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Posts posted by Blastcage


    I'm going to die from pure, unrestrained laughter when both Banana Gunz AND Lucina turn out to be wrong. That mask is CLEARLY Ultron. And I'm right because look at that mask...there's no strings on the mask. And Ultron said "there are no strings on me" in the Age of Ultron trailer. Plus the eyes are red, and Ultron has red eyes, so it MUST be him! So you can all go home, I win this debate.

    No. Ultron is Lewa, duh.



    Lewa is merely one of Ultron's minions. 





    I'm going to die from pure, unrestrained laughter when both Banana Gunz AND Lucina turn out to be wrong. That mask is CLEARLY Ultron. And I'm right because look at that mask...there's no strings on the mask. And Ultron said "there are no strings on me" in the Age of Ultron trailer. Plus the eyes are red, and Ultron has red eyes, so it MUST be him! So you can all go home, I win this debate.

    No. Ultron is Lewa, duh.


    But Lewa is a modified Green Lantern! How can he be both?


    Age of Ultron is secretly a Bionicle, DC and Marvel crossover.


    In all seriousness, is the Rahkshi staff piece from Kopaka and Pohatu metallic silver from HF?



    Bionicle technically is in the DC universe, so a one-off crossover comic...not too far-fetched. I mean, if Attack on Titan can cross with Marvel, anything is possible!


    I'd like to get a sense of what their exact role is in the story before we see any sets of them. I mean, weren't they in a deep sleep because Ekimu knocked Makuta's head off?


    No, his mask was knocked off, not his head...this reboot isn't THAT violent! XD

  2. Anyone have a good argument on how to convince a stubborn friend about the awesomeness of trans purple? Quote him: "It's just a color, no one cares." (Me): JUST A COLOR?!?


    Well, purple is a symbol of royalty...and "royalty is no match for power". Boom, there you go. Winning argument, courtesy of Avenged Sevenfold.

    • Upvote 3
  3. I'm going to die from pure, unrestrained laughter when both Banana Gunz AND Lucina turn out to be wrong. That mask is CLEARLY Ultron. And I'm right because look at that mask...there's no strings on the mask. And Ultron said "there are no strings on me" in the Age of Ultron trailer. Plus the eyes are red, and Ultron has red eyes, so it MUST be him! So you can all go home, I win this debate.

    • Upvote 9

    The only reason I might get that stupid spider is just so the Toa have something to fight. Oh, and whoever said Gali couldn't tell a joke is lying.


    "Hey Tahu, did you know that your mask can help shield you?"


    "Show me."


    "I forgot Hau...."


    "DANG IT, GALI!"

    "Hey Kopaka, do you know what kind of clock I have?"


    "A-kaku clock!" :akaku:




    "Hey Lewa, you seem to be having trouble learning to fly, I think I can help." 


    "Please, share your secrets, water-maiden." 


    "Just concentrate when you look in the Miru!" 



    • Upvote 3
  5. Let's hope the Nuva learned from their old tactic of  'Jump around and stab the ground.'


    Also, I can now confirm that I'm skipping that glorified tarantula. One mask is not worth fifteen bucks and the set itself is meh.


    I could get two twelve packs of Canada Dry with that money.


    Or buy a 12-pack of Surge on Amazon since that's back now. 


    I'll be getting all these sets. It's funny...4 years ago, I was eagerly waiting for the Saturday before Thanksgiving because that was when I was leaving for Hawaii. Fast forward to today, and I eagerly wait for the chance to buy the new Bionicle sets. Oh how times have changed.


    I'm going to buy Onua first at the same store where I got the original Onua back in 2001. Pretty sure I got all the original Toa at that particular store, actually.

    But what if another store has Onua discounted? :P



    If I go to the same store I got original Onua in, not only is there the nostalgia factor, but I also get a chance to make fun of the people of WalMart. Who would pass up such a golden opportunity? 


    It's not fitting in I'm worried about. It's my parents. I know they don't like Bionicle and only bought me the sets because it made me happy. They don't understand that this is more than just a simple toy line for me. It's special, but I know that they want me to start thinking of my future. When am I going to move out? Will I ever find a girlfriend? How is this setting a good example for my younger siblings?


    I just.... I don't want my parents to say "Oh look, there goes our 22 year old son who wastes his money on toys..."


    Or "Oh, your son just built a new engine? My son just dropped fifteen bucks on a Toa Gali set!"


    I want to make them proud. They do so much for me, you know?


    Just tell them what you have in mind for the future, I dunno. I'm 23 and my folks are fine with me buying bonkles, partly cause I'm planning to write and hopefully publish a book in 2016.



    Please, tell me more about this book...


    I'm taking classes at my local community college for Human Services. I want to become a Therapist. Thanks for the help.  


    That's a very wonderful thing that you wish to help people like that. I always have a special sort of respect for those who wish to help others. :)


    I'll need money to afford Bionicle 2015...if I manage to figure out a way to do storm chasing part-time next summer, maybe I'll get a decent salary and be able to afford all the expensive stuff I want.

    • Upvote 1

    What would i like to see happen? those six adorable little hunchbacks we called turaga, and new rahi other than skull spiders

    Sorry, pal. They said there were going to be no more characters from the old universe other than the Toa and Makuta. 



    They didn't outright say no. They said more than likely no. Besides, plans can change at any time.

    • Upvote 2

    Yessss, give us new Bohrok. But jump straight to the Kal this time. Normal Bohrok only work with the MU = giant robot plot twist. The Kal though? Could repurpose them a lot easier.

    The Kal don't make any sense without the context of the Bohrok themselves, though. Yes, you could repurpose the Kal as an independent series of villains—but if you're changing their role that much then it'd be no harder (and in fact, probably easier) to repurpose the Bohrok as alien invaders or whatnot.


    Plus, the regular Bohrok were just better. Always have been. :P



    True, the Bohrok could be invaders...or even rogue machines, Skynet-style. Although the Kal could make sense without the context of the Bohrok if written right. Rewrite them as elite beings of sorts. Have them be actual reptilian beings this time instead of robots with reptilian markings. 

  10. Borderline moderate and public, leaning more towards moderate. I've become more public with it, and once I trust a friend enough to have them over, it's impossible to hide. Ever since G1 ended, it hasn't been relevant, but with the reboot, guess I'll put it our there more. Everyone knows my love for Transformers, CoD Zombies, and Resident Evil...might as well make Bionicle a bit more known now.




    The Turaga were most useless. All they did was stand around and run their mouths like the geezers they are. We were always told the Turaga still had some elemental powers, but we certainly never saw them use it.


    I hated them an their b.s. (Bachelor of Science)  "legends" and "Sacred fire". But that is probably because I got into BIONICLE in 2009, and all the info was already available by that time...


    Yes, yes. What is the point of them having elemental powers and mask, if they do not use them AT ALL. I could rarely remember a time. I think the only time was when Vakama used his Huna against the Rahi-Nui, Nokama translating the MoL, and maybe something else I missed... They act weaker than the matoran, sometimes, but yet they have more power.



    Yeah, the way they acted weaker irked me. They had power, should've used it. We never actually saw them form Kaita or Nui either. In fact, Kaita and Nui in general were under-used. We know Matoran Nui and Turaga Nui are possible, but what about Toa Nui? That would've been cool to see if it were possible. I sure hope Kaita at least return...don't see why the Inika/Mahri didn't use them. Makes even less sense that the Nuva forgot about them in 2008. They'd used them in 2001 and 2002, but why didn't they get the idea to when going up against all those Makuta?



    I want to know why they didn't use a kaita in 2006, when they were almost dead at the hands of the Piraka.


    Toa Nui is a myth; it isn't real.



    I wonder that as well, but I guess Greg forgot about Kaita eventually.




    So you're saying that Takanuva is the single most important character in the entire BIONICLE lore? Man, we really need him in the reboot.

    Just a quick question - does everyone want Takua, or Takanuva back?




    I wouldn't mind seeing at the very least a villager as awesome as him, at the very least a cameo






    The Turaga were most useless. All they did was stand around and run their mouths like the geezers they are. We were always told the Turaga still had some elemental powers, but we certainly never saw them use it.


    I hated them an their b.s. (Bachelor of Science)  "legends" and "Sacred fire". But that is probably because I got into BIONICLE in 2009, and all the info was already available by that time...


    Yes, yes. What is the point of them having elemental powers and mask, if they do not use them AT ALL. I could rarely remember a time. I think the only time was when Vakama used his Huna against the Rahi-Nui, Nokama translating the MoL, and maybe something else I missed... They act weaker than the matoran, sometimes, but yet they have more power.



    Yeah, the way they acted weaker irked me. They had power, should've used it. We never actually saw them form Kaita or Nui either. In fact, Kaita and Nui in general were under-used. We know Matoran Nui and Turaga Nui are possible, but what about Toa Nui? That would've been cool to see if it were possible. I sure hope Kaita at least return...don't see why the Inika/Mahri didn't use them. Makes even less sense that the Nuva forgot about them in 2008. They'd used them in 2001 and 2002, but why didn't they get the idea to when going up against all those Makuta?



    I want to know why they didn't use a kaita in 2006, when they were almost dead at the hands of the Piraka.


    Toa Nui is a myth; it isn't real.


    That... is a very good question actually. They got there bio-mechanical posteriors handed to them by a much more powerful foe, by round two we should have seen them pull out Wairuha and Akamai like they did against the Kal or the Manas! Sure, the Kaita failed utterly against the Kal, but that was only due to the fact that the Kal had:

    1. Stolen the Nuva's powers
    2. formed their own Kaita

    But imagine a Kaita with Nuva-level powers...


    Still, I hope we get to see something like the Kaita and Nui combinations in-story again, 'cause those were cool.



    Yeah, seeing them again would be very nice. Remember though, the Nuva went into that fight very confident and cocky. They expected a quick, easy victory. Plus I think Greg honestly forgot about Kaita at that point.




    Toa Nui is a myth; it isn't real.


    Was that the case from the start, or was the Toa Nui at some point something actually attainable? If it's the latter, that's the world's laziest way of making sure you never have to fire Chekhov's gun.


    Greg answers on subject from oldest to newest: 


    11 i read some were about toa nui the fusion of six toa is this really posible or was it a mistake on the page?


    11) The Toa Nui is a legend. It has not existed in the universe and most likely never will.


    * * *

    4.I know that the Toa Nui is just a legend, but i remeber someone saying that if it was created, it would have the powers of Mata Nui. Is this true?


    4) Irrelevant, since one will never exist


    * * *

    7) This next question is about Toa Nui. If yuo do now want to answer it, just put DHT (Don't have time)

    If a Toa Nui is as strong as Mata Nui, would a Toa Nui Nuva be stronger than Mata Nui? Also, can Toa form "Combos" of more than 6 Toa?


    7) Since there is no such thing as a Toa Nui, the point is moot.


    * * *

    7. I remember hearing something about a "Toa Nui". Is that possible to be formed?


    7) No such thing exists.


    * * *

    1. Why is there no Toa nui, even though there are Matoran and Turaga ones? Apparently Turaga Nui exist, since the official combiner appears on the Wiki page.


    1) Because it simply doesn't exist. There is no such thing in the BIONICLE universe. 

    * * *

    1. However, considering these were made by Great beings/ Glatorian etc., I see no reason why the GBs omitted a Toa Nui, so basically to rephrase my question: Why didn't the GBs make a Toa Nui? 


    1) Because they didn't, simple as that. I think, seeing the devastation wrought by the Glatorian on their own world, maybe they felt making it possible for there to be a being as powerful as a Toa Nui would be was a bad idea.

    * * *


    5. I know you said a Toa Nui couldn't exist, but could a Spear of Fusion create one?

    5) No, because one cannot exist.


    * * *

    1. I know you have said that a Toa Nui does not exist, but can six Toa fuse together, and what would the fusion be called if so?


    1) No, they can't, because if they could, they would be forming a Nui.


    * * *

    15. Is a Toa Nui (fusion of six) possible? If so, what powers would it have?


    15) Then BS01 is wrong, because the creation of a Toa Nui was never possible. Toa Nui is a myth. The closest we have had to one is Krahka, who passed out from trying to control the power. From a story standpoint, a Toa Nui is too powerful and would unbalance the story.




    I love how Greg doesn't really give much of a reason other than "just because I said so". Would be too OP anyways though



    The Turaga were most useless. All they did was stand around and run their mouths like the geezers they are. We were always told the Turaga still had some elemental powers, but we certainly never saw them use it.

    They taught the Toa Mata everything there was that they knew. The Toa Mata would be idiots if not for the Turaga. The seventh Toa might've even never existed!



    I really meant they were useless in fights. The part about them running their mouths was just a bit of a joke. Their wisdom truly helped the Toa Mata. But the fact they never used their elemental powers always bothered me.

    • Upvote 1

    The Turaga were most useless. All they did was stand around and run their mouths like the geezers they are. We were always told the Turaga still had some elemental powers, but we certainly never saw them use it.


    I hated them an their b.s. (Bachelor of Science)  "legends" and "Sacred fire". But that is probably because I got into BIONICLE in 2009, and all the info was already available by that time...


    Yes, yes. What is the point of them having elemental powers and mask, if they do not use them AT ALL. I could rarely remember a time. I think the only time was when Vakama used his Huna against the Rahi-Nui, Nokama translating the MoL, and maybe something else I missed... They act weaker than the matoran, sometimes, but yet they have more power.



    Yeah, the way they acted weaker irked me. They had power, should've used it. We never actually saw them form Kaita or Nui either. In fact, Kaita and Nui in general were under-used. We know Matoran Nui and Turaga Nui are possible, but what about Toa Nui? That would've been cool to see if it were possible. I sure hope Kaita at least return...don't see why the Inika/Mahri didn't use them. Makes even less sense that the Nuva forgot about them in 2008. They'd used them in 2001 and 2002, but why didn't they get the idea to when going up against all those Makuta?

  13. [medication is not a joke for you to use ~Makaru]


    MC, you just keep doing what you're doing! I fully support your endeavor and appreciate your reasons behind it. In fact, so supportive that we'll finish off our basement and allow you to move your Bionicle museum down there. Don't worry, I work for Umbrella Corporation, they'll take care of everything! :D

    • Upvote 3



    Do you guys want more old characters on this new line, or are you satisfied with the original Toa Mata and Makuta being the only ones ? I really hope we get some old Matoran characters, like Jaller and Takua.

    I really want to see Takanuva, but apart from that I don't want too many old faces.  It'd be weird to me if the bulk of the new series' characters were just re-imagined old ones.  I do half headcanon the protector sets as the original Turaga, though. :P


    I actually really like all of the new sets, bar maybe Onua (and Lewa's mask).  I'm leaning towards Gali and Pohatu as favs rn.

    If the toa are the toa from G1 I wonder of we will see any other people from that universe. Maybe some Matoran could go looking for them and become toa, just like the inika.


    I think that somebody said at CC that they weren't going to release any other sets from the past. 

    Fresh new stuff, I assume. 



    If they said that, plans could always change. Takanuva is too popular to not bring back. I'd love to see the Toa Mahri return as well. Although new Toa of different elements would be nice as well. I need me a Toa of lightning! 

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