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Posts posted by Blastcage

  1. I'm still down for this idea. I just think the Duse ex machine deal gets overplayed. I'd rather see a strategic victory over some random new super character shows up and does what 6+ other characters could not. I mean I get the whole "one man can make a difference" stick. Just seems overplayed. No matter what his power would be.


    Well then here's an idea...have the Protectors show up at the last minute instead. That would avoid a Deus Ex Machine or MacGuffin of any sort and still be cool. I edited my post to have that instead of Takanuva.


    I would love to see something akin to the Bohrok --- An army of emotionless drones undertaking a destructive yet morally grey task that the Toa have to overcome using brains over brawn.


    I'm okay even if they are somehow roly-poly insect things.


    But leave all that giant robot clearasil and Av-Matoran nonsense behind.


    Still don't see why Takanuva showing up in the reboot is such a bad thing if he's introduced in a different way and there's no Protectors of light or anything. Make him more unique and be the ONLY light elemental this time. I don't wanna stick with the main 6 elements this time...I wanna see Toa of different elements introduced at some point.





    I just noticed in the description of PoE's star drill, it calls it adamantine--- so the purple crystals in the Earth element region of Okoto is adamantium with the black dirt being Obsidian(because of the Obsidian Fields) potentially? That would be awesome! 


    That gives a bit more credibility/evidence to my theory I posted recently regarding Marvel and LEGO...interesting.


    Adamantine =/= Adamantium, tho.


    Honestly it's not so much a theory as a far-fetched dream.



    Did you even bother to read my original theory? The Adamantium =/= Adamantine argument is bull. It's basically the same thing, and in other fiction, Adamantine is used instead of the name Adamantium, probably to avoid legal trouble. Another name variation is Adamantite. It was just a theory, and I even stated it was a crazy, just-for-fun theory when I posted it. Besides, if Marvel can crossover with Attack on Titan of all things, is a crossover with Bionicle really that far-fetched? I don't think so. Does that means it's likely? Probably not. Does LEGO's working relationship with Marvel put the odds in our favor? Perhaps.


    But like...you do know Marvel didn't invent adamantine or however you want to call it? It's just a thing. In popular fiction. It's not really explicitly a Marvel thing, although certainly that's what given it the most exposure. In any case, I suppose it's not the most far-fetched thing imaginable, but it is pretty out there, and that still doesn't make serious discussion of it any less, uh, pointless I guess? They could just as well cross with any other Lego property, or none at all. (None at all seems more likely, though. The Lego Movie comes to mind.) DC did the comics for Bionicle for 10 years and there were never any meaningful crossovers or interactions between the two universes, beyond a couple of cameos. It just strikes me as a silly thing to discuss when there's so much actual content to talk about, but I guess that's not my place to say.



    You're right that DC didn't do any meaningful crossovers. HOWEVER...even though it was just a few short years ago, times were honestly a bit different then. In the past 5 years since then, crossovers are becoming more and more of a thing. Avengers made it to the big screen, something unprecedented at the time...Transformers/G.I. Joe and Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover films have been talked about and may even be in the works. A Jump Street/BZP Lovers crossover is in the works right now. Only things I can think of off the top of my head, but shared universes seem to be getting more popular. Sorry that speculation is silly, I guess we'll stick strictly to official content for your sake since we apparently can't have anyone thinking outside certain parameters. 


    Oh wow I actually started a conversation about the adamantite drill thing, usually my comments are completely ignored. I just thought it was cool that we might have confirmation of a mineral type used to make stuff in gen2 kinda like protosteel in gen1. The use of adamant-anything has been in fiction for a very long time, not Marvel-specific. It just opens up the possibility that other weapons, even armor and masks could be bade of this Bionicle version of Adamantium and/or Obsidian, the only two minerals we know exist in gen2 so far.


    Mention something Marvel-related like that around me, and I will start discussion on it. 



    So, uh, ignoring the Adamantium discussion going on, I'm having problems choosing a Toa/Protector combo. I like Lewa with his protector because of their colour and functions, but I like Gali with her protector because of her look and overall... Feel of the sets.

    Gah. Little help?


    Why not both?

    Say a person has only £30 to spend.



    That's what I wanted to be sure of. I'd go with Gali.



    Why do we care so much about this drill anyways? There isn't even any story featuring the PoE


    Because it might be a confirmation of the existence of Adamantium - albeit under a slightly different name - in the reboot, instead of the expected Protosteel.


    Nothing will be confirmed by a product description. Need I remind you of the stinger tail?



    That's why I said it MIGHT be a confirmation. Not likely, but an intriguing possibility nonetheless. If I turn out to be right though, all you naysayers owe me an Adamantium phone case.


    Would you prefer it be a Toa of something else, or prefer that some seventh Toa not show up at all? I figured it'd be a good way to introduce Takanuva, who I'm sure we'll see in this reboot at some point. But I'm very glad you liked the rest of it!


    I REEEEALLY hope they don't pull the seventh Toa bit again. It was great in Gen 1 but this is Gen 2. I'd rather they did nothing than did the same stuff again in CCBS...



    What if they don't do it the same way they did in G1? What I was talking about was just having Takanuva appear out of nowhere. None of the search stuff or the part about him being Takua beforehand. Just an arrival on Okoto in the same fashion as Tahu and his team arrived: crash-landing. Or maybe not the exact same as them, but still, a sort of random, unexpected, last-minute appearance to light the darkest hour. But it doesn't have to be Takanuva or a Toa of light or even a Toa! The point of what I wrote was to depict G2 Bohrok-Kal as being so dangerous that the Toa and Protectors get their butts handed to them and need extra help to avoid total annihilation. That's what I wanna see if we get new Bohrok in this reboot. Although non-Bohrok villains similar to what I describe would be just as cool.

  6. Why do we care so much about this drill anyways? There isn't even any story featuring the PoE


    Because it might be a confirmation of the existence of Adamantium - albeit under a slightly different name - in the reboot, instead of the expected Protosteel.


    So, uh, ignoring the Adamantium discussion going on, I'm having problems choosing a Toa/Protector combo. I like Lewa with his protector because of their colour and functions, but I like Gali with her protector because of her look and overall... Feel of the sets.

    Gah. Little help?


    Why not both?


    Adamantium can destroy other adamantium though...that's why Adamantium bullets can go through Wolverine's bones. We got an Adamantium-like substance in G1, it was Protosteel. This Adamantine is a bit more blatant though.

    Has Wolverine's claws ever penetrated Captain America's shield? Nope, it would take Hulk-level strength to even scratch it.




    Wait, weren't all those made of vibranium? (apologies if I'm blatantly wrong, haven't watched/read anything Marvel in ages).



    I think Cap's shield (At least in the MCU) is pure Vibranium, but in the comics it's an Adamantium/Vibranium alloy. I think.


    Well, Captain America's shield is made of proto-Adamantium, the strongest form ever created. Was created on accident and no attempts at recreating it have been successful. The Adamantium found in Wolverine's body is known as True or Primary Adamantium, and is the result of attempts to recreate Proto-Adamantium. True Adamantium is nearly - but not quite - as strong as Proto Adamantium, which is why Wolverine's claws cannot penetrate Captain America's shield. Also, even Hulk-level strength would only be able to damage Secondary Adamantium, which is also known as Adamantium Steel. 


    Yes Wally, it is perhaps getting a bit ahead of ourselves to just assume the drill is made of Adamantium, but it's fun to speculate the possibility, and if Adamantium does turn out to be a thing in the Bionicle reboot, it would be pretty cool knowing that we had predicted it. If Marvel does get the comic rights to Bionicle like I have theorized they will, they may retcon the drill as being made of Adamantium. Who knows? Only time will tell.

  8. You had me up until the last part regarding the Toa of light. Still I up-voted ya.


    Would you prefer it be a Toa of something else, or prefer that some seventh Toa not show up at all? I figured it'd be a good way to introduce Takanuva, who I'm sure we'll see in this reboot at some point. But I'm very glad you liked the rest of it!



    I just noticed in the description of PoE's star drill, it calls it adamantine--- so the purple crystals in the Earth element region of Okoto is adamantium with the black dirt being Obsidian(because of the Obsidian Fields) potentially? That would be awesome! 


    That gives a bit more credibility/evidence to my theory I posted recently regarding Marvel and LEGO...interesting.


    Adamantine =/= Adamantium, tho.


    Honestly it's not so much a theory as a far-fetched dream.



    Did you even bother to read my original theory? The Adamantium =/= Adamantine argument is bull. It's basically the same thing, and in other fiction, Adamantine is used instead of the name Adamantium, probably to avoid legal trouble. Another name variation is Adamantite. It was just a theory, and I even stated it was a crazy, just-for-fun theory when I posted it. Besides, if Marvel can crossover with Attack on Titan of all things, is a crossover with Bionicle really that far-fetched? I don't think so. Does that means it's likely? Probably not. Does LEGO's working relationship with Marvel put the odds in our favor? Perhaps.





    I just noticed in the description of PoE's star drill, it calls it adamantine--- so the purple crystals in the Earth element region of Okoto is adamantium with the black dirt being Obsidian(because of the Obsidian Fields) potentially? That would be awesome! 


    That gives a bit more credibility/evidence to my theory I posted recently regarding Marvel and LEGO...interesting.


    Adamantine =/= Adamantium, tho.


    Honestly it's not so much a theory as a far-fetched dream.


    Adamantine actually exists within the Marvel Universe, but it comes strait from Olympus: http://marvel.wikia.com/Adamantine_%28metal%29


    Random Fact: Adamantium exists within the Samurai Jack Universe, even though it's not a Marvel/Disney property. 



    Thanks for backing me up and providing some cool information for everybody. I'd also like to point out that Adamantium has showed up in TMNT before, is a component of Buzz Lightyear's suit, and exists in the Percy Jackson series.

  10. I just noticed in the description of PoE's star drill, it calls it adamantine--- so the purple crystals in the Earth element region of Okoto is adamantium with the black dirt being Obsidian(because of the Obsidian Fields) potentially? That would be awesome! 


    That gives a bit more credibility/evidence to my theory I posted recently regarding Marvel and LEGO...interesting.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'd love to see a Bohrok return. Make 'em the Kal though, they had more personality and more unique powers. Ditch the balling-up gimmick for the sake of making them all individual. Give them new colors that more accurately reflect their powers. Change their backstory, make them be like Marvel's Ultron. Have them be 6 robots created to help the Toa and Protectors clean up some sort of mess, some sort of massive conspiracy, or the aftermath of some major event/disaster/catastrophe...at some point, their A.I. gets corrupted or someone hijacks them, all heck breaks loose as they unleash a reign of terror upon Okoto. Make them nearly unstoppable, make them a deadly force that nearly cost the Toa their lives. Then, at the moment when all hope seems lost, when it looks as if someone might die, bring in the Protectors to turn the tide and defeat the Kal. That's how I'd do this if I were LEGO.

    • Upvote 2


    THEORY: The reason we're not getting Bionicle comics this year is because Marvel is trying to get the rights so they can add Bionicle to their empire. If the line is successful, we'll get an Easter Egg or end-credits scene featuring the Toa in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, then later a movie by Marvel Studios. EXTREMELY unlikely, but let's put logic aside for a moment and imagine how glorious this would be if I were right. Even a one-off Bionicle/Avengers crossover comic done similarly to the Marvel/AoT crossover or the Transformers/New Avengers miniseries would be nice. LEGO and Marvel do have a working relationship, so it's not too unrealistic, right?

    I'd rather DC did it personally because they can make really good movies


    Let's be honest, DC has had far more misses with their movies than Marvel has had recently.  Batman is basically all that's been good recently with DC movies.


    Granted a Bionicle movie would probably be good if DC did it because they do really good with animated movies as opposed to live action ones.




    If another Bionicle movie was created, I would not mind if it were in the style of the new animations. Sure, it's simple, but watching through all of the currently released videos, it is starting to grow on me. Just get a separate voice actor for each of the characters, though. ;)


    Guys, I'm talking about a live-action movie if Marvel does it so it could crossover with the Avengers. Guardians of the Galaxy opened us up to this kind of possibility. Of course, Marvel getting the rights to Transformers and rebooting that after the 5th one is more likely than getting the Bionicle rights, but ya never know. Any Bionicle movie is most likely to be animated. Who will do it is the question.






    Funny story actually I was chased by an army of hipster Communist furries while purchasing the set, I hate it when that happens... :P

    Sorry, that might have been me. 


    So you're part of the national association of hipster Communist furries? 


    Dang it, they're on to me....I've got to get back to the HCF HQ... 



    ...oh, um...I mean...no, I'm not part of an association of Hipster Communist Furries...that's totally not me...


    I already called them (man I'm gonna have an expensive phone bill come the end of the month) consider your plan to turn Tahu into a furry over! 




    THEORY: The reason we're not getting Bionicle comics this year is because Marvel is trying to get the rights so they can add Bionicle to their empire. If the line is successful, we'll get an Easter Egg or end-credits scene featuring the Toa in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, then later a movie by Marvel Studios. EXTREMELY unlikely, but let's put logic aside for a moment and imagine how glorious this would be if I were right. Even a one-off Bionicle/Avengers crossover comic done similarly to the Marvel/AoT crossover or the Transformers/New Avengers miniseries would be nice. LEGO and Marvel do have a working relationship, so it's not too unrealistic, right?

    They way Disney is requiring the rights to almost everything these days, this wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed the case. :P


    Anyways, I can now say that I'm the owner of all the Bionicle 2015 sets released in the first wave! I took the trip down to my mall where my nearest Lego Store is located and got the remaining sets I needed to complete the wave. It was also the first time I've seen all the sets together on the shelves and available to purchase, which was really cool IMO. 


    Ironically, DC published the old comics. :P



    Yeah, my theory is that perhaps Marvel is trying to get those comic rights from DC...but it's highly-unlikely.

  14. THEORY: The reason we're not getting Bionicle comics this year is because Marvel is trying to get the rights so they can add Bionicle to their empire. If the line is successful, we'll get an Easter Egg or end-credits scene featuring the Toa in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, then later a movie by Marvel Studios. EXTREMELY unlikely, but let's put logic aside for a moment and imagine how glorious this would be if I were right. Even a one-off Bionicle/Avengers crossover comic done similarly to the Marvel/AoT crossover or the Transformers/New Avengers miniseries would be nice. LEGO and Marvel do have a working relationship, so it's not too unrealistic, right?

    • Upvote 1
  15. Pohatu's left arm is just more heavily armored than the other. That's why he uses his right arm to swing. He's like one of those swordsmen who wears armor on one side, but leaves their sword swinging arm bare so they can swing faster. Pohatu is simply right handed.


    Most likely reason, but it'd be cool if it was more like Ed Elric's automail or the Winter Soldier's robotic prosthetic, whatever it's made out of. Extra armor makes most sense though.



    So, having built all six of the Toa and stared each of them down, I have decided the order in which I like them.


    1. Gali - She's still my favorite; I really like the shade of blue, the mix of colors works really well (and makes her feel like she's underwater too), I like her mask and her weapon, I could go on. Also something about her build feels feminine compared to the others; maybe it's the thigh armor?  :notsure:


    2. Lewa - Unexpectedly, since I originally didn't like him when the sets were first revealed - but he does look very good in a variety of poses, and he does feel like a jungle tossed into set form. It's a shame that his mask doesn't resemble his old ones at all, but that's a sacrifice I'll accept if it means a set with that much personality.


    3. Kopaka - His mask holds the closest resemblance to his mask of old, and I like the spread of colors. Plus, his spear+shield combo isn't something we see very often in sets.


    4. Onua - He's massive, he has purple, he has a giant hammer, and he's a very fun set to build. 


    5. Tahu - Tahu is sort of boring compared to the others; he's your typical leader hero set, and it doesn't really feel like something that I haven't seen before. That said, I do like how the swords stick out of his back - it gives him a bit of extra flare to help him stand out.


    6. Pohatu - He has a ROBOT ARM and brings brown back into style. 


    We don't know for sure that Pohatu's left arm is robotic...but if it is, then Winter Soldier confirmed.


    you cannot stop the power of the ROBOT ARM 

    it will always be canon

    lego just doesn't know it yet



    If it does end up being canon, there better be a good explanation...and what would it be made of, normal metal, or Protosteel? Or even Adamantium, which has been used outside of X-Men before. 

  17. So, having built all six of the Toa and stared each of them down, I have decided the order in which I like them.


    1. Gali - She's still my favorite; I really like the shade of blue, the mix of colors works really well (and makes her feel like she's underwater too), I like her mask and her weapon, I could go on. Also something about her build feels feminine compared to the others; maybe it's the thigh armor?  :notsure:


    2. Lewa - Unexpectedly, since I originally didn't like him when the sets were first revealed - but he does look very good in a variety of poses, and he does feel like a jungle tossed into set form. It's a shame that his mask doesn't resemble his old ones at all, but that's a sacrifice I'll accept if it means a set with that much personality.


    3. Kopaka - His mask holds the closest resemblance to his mask of old, and I like the spread of colors. Plus, his spear+shield combo isn't something we see very often in sets.


    4. Onua - He's massive, he has purple, he has a giant hammer, and he's a very fun set to build. 


    5. Tahu - Tahu is sort of boring compared to the others; he's your typical leader hero set, and it doesn't really feel like something that I haven't seen before. That said, I do like how the swords stick out of his back - it gives him a bit of extra flare to help him stand out.


    6. Pohatu - He has a ROBOT ARM and brings brown back into style. 


    We don't know for sure that Pohatu's left arm is robotic...but if it is, then Winter Soldier confirmed.


    Then again, I use IE, so bugs are everywhere. It works well enough I suppose.


    IE and the word "works" don't go in the same sentence.



    Then again, I use IE, so bugs are everywhere. It works well enough I suppose.






    I don't know! Maybe because I can keep all my favorites?


    When I switched from IE to Chrome, I kept all my favorites. Think it had something to do with Google transferring them, which was cool.

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