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Naota Takizawa

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Blog Comments posted by Naota Takizawa

  1. This is really amazing. I've seen fan made elements before, but never saw the linked together in such a complex way. I'm also really happy that you've added notes to make the process of linking elements together simpler, I was puzzled when I first saw your periodic table.


    You will be missed. Be sure of that. Best of luck on your future endeavours.

    But before you go, will you reveal what your profile pic actually is? I've always wondered about that.

    It's a column of light. 


    That's it? Well, I thought it was something cooler, but at least the mystery has been solved. 


    Anyway, good luck in your future endeavors.

  3. Name: Sumaka

    Element 1: Air

    Element 2: Plantlife

    Other: She loves to use disk like weapons such as Kanoka. Sumaka is an energetic thrill seeker who constantly wants to move around and can be seen swinging off vines, flying through the air on airborne rahi or even running across flat ground. 

    Her great Kaukau is metallic green in color with a fluorescent bright green visor, dark green joints and bright green limbs. Behind her mask, Sumaka's eyes are fluorescent blue. The matoran's hands are lime green in color. 

  4. Couldn't post last night since the Internet dropped out at 10:30pm in my timezone.


    Name: Hisuti


    Gender: Female


    Element 1: Water


    Element 2: Earth



    • Wields a steel spear with blue cloth wrapped around the pole.
    • Hisuti appears to be a strict and responsible leader in front of everyone, but many villagers know that on the inside, she is surprisingly easygoing.


    Role: Leader


    I hope my character gets accepted. *knocks on wood, takes a rabbit's foot, picks a 4 leafed clover and crosses fingers.*

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