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Posts posted by Blastcage

  1. Time to call in the Phase-sixers. ;)



    As for music, no. No imagine dragons. No bieber, no cryoshell.


    Phase-sixers? Not sure if I get the reference...


    You don't like Imagine Dragons, or just don't think they'd fit Bionicle? And what about Shinedown, Stone Sour, and Avenged Sevenfold? What do you think of them?

  2. The only difference I can hear between the two is that Cryoshell's lead singer isn't as good.  Perhaps I simply don't listen to enough of that genre...in any case, I don't mind them all that much as a band, I suppose.  I just hope they're not involved with the reboot.  We get enough of that Linkin Park/Green Day/"Wow I'm so edgy and rebellious making a tie-in song for a major franchise"/alt-rock malarkey as it is.  I'd rather see TLG try something more unique.


    You want something different? Alright, let's bring in Shinedown, Stone Sour, Imagine Dragons, or Avenged Sevenfold. Never seen a Bionicle music video with a Shinedown or A7X song. Dunno why, some of the songs by those 2 are perfect. Imagine Dragons has some great songs as well.


    I haven't got any problem with Cryoshell, but I wouldn't mind somebody new, especially since Cryoshell's members seem like they might be busy with non-band-related things these days.


    As for WHAT kind of promotional music we get, mainly I just want something catchy I can sing along to, with lyrics that relate directly to the BIONICLE story. I don't have any pretentions about certain genres being inherently better or worse than others. And a promotional song doesn't need to "belong" to the universe in quite the same way a soundtrack or musical score does, IMO.


    To those saying BIONICLE didn't need rock music in the early years, don't forget that there was SUPPOSED to be a promotional album with some big names back in 2002, but for whatever reason in didn't end up happening. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't that the creators of BIONICLE considered it an affront to the theme's tone or creative integrity. This is ADVERTISING we're talking about, not theme music or a soundtrack that was supposed to define BIONICLE on a fundamental level.


    Ah yes, I remember when that was advertised...shame it never came to fruition. Hopefully we can get something like that this time.


    I wouldn't mind seeing Imagine Dragons or Fall Out Boy making music for the new Bionicle.


    Yeah, Imagine Dragons' new song "Warriors" would be a good fit. "Battle Cry" would also be a good one, even though it was already used for Transformers: Age of Extinction.



    I wouldn't mind another 2006. :P



    Blast cage, how are those villagers doing? ;)



    My extermination campaign is taking longer than expected...moving on to phase 12.


    We all know that Bionicle G2 isn't getting any comics...so I wonder, does that mean they couldn't find a publisher? Or they just don't care to do 'em? Or perhaps it has something to do with DC? I wonder what the reason for the lack of comics is...



    My understanding is that the comics industry is suffering in this increasingly-digital age, so it could just be a poor investment of their resources.



    Even Marvel comics? I thought at least those were still doing well.




    Xonar, just in bionicle discussion? Ok.


    Blast cage, indeed I am! For almost a year :) wanna take a guess at who I am?

    Judging by your avatar, I'd say Beastwarsfan. Now going by my avatar, signature, and general mannerisms, can you figure out how I am?


    We all know that Bionicle G2 isn't getting any comics...so I wonder, does that mean they couldn't find a publisher? Or they just don't care to do 'em? Or perhaps it has something to do with DC? I wonder what the reason for the lack of comics is...

    O_O you right...





    Yup, it's me! :D


    Probably because the primary audience for Bionicle no longer read comics.  I mean even most 'comic book fans' don't even read comic books.  How many rabid Captain America/Thor/Iron Man fans are out there that have only seen the movies and not even once picked up the actual comic books.


    I don't read comics that much because of budget. I buy manga occasionally, but Bleach is the only one I buy. I spend so much money on movies, videogames, Masterpiece Transformers, Mountain Dew, food, and the occasional book that my wallet is almost always a barren wasteland. A lot of comics are usually too lackluster for me anyways. A Bionicle comic series would be one of the few I'd buy. The Marvel/AoT crossover comic will be bought when that comes out though.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Xonar, just in bionicle discussion? Ok.


    Blast cage, indeed I am! For almost a year :) wanna take a guess at who I am?


    Judging by your avatar, I'd say Beastwarsfan. Now going by my avatar, signature, and general mannerisms, can you figure out how I am? 


    We all know that Bionicle G2 isn't getting any comics...so I wonder, does that mean they couldn't find a publisher? Or they just don't care to do 'em? Or perhaps it has something to do with DC? I wonder what the reason for the lack of comics is...


    Ya'll said these were available on WalMart.com...when I search on the website, i do not see them listed. YOU'RE ALL LIARS AND ARE UNDER ARREST. Anyways, I went to an actual WalMart today...nothing. Ah well, they rarely break the street date here in the Newnan area.

    They were there yesterday! And they sold out! And here's proof:





    Yes, but searching doesn't bring me to 'em. Also, I'd like a link to the page with all the figures listed, if you don't mind. Just giving me the Kopaka listing doesn't do too much for me.


    Looks like beast machines cheetor...


    I'm starting to think I know you...you wouldn't happen to be a member of TFW2005, would you?


    Now now, let's not start a war here. Let's just all be glad that we can watch Tahu lavaboard just like he did in his glory days :)


    Wait, we can't start a war? Then what am I supposed to do with the Ray Gun I just bought?? D: 



    So, the music...you guys want something catchy and memorable that fits? Then get either Brian Tyler or Ramin Djawadi on board. Brian did music for Transformers Prime, Terra Nova, Battle: Los Angeles, Fast Five, Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 3, Into the Storm, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Need for Speed: The Run, just to name a few. Ramin did music for Game of Thrones, Iron Man, and Pacific Rim. I personally prefer Ramin's style, but Brian's is good as well. Both would do a good job making Bionicle music since they clearly have experience.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I haven't handled the new system...AT ALL. I adamantly refused to buy any Hero Factory sets...heck, even my parents were all like "Really? THIS is what they cancelled Bionicle for??" when they saw HF in stores. My cousin got some of the first wave, but those didn't have much of the CCBS, and he kinda quit shortly after because he didn't care for it. So this relaunch is going to be very strange for me. Gonna be almost as if I've never handled constraction, just like back in 2001.

    • Upvote 4

    I was simply stating my opinion, I had no intention of it coming off as fact.


    Personally, I don't think that you came across as passing your opinion as fact here. It's just that your opinion was really, really rude. Saying that it sickens you how we think, and putting "fans" in quotation marks, as if the fact that we don't put Bionicle on a pedestal doesn't make us fans? It makes you come across as extremely antagonizing and dismissive, and it's not cool. You're entitled to your opinion, you are not entitled to insult others with it.



    Wait, you don't put yours on a pedestal? I thought that was a normal thing to do...

    • Upvote 1
  8. Wow, this thread really devolved while I was taking my math final...I knew I sensed a disturbance while driving to college. 


    Anyways, I saw a suggestion of a Toa of acid, and I like that idea. Usually a power you'd expect a villain to have, so it would be interesting to see it given to a Toa.

    • Upvote 1



    One of the worst aspects of the original line was the constantly changing main characters. Hated hated hated that. I don't want to see new Toa every three years. To me, that seems like the worst possible outcome.

    That was one of the best aspects....


    So I guess you would want us to stick to the same old Toa we have seen since 2001, and you don't want any 'new Okoto' Toa (if those exist)... 


    Yes, I would indeed absolutely want us to stick to the same Toa the entire time. Like I said, I fully and firmly believe that the changing cast was one of the biggest problems from the original line.


    The idea that changing the main cast itself over and over is the only way to prolong a toy or media property is odd. Sure, many children's action shows change characters (new Power Rangers nearly every season, now), but others don't. I'm not opposed to new characters showing up, but unless there's an actual end to the character and mythological arc of these Toa, I absolutely definitively DO NOT WANT to see new characters take the spotlight as the main characters.


    Sure, let's have Tahu 2.0, Tahu 3.0, Tahu 4.0, Tahu XL, Tahu 5.0 etc..... 

    Glad energized protodermis was mentioned. I wonder if we'll see it in the new story...or fusions in general for that matter. I'm positive we'll see transformations, but how they'll handled is what's going to be interesting, especially if EP isn't present.

    There won't be energized protodermis.



    And how do you know this? What proof do you have? For all we know, it is in the story and just hasn't been mentioned yet. EP wasn't mentioned in G1's very first year, now was it? Pretty sure it wasn't introduced until 2002.






    Sure, let's have Tahu 2.0, Tahu 3.0, Tahu 4.0, Tahu XL, Tahu 5.0 etc..... 



    Yeah, I hate when they use a system to denote upgrades. What if they even go as far as to make up a garbage word, like "Nuva"?


    I wouldn't mind if the Toa had a few transformations, but I don't want them recycled EVERY year. 



    Releasing the same characters every year is good for business. When people have a character they recognize and love, they are more likely to want to buy future toys of that character. See: the vast plethora of Optimus Prime toys.


    See: The vast plethora of Bumblebee toys. People are growing sick of Bumblebee and wish he would go away for a while.



    So true. Bumblebee is being shoved down our throats, and I'm tired of it.


    You gonna review it on your youtube channel? 


    I'd like to see a new Bionicle game that takes advantage of the power of the new consoles...something similar to BioShock(which is great!) or Wolfenstein(which I hear is great, will find out for myself soon enough) would be nice.


    Bionicle FPS? Ehhh... I'd rather have an action/adventure game, something either open-world or linear with excellent combat that doesn't rely on shooty-shooty (though hack-and-slash might be okay for Bionicle game). 


    Though yes, I would love another full-fledged Bionicle video game.





    BioShock is a mix of action/adventure nd FPS. It was fairly story-driven and character-driven. Also, shooting wasn't the only form of combat. Some of the plasmids gives you very Toa-esque powers. Wasn't even all about combat, there were plenty of moments that required problem solving and observation and whatnot. Plus the environments and art styles are fantastic. BioShock Infinite was fantastic as well. The entire trilogy had a lot of though put into it, and i'd love to see that same level of thought put into a Bionicle game. I hear Wolfenstein is very story-driven and character-driven as well, but I can't yet comment much on that.



    Oh ya, well I played a rated M game without my parental permission! :P

    (alright let's get back to the bionicle topic now)


    Speaking of videogames, I managed to get Wolfenstein: The New Order on PS3 for $20 on Black Friday. Haven't played it yet due to a college paper I've gotta make a good grade on though.


    Hey, I just grabbed it on the Xbox 360 as well!


    Anyway, I'm definitely excited by this new trailer. As some have said, it has a Legend of Korra feel to it, and I'm happy with that.



    You gonna review it on your youtube channel? 


    I'd like to see a new Bionicle game that takes advantage of the power of the new consoles...something similar to BioShock(which is great!) or Wolfenstein(which I hear is great, will find out for myself soon enough) would be nice.

  12. Oh ya, well I played a rated M game without my parental permission! :P

    (alright let's get back to the bionicle topic now)


    Speaking of videogames, I managed to get Wolfenstein: The New Order on PS3 for $20 on Black Friday. Haven't played it yet due to a college paper I've gotta make a good grade on though.


    To veer the conversation back on topic, does anyone else want to see new cgi videos for Bionicle? The new animation style is ok, but it's still growing on me. I initially was not at all happy with it. I really, really liked the cgi videos from gen1. I really hope that every promotional video isn't in the cartoon-y format of this new animation style. I don't mind some of it in the new format but I do NOT want it to be in every promotional video. If we ever get a tv show I would want it to be cgi like Ninjago and Legends of Chima is, not mixel-onicle.


    Yes, I'd like to see Ghost come back and do the CGI. They always did a jam-up job. Heck, I'd like to see them do a full-blown movie.



    I don't see why people think Tr. Yellow would not be appropriate for a Toa of Light. After all, yellow is the color of the sun (as seen from Earth, at any rate). Also, Takanuva's gold armor has pretty much always been depicted as yellowish in the movies and comics — since transparent gold is not a thing, Tr. Yellow is possibly the closest you might come to a transparent version of that color.


    It's also possible that a new Toa of Light might even be able to use certain colors from the current palette that have never previously appeared in constraction, like Cool Yellow. That's a very sunny color I think, but not so warm that it looks fiery. Cool Yellow and Warm Gold would certainly make an interesting color combination for a Toa of Light, and one that could not be confused with any of the six main elements! You could even throw in Tr. Yellow to add an extra dose of energy!


    Yellow would be appropriate, just not as the primary color. Yellow accents and whatnot though? That would work.



    Yellow should be for a Toa of lightning...not a Toa of light.

    Personally if we DO ever get a Toa of Lightning (and I'm not too keen on the idea given the classic Bionicle's element sprawl), I'd rather they had a less ordinary primary color. Like Medium Lavender! That'd be a neat color to have in Constraction.



    Lightning is normally yellow though. But lavender could work on a female Toa of Gravity for sure.


    Actually, lightning is usually white or yellow with a bluish or purplish tint. Which explains the old color scheme.



    I rarely see bluish or purplish, but I've seen it before. Even seen greenish once. I just think yellow and/or white is what people tend to most commonly associate lightning with. Perhaps a Toa of light could be predominantly white with gold/yellow, and a Toa of lightning could be predominantly yellow with white...distinguishes them some, I suppose.

  14. I don't see why people think Tr. Yellow would not be appropriate for a Toa of Light. After all, yellow is the color of the sun (as seen from Earth, at any rate). Also, Takanuva's gold armor has pretty much always been depicted as yellowish in the movies and comics — since transparent gold is not a thing, Tr. Yellow is possibly the closest you might come to a transparent version of that color.


    It's also possible that a new Toa of Light might even be able to use certain colors from the current palette that have never previously appeared in constraction, like Cool Yellow. That's a very sunny color I think, but not so warm that it looks fiery. Cool Yellow and Warm Gold would certainly make an interesting color combination for a Toa of Light, and one that could not be confused with any of the six main elements! You could even throw in Tr. Yellow to add an extra dose of energy!


    Yellow would be appropriate, just not as the primary color. Yellow accents and whatnot though? That would work.



    Yellow should be for a Toa of lightning...not a Toa of light.

    Personally if we DO ever get a Toa of Lightning (and I'm not too keen on the idea given the classic Bionicle's element sprawl), I'd rather they had a less ordinary primary color. Like Medium Lavender! That'd be a neat color to have in Constraction.



    Lightning is normally yellow though. But lavender could work on a female Toa of Gravity for sure.

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