makuta.
  13. And I was just about to give my answer...
  14. 2006. I would have said 2008, but my only way of getting the story back then was through the Lego Magazine comics (and I still have the stack of said comics). 2008 had its story too spread out to me, and because of that, I did not enjoy that year as much as 2006.
  15. The only thing going for this set (when I look at it) are the minifigs (and Groot), as they're not featured in any other sets. Lego has done it again...
  16. I would welcome a change to the Kanohi powers for the Toa. To me, Gali's Mask of Water Breathing in 2008 was kind of getting old in terms of the ability. I would love to see new masks, designs, and abilities (even better abilities than Life, Time, and Creation...).
  17. 2008 Adaptive Armor Toa Nuva, because they were in full control of their powers at that point. I would have said the Inika, but they were not as experienced as the Nuva.
  18. I understand that Hero Factory means a lot to some people out there, but if it ends with Bionicle's rumored return, I really would not be phased. TLG is what it is, a business. They do what people want while making sure it can still be a good choice for the company. Story wise, HF is decent. It's not dark like Bionicle was in its later days and was episodic/varied from year to year. This left a lot of room to work with for MOCs, stories, etc. Bionicle (somewhat) struggled in this feat due to how some people would have to take the time to place their MOC into some part of the canon. Overall, HF had a lot of good things going for it, but sustained a wound from the fact that most of the Bionicle community did not like it at first.
  19. I'd say Metus, and here's why: He wanted the Skrall to rule Bara Magna before, even though they were only just getting by in terms of their survival as a species. With this in mind, they would not have stood a chance against Velika when he came back, as they would still be taking the rest of the planet and not worrying about their infrastructure. Metus would have seen this as a surefire way for Velika to conquer.
  20. What LIES behind the Mask of TRUTH?

  21. The Toa Empire is my favorite AU. I liked how it branched from The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, one of my favorite serials, but went off into a completely different direction. I love it when you get to see the main universe completely turn around the roles of the characters (the Toa are bad while the Makuta are "good"). I also like how they changed Lesovikk into a rebel hero, whereas in the main universe he does not see himself as a hero at all. If there was a story that continued from the end of Dark Mirror, I would give it a read.
  22. My favorites are Darkness and Phantom. 1. Darkness is that guy who is out to get the Shadowed One if and whenever he fails, just like a person who follows you around to see if you fail. O.o 2. I just feel bad for Phantom, regarding his backstory that is, and I feel that he should be given a spotlight.
  23. I believe that Pohatu would be faster than Sonic. Starting the race, Sonic would have to gain speed gradually, while Pohatu can use his Mask of Speed to instantly start running.
  24. This is a great story overall. I love the characters and their personalities, as they have the same appeal as the Toa Mata in 2001. I can relate a bit to some of the characters in it, and when that happens, I realize that a story is just that good. In my opinion, this is a 10/10, and I read this before it was featured. Can't wait for more!
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