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Posts posted by Blastcage

  1. Are we honestly still debating whether or not a continuation is possible?


    It's been long since established that a simple summary of all events in Bionicle could be condensed into perhaps one or two sentences, which would then give the starting point for the storyline that continues vaguely off of what was done before. Please, we've beaten this to death, revived it, and beaten it to death a second time


    Sounds like a typical high-school relationship. 


    I'm guessing reboot. Plus I kinda wanna see a reboot, IDK why.

    • Upvote 5
  2. Let's not get into a debate over which bands would suit Bionicle. Please.


    Also, remember that HF movie rumor?


    Nice way to get everyone to ignore what I said. I wasn't starting a "debate", I was expressing my opinion and asking everyone else for theirs. 


    Anywho, we all knew that live-action HF movie wasn't happening. There was never anymore news besides that initial news on it.


    No, I think giving powers to more of the Agori and Glatorian would detract from the skills they already have. I men, look how much they've survived without powers. Besides, being mostly organic, Glatorian given Toa powers are far weaker, so I don't see much point in turning the Glatorian into weak Toa when the story could just focus on the strong Toa. If there was a year or two where the storyline that focused on the Agori and Glatorian, I'd like it to focus on them as they are; they're already special and unique in their own ways. They have their own skills and techniques, and they're excellent survivors.


    I'd like an Agori/Glatorian driven storyline to focus on the aspects that make them different and special, rather than just turning them into a weaker organic equivalent of Toa and Matoran.



    One thing that occurs to me is that the Agori/Glatorian know the land/world of Spherus Magna much better than the Toa/Matoran do. At least for the first short while, they will be indispensable. Given that recent Greg answers leave Matoran construction equipment out of commission, they also have the potential for superior numbers. 


    Eh... I'm in the camp of people who think it's wrong to propogate that girls are "supposed" to limit their interests to things that are all pink and frilly and princessy. I mean, if a girl really does love that stuff, fine, give it too them... but I know girls who have hated that stuff since they were little. I know girls who LOVE Bionicle. Heck, my own mother has said that when she was little, she never wanted to be a princess. She thought that was stupid. She wanted to go find DINOSAURS.


    If girls like that are really such a small percentage of lego's market, then fine... but I honestly find that kind of hard to believe. Again, I must touch upon Young Justice and its audience. Why SHOULDN'T a girl wanna be Batgirl, or Miss Martian, or Artemis or whoever? Why shouldn't they buy the comics and action figures? Girls can be cool, too.

    >implying that girls who like pink aren't cool. :P


    But seriously, dude, this girl agrees with everything you're saying. :) To the revolution! *raises Sprite bottle*



    *incinerates Sprite bottle* 


    Mountain Dew superior. Sprite inferior.


    I remember a fake CoroCoro magazine scan from June that featured "Mega Sceptile" had Gadunka's silhouette in a corner. Also the fake Mega Klinklang floating around recently looks like a Toa built entirely out of gears. XD



    I wonder if Lego will do a movie and a video game for 2015, as originally planned for 2001, now that they have the resources. I hope they do, but doubt they'll invest too much on the off chance it flops.


    Movie? We would've already heard about a movie...LEGO has to file a trademark, and such a trademark would've been uncovered by now. Earliest we can expect a movie is 2016 unless LEGO is doing an amazing job of covering up a 2015 movie.


    Only time will tell. My bet is that 2015 will be a sort of test year to see how popular Bionicle turns out to be. If they get good sales, then we might see more money being poured into the theme. Fingers crossed. 


    This. 2015 will be all about marketing, most of it viral. Posters, ads, music vids, radio infomercials...that kind of thing. Speaking of music, any guess on who LEGO should partner with this time around? I'm thinking a variety of bands would be nice. Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park, Shinedown...maybe throw in some AC/DC and Avenged Sevenfold in there as well. There's songs by all 5 bands - which just so happen to be my faves - that would fit nicely with BIONICLE. I'll name some if I must.

  4. If we see leaks, how does that even hurt LEGO? This isn't like the Transformers fandom where a 3rd party can come out of nowhere and make unofficial figures. Even if such an event were to take place, there wouldn't be any good quality figures to come out of it. I've heard the copy-paste thing about leaks being bad because of competitors...what competition is even out there for Bionicle? Last I checked, any attempts by other companies at replicating Bionicle's success have failed. So other than spoiled surprise, how can they hurt LEGO? Transformers stuff gets leaked all the time...I don't see Hasbro and Takara being hurt by that at all. Even when an unofficial figure gets made prior to the official one, the official figures still sells just fine. 


    I'm going to abide by this policy...but that won't stop me from questioning it. 


    Ya know, I hope Bionicle 2015 has cool posters like we got back in 2001 and 2002. I've got a "Find the Power" poster from 2002, but poor thing is torn at the corners because I didn't know how to properly hang posters back then, I was only like...8. Collecting posters is kind of a thing for me now, so I'd love to get some more. If we do, I sure hope they're 27x40, I prefer that over the 24x36.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Okay, I'm getting very bored of all of this information coming to light, then subsequently being revealed to be leaked, and thus not allowed to be discussed. We need to pool our resources and bribe/beg/bully Lego into making an official announcement (although personally, I think the fact that they haven't denied the rumours is the same as confirming them). I needs knowledge! I can't wait for 2015, I must know now!!!


    Yeah, it's getting annoying. Hard to have healthy discussion with that outdated policy weighing us down. Although I wish these leaks hadn't happened this early! Usually they're in like September/October, and there's not as much of a gap between them and an official announcement. Hopefully LEGO gives an official announcement soon...dunno what they're waiting on.

    • Upvote 1
  6.             Greg just said that Lego doesn't want him to finish the serials, even though he now has time.  This kinda implies B2016 won't be a continuation.




    Bionicle 2016 is coming....


    You mean Bionicle 2015. Coming back next year. We wouldn't get leaks until this time next year if it was returning in 2016.


    Actually, the Inika never beat the Piraka. They just weren't annihilated by them, which was due to the Red Star giving them electrical powers and them having mask powers that were very convenient against the Piraka's abilities. And yes, that was due to destiny.




    The Nuva lost to the Piraka because they didn't know what they were up against. They'd never faced opponents like them before.


    It might also have something to do with which Toa were sets in that year. ;)



    True, and the points about the Nuva not knowing what they were up against are good points, but from a pure power perspective...Nuva should've won. But hey, there's that whole plot convenience thing....erm, I mean destiny.


    Yes, this out-of-control Bionicle 2015 hype is stirring up the entire internet...honestly, the leaks and mysterious happenings on lego.com have created what I'm going to call a hype powder-keg. When we finally get official confirmation of the return, well...that's when we're gonna see real hype.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I hate to turn this into a Moc evaluation thread, but I'm not a fan of that giant red shield piece for a torso. :shrugs: I like the idea of a giant Tahu, but I wouldn't want it to look quite like that. 



    Wow! I come back after about a week and all you guys have come up with some genius ideas! I especially like the idea of Titan sized Barraki/Rahi sets, and Nato Greavesy's "Vezon, Toa of Anarchy" ("Vezon Master Anarchy" doesn't have much of a ring to it).

    As for that Anti-Team, oh my. If that was made into a serial or a book that would be great. Kind of like a more crazy version of the FOF.


    You guys all seem to like my rogue Toa plot idea...want me to write a fanfic of it?


    Go forth. I think seeing an execution of the idea will help me evaluate it better. :)


    May take me a while to put it together, but I just might have to do it.


    Kinda random, but I just wanna say I never understood why the Nuva lost to the Piraka, but the Inika beat 'em. The Inika are arguably more powerful than the average Toa, but not as powerful as the Toa Nuva. I'm guessing it was destiny, the Nuva were probably never meant to even come in contact with the Piraka. I also wonder if the Mahri are still as powerful as they were as Inika. Just some random thoughts.

  9. Wow! I come back after about a week and all you guys have come up with some genius ideas! I especially like the idea of Titan sized Barraki/Rahi sets, and Nato Greavesy's "Vezon, Toa of Anarchy" ("Vezon Master Anarchy" doesn't have much of a ring to it).

    As for that Anti-Team, oh my. If that was made into a serial or a book that would be great. Kind of like a more crazy version of the FOF.


    You guys all seem to like my rogue Toa plot idea...want me to write a fanfic of it?

    • Upvote 1

    And it would make sense. Some Toa would be taken in by Tuyet's promise of militaristic intervention while wanting the best, so both sides would be technically neither good nor bad, and bring a about interesting plotlines.


    Lego can just go and say "these are this year's bad guys" and give a brief introduction of their characters: TSO is the leader of a mercanary group called the Dark Hunters. The Barraki are four warlords working together to build a massive united empire. Takadox is a sniveling traitor whose prone to compulsive backstabbing syndrome...

    This was what I was getting at many pages back. Lego only needs vital info to be given to new fans so the story makes sense, and if they want more, well, Biosector is there for them.



    Exactly. What happened during the past within the MU isn't vital to understanding the new story. They don't have to reference Makuta or the Giant Robots, just give brief vague background like. The Great Spirit Mata Nui defeated his evil brother and freed the people of two universes from the machinations of a tyrannic warlord, and now hibernates within the Great Mask of Life until the world need him once more...


    Then introduce basic facts about old characters as needed. Eg: Ahkmou once served Mata Nui's evil brother but is now an outcast. Takanuva was once a Matoran until he became the powerful Toa of Light. The Skrall are a race of powerful warriors but scattered across the desert after their leader was beaten by Mata Nui. The Baterra were created by the Great Beings to end an old war, but instead ran rampant. Etc, etc. You see where I'm going with this. 

    I think he was calling me the new Greg since it was my idea...didn't think it would catch on like that. Ahkmou needs to be their shadow Toa leader. We need these guys to feel evil and truly corrupt. They need to be scary. Their corruption needs to run so deep that it alters their physical states and also causes their elements to become intertwined with shadow. They need to be such a threat that when Marendar is activated, he has to create Terminator-esque robots to ensure the death of every Toa. And to make these rogue Toa even more intimidating...they need to be submerged into energized protodermis and become Nuva. If we have a rogue Toa story, it needs to be dark.


    I think we've had quite enough of "shadow is always evil" for one decade. I think Lego needs to focus on a more diverse group of villains, like a rogue Toa team, perhaps using those lesser-known Toa powers that never really featured in the main story all that much.


    Because of the Makuta betrayal, shadow has always been seen as this malevolent evil element within the bionicle universe. A lot of the major villains had a black colour scheme. But shadow itself isn't evil. It isn't corrupt or malicious or whatever. It was the people who used it who were corrupt, and cruel and evil. Shadow itself was just one more of the many elements created to give balance to the MU. I think we should have a good Toa of shadow, or perhaps a villain who uses the power of light, just to turn the whole preconceived concept on its head. 


    This is  new era of Bionicle, so let's mix things up a little. Why not?



    I was tired and worded that a bit funky. I wasn't saying all of these rogue Toa need to be Toa of shadow, I was indicating Ahkmou should be a Toa of shadow and be their leader. You want a villain who uses light? Was actually thinking about that myself. Gavla could be one of the rogue Toa. The other 4...hmm, maybe Lesovikk could finally go nuts. Other 3 could be different elements. Lightning, sonics...heck, let's make acid an element and have a Toa of acid. Again, I want all of them Nuva...want this situation to become so dire that Mata Nui has to step in or something. May have to write a fanfic..

  11. I think he was calling me the new Greg since it was my idea...didn't think it would catch on like that. Ahkmou needs to be their shadow Toa leader. We need these guys to feel evil and truly corrupt. They need to be scary. Their corruption needs to run so deep that it alters their physical states and also causes their elements to become intertwined with shadow. They need to be such a threat that when Marendar is activated, he has to create Terminator-esque robots to ensure the death of every Toa. And to make these rogue Toa even more intimidating...they need to be submerged into energized protodermis and become Nuva. If we have a rogue Toa story, it needs to be dark.

  12. I'd like to see rogue Toa. After seeing Into the Storm, I think it'd be cool to see rogue Toa screw things up royally by causing natural disasters and stuff. Just imagine New Atero being ravaged by a sudden and mysterious tornado outbreak. Even if not rogue Toa, any villain pulling the strings from behind the scenes and making things look completely natural and fooling even us readers would be cool. I dunno, something about power abuse sounds intriguing to me.

    • Upvote 5
  13. If any director were to make a big-budget Bionicle film, it needs to be either James Cameron or Guillermo Del Toro. I do like Michael Bay, his style works for Transformers, but for Bionicle? I'd rather not give him an excuse to blow up a 40-million foot tall robot. Cameron is a good choice, just look at Avatar. Del Toro may be best though, fits his art style quite well. Anyone seen HeIIboy II: The Golden Army? The Golden Army itself looks very Bohrok-esque, IMO.

    • Upvote 4
  14. Oh, of course, the worst of the movies is getting the blu ray treatment :P I seriously doubt that's gonna happen, more likely than not it's just Amazon messing up. October 7th is such an arbitrary date, too. It's a Tuesday. Who does something cool on a Tuesday? :P


    Um, it's not getting the Blu-Ray treatment. Just a re-issue of the DVD. Sorry if my wording made it sound like it was getting a Blu-Ray release. I sure wish it was though! Better yet, a 3D release. I'd love to see a 3D Bionicle movie, doesn't matter if it's a new one or just the originals post-converted. 


    Is the Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows DVD getting re-issued? I was looking the Bionicle movies up on Amazon to see if they'd been put on Blu-Ray yet, and the page for WoS says it will be released on October 7th of this year...









    Is the Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows DVD getting re-issued? I was looking the Bionicle movies up on Amazon to see if they'd been put on Blu-Ray yet, and the page for WoS says it will be released on October 7th of this year...





    That is weird. I bet its an error on Amazon's part though. Unless a new version of the movie is being released and no one has heard of it until now, but I don't think that's the case since it doesn't say that its different from the original movie. That's what makes me think that Amazon made a mistake with this.




    Amazon regularly botches stuff like this. I wouldn't think about it too much.


    What I found odd is that there's the page for the re-issue AND the page for the original release. Re-issue is a slightly higher price. Wonder what's going on here. Also wonder why it's not getting the Blu-Ray treatment if it's being re-issued...

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