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Posts posted by Blastcage

  1. I'd love to see Bionicle be a recurring thing, as long as it's given a decent break each time like it was between G1 and G2. Also don't want each reboot to be short. The current plan for this reboot is 3 years, but I'm hoping it'll be extended beyond that. Sure hope we get a movie on the big screen or even just a direct-to-store release, and hopefully in 3D. If done right, a movie would look fantastic in 3D. I'm sure there's plenty of you that either can't do 3D or just hate it for some reason and wouldn't want it in 3D, and that's fine as long as you aren't rude with your opinion. Sorry to get on a soapbox here, but I hate seeing comments like "keep 3D out of my movies!" because they're honestly selfish. It's an option. If you don't like it or can't do it, don't watch it in that format, but let those of us who enjoy it have it. It's hilarious how 3D-haters act like the movie being done in 3D offends them when they have the option of a 2D ticket/Blu-Ray...unless a theater doesn't offer 2D showings, in which case shame on them.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks of the facehuggers from the Alien series when I see the Skull Spiders? It's like a fusion of facehuggers and Krana...in spider form. Did Alien, the Bohrok saga, and Eight Legged Freaks all have a baby?  :lol:


    I've got Gali btw! Have all sets...Protectors of fire, ice, and water are lined up in that order from left to right...and Tahu, Kopaka, and Gali are lined up in that order, from left to right. Not only does it look patriotic as intended, but it also looks good and flows well.  :flagusa:

  3. I got LoSS, Gali, and Onua yesterday...was busy though so haven't even had time to open 'em. And by busy I mean a friend stayed overnight Friday night, then after I dropped him off at work yesterday, I had more friends over. Was playing a lot of Mario Kart 8, lol. Will definitely build LoSS and all 6 Toa today though!




    I don't know what to tell you.





    -Mr. Swag

    You talking to me?


    Who else would I be talking to? Don't be a ball of lead, please.






    -Mr. Swag


    Well I'd like to remind you we have this thing called a "quote button", please use it as otherwise your post can look like it's directed at anyone, and I have no clue what a ball of lead is, and if you wanna know why I did it in the first place it's because I wanted to see if it's a mistake made by amazon for future reference.



    The ball of lead thing is an attempt to call you dense. Just ignore it and move on. 


    So, I ordered from Amazon...they'll be here tomorrow because I've got Prime! :D

    • Upvote 2
  5. It's January 1st 2015, WHERE ARE THE BONKLES! I can't find them on amazon or the official lego shop! 


    They're on Amazon, just search Bionicle 2015, they'll come up. May have to scroll some because only 4 will show up at the top, but they have 'em. Protectors are listed too from what I can see.

  6. Are Gali and Onua still not being found at Target? I'd like to pick them up tomorrow if I can.


    OMG guys, I just found the pictures for the 2015 Bionicle summer sets, they are just so amazing


    I realize that's a joke, but it does have leaked names so you should remove it.


    Despite the efforts of the best intelligence agencies across the globe, Gali and Onua have yet to be spotted at any Target stores across the United States. The elusive pair have been spotted at Toys R Us stores, but even there sightings are rare.

    • Upvote 3


    Let's just get everything resolved really quick here. You don't like the new building system? Go to G1 Bionicle topics and stop going on and on and on and on about how much you dislike the new system, one time is fine but consistently saying your opinion over and over and denouncing others isn't going to get you anywhere. As for G2 fans, please ignore posts that you find offensive so they don't drag out into an argument over something as silly as building system preferences. Gen-one only fans stay in your topics, and G2 "crusaders" stay in yours. Also "crusaders", please don't harass the gen-oners and if they continue on, just ignore them. You know, like how you sometimes ignore the few old people who pessimistically complain about EVERYTHING and can't enjoy ANYTHING. Thank you for your time friends. 


    Gen-oners? I prefer to call them geewunners. Also, not all of us are "G2 crusaders".


    Ok Ok I'm going. Enjoy your skeleball, I'm going back to where I'm happy.


    I like that term, it makes me thing of Bohrok remakes using CCBS...which will probably never happen, but I can dream.




    Let's just get everything resolved really quick here. You don't like the new building system? Go to G1 Bionicle topics and stop going on and on and on and on about how much you dislike the new system, one time is fine but consistently saying your opinion over and over and denouncing others isn't going to get you anywhere. As for G2 fans, please ignore posts that you find offensive so they don't drag out into an argument over something as silly as building system preferences. Gen-one only fans stay in your topics, and G2 "crusaders" stay in yours. Also "crusaders", please don't harass the gen-oners and if they continue on, just ignore them. You know, like how you sometimes ignore the few old people who pessimistically complain about EVERYTHING and can't enjoy ANYTHING. Thank you for your time friends. 

    Eh....I'd rephrase the first bit if I were you before an admin stops by. This exact same argument happened a few pages back with the same people, and Windrider specifically said that it was against the rules to tell people they shouldn't belong on certain forums for their opinions.


    In certain scenarios that makes sense, but in this particular one where both sides are unable to have a civilized and respectful discussion about their opinions the quickest resolution is for the perpetrators to go where they won't harass others about having a different one, no matter which side they're on. Normally I'd be against that very notion, but this situation requires a "time-out" for anyone not willing to coexist with another persons opinion. This goes for both sides. It's always nice to have critical and objecting opinions, but not in a disrespectful and unfriendly manner.



    BOTH sides are unable to be civil and respectful? You didn't see my post, I assume.



    Do Gali and Onua even exist, or are they just figments of our imagination? Targets across the nation don't seem to be stocking them. I'll look for LOSS today, and if I don't find him, then I'll order him, Gali, and Onua off of Amazon. Good thing I've got Prime!


    I wasn't talking about your post friend. I was generally calling people out without naming them in an embarrassing and rude way, although I can see how you took it as of to mean everyone who participated in the discussion rather than the ones who were taking it out of its boundaries and so I apologize for it.  ^_^



    Oh I just wanted to be sure, no need to worry.


    So TRU is giving sets price jacks? Whyyy?


    Because it's TRU...they jack the prices up on EVERYTHING. They've been ruthless with their prices for Transformers. Their Masterpiece Prowl was $70, when the Japanese version could be had for $50. I don't go to TRU though cause the one nearest to me is in a bad part of town, and I'd prefer my Mustang NOT be broken into and/or stolen.


    Got Tahu and Gali a few days ago at my TRU, and they're easily the best constraction sets I've had in a long time, combining not only the CCBS that was used in HF but also the old gear system from 2001. I love that they've combined the two, and basically perfected them.


    I don't plan to get any other big or mid-sized sets, but would you recommend any Protectors? They seem very unique from small sets in previous years and I'd love to give one a try.




    Protectors of jungle, earth, and stone are fantastic. Biggest complaint I have about fire and ice is their lack of elbows. 

  8. Let's just get everything resolved really quick here. You don't like the new building system? Go to G1 Bionicle topics and stop going on and on and on and on about how much you dislike the new system, one time is fine but consistently saying your opinion over and over and denouncing others isn't going to get you anywhere. As for G2 fans, please ignore posts that you find offensive so they don't drag out into an argument over something as silly as building system preferences. Gen-one only fans stay in your topics, and G2 "crusaders" stay in yours. Also "crusaders", please don't harass the gen-oners and if they continue on, just ignore them. You know, like how you sometimes ignore the few old people who pessimistically complain about EVERYTHING and can't enjoy ANYTHING. Thank you for your time friends. 


    Gen-oners? I prefer to call them geewunners. Also, not all of us are "G2 crusaders".


    Ok Ok I'm going. Enjoy your skeleball, I'm going back to where I'm happy.


    I like that term, it makes me thing of Bohrok remakes using CCBS...which will probably never happen, but I can dream.




    Let's just get everything resolved really quick here. You don't like the new building system? Go to G1 Bionicle topics and stop going on and on and on and on about how much you dislike the new system, one time is fine but consistently saying your opinion over and over and denouncing others isn't going to get you anywhere. As for G2 fans, please ignore posts that you find offensive so they don't drag out into an argument over something as silly as building system preferences. Gen-one only fans stay in your topics, and G2 "crusaders" stay in yours. Also "crusaders", please don't harass the gen-oners and if they continue on, just ignore them. You know, like how you sometimes ignore the few old people who pessimistically complain about EVERYTHING and can't enjoy ANYTHING. Thank you for your time friends. 

    Eh....I'd rephrase the first bit if I were you before an admin stops by. This exact same argument happened a few pages back with the same people, and Windrider specifically said that it was against the rules to tell people they shouldn't belong on certain forums for their opinions.


    In certain scenarios that makes sense, but in this particular one where both sides are unable to have a civilized and respectful discussion about their opinions the quickest resolution is for the perpetrators to go where they won't harass others about having a different one, no matter which side they're on. Normally I'd be against that very notion, but this situation requires a "time-out" for anyone not willing to coexist with another persons opinion. This goes for both sides. It's always nice to have critical and objecting opinions, but not in a disrespectful and unfriendly manner.



    BOTH sides are unable to be civil and respectful? You didn't see my post, I assume.



    Do Gali and Onua even exist, or are they just figments of our imagination? Targets across the nation don't seem to be stocking them. I'll look for LOSS today, and if I don't find him, then I'll order him, Gali, and Onua off of Amazon. Good thing I've got Prime!

    • Upvote 1

    But how is one supost to make a certain design with so generalized parts. Kinda hard to make a biomechanicle figure with smooth plates.


    A robot with a smooth, shelled exterior? Inconceivable! (Besides, they have plenty of detailing thanks to the new add-on combined with some older pieces that also have detailing, such as the BA chestplate)


    And could you honestly look at the new Toa and say there is nothing distinct about their designs? Their proportions, colors, and piece choice all come together to make distinct figures.



    Should we tell him about the Jeagers from Pacific Rim?


    I think that some of your are overlooking just how unique and inspired Pohatu's design actually is. His legs are made to mirror iron boots, which represent the kicking fighting style he was known for in the olden days. His frame isn't bulky like the other Toa, but the whole point is to portray a runner, not a big brute. If you took someone from a track team, there's a good chance they're going to be rather slender compared to your football players. Since they went with inspiration it meant that yes, his build would appear basic if you don't see the whole reason in the first place for it, but looking at the character himself it makes a lot of sense and then you start to appreciate and like his build a lot more. It truly is unique when you're not expecting shoulder armor or some other obscure thing that the other toa have, in fact, since he doesn't have the things the others have, he is technically the most unique out of the six. It all depends on whether you want to put an analytical spin on life, or if you want to dig deeper and find the artistic side of things. 


    Yeah, track runners are always so freaking skinny! All that running does that to ya. You wanna stay slim? Running is the way to go!



    Toa Salvus...ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover"? Because that's exactly what you're doing right now. I didn't think I'd like CCBS, but you know what? I decided to give it a shot anyways, and turns out I love it. You haven't bought a single set from the reboot. You may have tried the system back during Hero Factory, but it's changed and evolved since then from what I understand. PLEASE, buy at least 1 Protector, perhaps Earth since that's arguably one of the best. If you still don't care for it, then that's alright. But don't knock it 'til ya try it. I respect your opinion, but I just wanted to share mine.


    As for everyone else...let's all stop being rude and disrespectful to each other, alright? I don't think any of want staff having to step in.

    Imagine if you tried a new food, but it was nasty, and you don't like it. Do you eat it again to see if its any better? No. I tried skeleball, Ok? I didn't like it Ok? I do not wish to ever use it again Ok?


    Tastes change as you grow though. I remember I used to not like soda, then one day I suddenly fell in love with Mountain Dew...


    ...and people seem to think I'm addicted to the stuff. I only have 1 a day, every day...that's not an addiction.

    • Upvote 1
  10. tumblr_nh9t1nipt61sy13izo7_1280.jpgterminator-5-release-date-new-trilogy.jp

    Anybody else think the "mystery mask" kinda looks like the Terminator?


    Terminator-esque villain confirmed. Gotta admit a non-canon Bionicle/Terminator crossover would be cool as a one-off thing. Kinda like the Marvel/AoT crossover.


    I wouldn't bother store employees about digging in the back for products that aren't released yet. I've worked in stores and most employees don't know where specific items are located in the backrooms. Those things are huge and boxes upon boxes look the same and you have to read all the labels to find the right one, and then they have to open the big boxes and get out smaller boxes and etc. You're just giving people trouble for your impatience.


    Only reason I asked yesterday was because I had the DCPI numbers and checked and knew they were in the back. Had I not had that knowledge though, I wouldn't have asked.


    I'm ridiculously jealous of all you 2015 set owners. Went to a Target yesterday as I was running errands and they didn't have them. :(



    You think you got it bad, I live in a small town that takes forever to get new sets in, I have to wait till I can order them off amazon or the UK legoshop@home and both of those refuse to let me have them. 



    Yeah, Amazon isn't gonna release them until the 1st, so I'm guessing they won't actually ship until the 2nd...fortunately, I have Amazon Prime, so if I can't find LOSS, Gali, and Onua before the 1st, I'll use Amazon. If you have Prime, might as well use it too.

    • Upvote 1
  12. So, I went to Target today...brought home 4 sets! Protectors of stone and jungle, Pohatu, and Lewa. Had to have a guy get them out of the back for me...LOSS was listed as being available, but he couldn't find it, so I'll probably go back one more time before the new year. The only sets I need now are LOSS, Gali, and Onua, and then I'll have a complete collection! Haven't built any of my Toa yet...waiting just a little bit. My plan now that I've built all 6 Protectors is to build LOSS next and then the 3 smaller Toa, then finish with the 3 larger Toa. Still getting used to the new build system...and also trying to savor this relaunch a little bit.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Of the 4 Protectors I got, Earth is my favorite, no contest. Best build, and coolest looks IMO. Still need the stone and jungle Protectors though. As for Tahu and Kopaka...haven't built them yet, and may not until I've got the rest of the Toa. Guess I'm also kinda trying to savor this reboot as much as possible...Bionicle returning is a fantastic way to end 2014 and start 2015!

    • Upvote 1
  14. Oh, oops.



    Honestly, I hope they play a big part in the story, I don't want to see them reduced to background guys.


    I don't think they will be reduced to just background characters, they seem to be pretty important so far.


    I'd be interested in getting the names of the Protectors somewhere down the line, but I don't think we need them immediately.


    If they're recurring characters, perhaps we'll get names later on.

  15. Blast cage, trust me, I don't like them, I hated that they were used in AOE. (Not that that film had much going for it)


    I personally believe the protectors should get their own names. I'm going to give them each a name and back story! :D


    Oh, I was talking about Shinedown, A7X, and Stone Sour. Not Imagine Dragons. Sorry if I wasn't too clear.



    Doubt we'll see the Protectors get names. They'll probably remain anonymous for simplicity's sake. But we can all pretend that they're the G1 Turaga, since that's essentially what they are...just more awesome because they actually fight and whatnot.

  16. Its an IDW transformers reference... Black shadow, Six shot and Overlord are very powerful decepticons charged with the complete destruction of planets.


    I don't like imagine dragons period. I have never heard of those others.


    Well definitely look 'em up, just to see if you like 'em.




    The only difference I can hear between the two is that Cryoshell's lead singer isn't as good.  Perhaps I simply don't listen to enough of that genre...in any case, I don't mind them all that much as a band, I suppose.  I just hope they're not involved with the reboot.  We get enough of that Linkin Park/Green Day/"Wow I'm so edgy and rebellious making a tie-in song for a major franchise"/alt-rock malarkey as it is.  I'd rather see TLG try something more unique.


    You want something different? Alright, let's bring in Shinedown, Stone Sour, Imagine Dragons, or Avenged Sevenfold. Never seen a Bionicle music video with a Shinedown or A7X song. Dunno why, some of the songs by those 2 are perfect. Imagine Dragons has some great songs as well.


    I wouldn't mind seeing Imagine Dragons or Fall Out Boy making music for the new Bionicle.


    Yeah, Imagine Dragons' new song "Warriors" would be a good fit. "Battle Cry" would also be a good one, even though it was already used for Transformers: Age of Extinction.


    Again, those are all bands or genres that have been used to advertise films and toys and whatnot many times before; as far as licensed music goes, I'd rather hear something a bit riskier and more unique.  In all likelihood we'll end up with something like what you're suggesting, because BIONICLE is musically marketed mainly to the vast swaths of pre-teen kids with whom Imagine Dragons and the like are usually popular, but I think movies like Guardians of the Galaxy have proved that you can go in a much different direction musically and be hugely successful.  That's the kind of chance I'd like to see them take, if they decide not to focus on a more orchestral, mythical sound (as they have so far).



    Shinedown has had only 3 songs I'm aware of that were done for films, only 1 of which was actually in the film it was intended for. Avenged Sevenfold has been used for Treyarch's Zombies gamemode in CoD, but I'm not aware of any other uses of their songs. Stone Sour...don't know of any of their songs being used for anything. Of the 3 bands, I'd pick Shinedown...if they can do a song for Alice in Wonderland and a song for The Avengers, I'm sure they could do one fitting for Bionicle.


    I didn't even know those bands existed. 


    Then look them up, you might like 'em.



    Here's a Christmas song by Shinedown for everyone...it's a cover of a John Lennon song. Figured I'd spread some Christmas cheer. :)

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