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Daniel the Finlander

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Posts posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. Okay, I'm confused about who's fighting who in Ko now.

    Just like... a small brief overlook of who is fighting who mainly.


    Yeah, I realised that I forgot him when I went to bring my dog outside. Here's the updated list.

    Good/Neutral: Enforcer, Verulas, Dastan, Rekhyt, Veneras, Razsk, Photu, Korero

    Evil: Mortem, Dayeth, Kakrant

    Others in the general area, but not currently fighting: Kimala, Oreius, Gresak


    There you go. Now, that's not the entire Ko-koro, but the smallish fight near the walls.

  2. IC: Oliphko (Po-koro)


    "S-sure," I say and follow him. He enters a domed hut, typical here in Po-koro. There's a large, complex-looking machine there. "I.. I suppose this does the printing?" I ask, while knowing that the answer is likely to be 'yes'. He nods, and I decide to talk about the printing. "So, um, I just need this text copied, I would like the text to remain unchanged." I wonder how I can find a Rau-wearing person. I'm not even sure what the mask looks like, actually. Maybe he does? "Oh, and, could you, um, draw a Kanohi Rau? I'm not sure what they look like"

  3. IC: Eldani Kyoshi Drakata (Odaiba)


    The guardswoman returns with a towel. I grab it and order her to get a glass of water. She leaves, her long footsteps echoing in the room. I wipe off the blood and saliva on Minami's Iden. Meanwhile, I ponder her words. Kuno? Wasn't he the Fursic First Son? I'm not sure what his Menti disciplines are, but it seems like one of them is the Willhammer discipline. I was unaware that the discipline can be used against Iden-users. Minami keeps coughing, but the guardswoman returns and hands me a crystal cup filled with water. I thank her, and pour the water down Minami's throat. She has difficulty swallowing it because of the coughing, but manages to drink a little. I wait for her to stop coughing, giving her water every now and then. I have some questions to ask once she recovers.

  4. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


    I stay silent as I think for a moment. Zero's not here, and some recruits left to Ko-koro with the eyeball-destroying Cy-Toa? And Enforcer went along? What, is that a new trial for our recruits? Send them into a warzone to survive as long as possible? Ridiculous. "Why did the recruits and Enforcer leave with the Toa?" I ask and break the silence. I do see Forger talking with the grey Titan. I'm curious about the topic they're discussing about, but it isn't my business. And I swear, when Zero finds out about everything that has happened she is going to.. you know, I'm not actually sure what she's going to do. She is a strange and unpredictable person. At least I'm not in danger of being punished..

  5. IC: Oliphko (Po-koro)


    "Um.. yeah, a translation. Do you happen to know anyone with a Rau, perhaps, or can you translate it yourself?" I still want to ask him about what he is, because he looks so strange. He looks like a Rahkshi, but obviously isn't one. And actually, an easier version to read sounds good, because this ink has been written on cloth, that has.. spoiled a little over the years. "And, ah, could you copy this on something more readable?" 

  6. OoC: Dartakh from Ta-Wahi


    IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


    I arrive at Obsidian Outpost, my current home and workplace. It's mostly empty, because most of the refugees are now in Ta-koro, but I can't see the recruits anywhere. They are probably inside. I wonder if Zero has arrived yet, too. I suppose Veteran over there can tell me. "Where is everyone?" I ask from him with a loud voice as I approach him from a distance.

  7. IC: Oliphko (Po-Koro)


    As I walked on the street, I noticed someone.. strange. I wasn't certain of his species, but he seemed like a Rahkshi, but I'm sure he wasn't one. I've seen Rahkshi before, when they attacked Po-koro many moons ago, so I know what they look like. My imagination is running wild right now; what if he's a member of an ancient race? What if he is a Toa mutated by the Makuta? What if he's just a weird-looking Vortixx? The possibilities are endless,so I'm tempted to talk to him. Maybe he can read the text on the scroll? Of cource, there is a problem: I'm not very good at talking to strangers. But I'm a Toa now, and I should be more confident.  Well, I don't know how to use my powers, so I'm not really a Toa.. more like a Matoran in disguise..


    I try to ignore those unpleasant thoughts, and walk to the strange person. His armour is orange and silver, and his back is curved. I'm not sure what to say at first, and just stand there awkwardly. Then, I get his attention by asking "Um.. Hello there. Could you.. erm, help me with this?" and showing the scroll that is in my grasp.

  8. IC: Dakku (Ta-koro)


    "A drink sounds good," I said, "but why do you think that someone unleashed the beetles? Are they.. not natural?" Was this Makuta's plan all along? Even if he was banished, his plans were already set in motion. A chill ran down my spine..

  9. IC: Dakku (Ta-koro)


    We walked inside the village of fire, crossing a stone bridge over the lava. The air here smelled rather unpleasant. It smelled like thick smoke and burned coal. The air in Ko-koro and Le-koro was much, much more pleasant to breathe than this smog. But I did my best to ignore it and instead looked around me. The tall, basalt buildings stood around me, imposing and dark. The building style here was different than in Ko or Le, it was more.. practical and industrious. The buildings were constructed out of stone blocks, with a few glass windows breaking the surface of the grey walls. The clouds of ash above covered the sun, so the only sources of light were torches and the lava itself. This gave the village a rather gloomy feeling, which made me feel uncomfortable.


    As we walked, I realised that I was simply following Venemi around, not knowing where she was headed, so I asked from her "So, where are we going?"



    IC: The Champion (Ta-koro)


    After I had eaten the meal, I immediately headed for the nearest inn, slept for the night and headed back to Obsidian. I saw some refugees from Ko-koro around, and a big group of them following a bronze Toa who looked somewhat familiar. I think he was one of the hospital defenders. Anyways, I travelled on the cable car over a stream of lava, and soon arrived at Obsidian outpost, on the slopes of the large, imposing volcano. I hope that Zero has returned, so I can start fighting against the recruits. It's been too long since I've fought someone face-to-face.


    OoC: Champion to Ko-wahi 

  10. IC: Oliphko(Po-Koro)


    I'm starving, tired, thirsty and sleepy, but hey, at least I'm a Toa now. Although I wish I would be a Toa of Water instead of Stone, because then I would never be thirsty again. But that was not my Destiny, so I can't really complain. Thankfully, Po-Koro is finally within sight. I doubt that anyone will recognize me (not that I have that many friends to begin with..) or believe me if I tell them that I'm Oliphko, now a Toa. Really, that sounds unbelievable even to myself. How can a shy and peaceful girl like me become a Toa, protector of the weak and the fearless combatant ready to smite evil? Or well, not many Toa are like that at all, now that I think of it. I guess I've spent too much time reading awesome tales of legendary Toa doing heroic stuff..


    I pass by the Iron Mahi station, walk among the giant Matoran heads, and enter the city. The Sentinels who guarded the entrance didn't seem to mind me at all, guess I look too weak and frail to cause any trouble inside Po. My home. I head to the central square, walk to the well and drink plenty of water. I accidentally pour too much water and as a result, wet myself. Suddenly, I feel like everyone in the main square is looking at me, thinking about what a loser I am. This.. I haven't felt this feeling in months, ever since I arrived at the canyons.. suddenly I want to go back.  I put down the bucket, wipe all the water with my cape while trying to seem confident. I walk away with long steps. I swear that Vortixx was staring at me..


    I walk around, not sure where to go after visiting the bazaar fo some food and checking my home. I need to find a translator, and someone who could train me to use my powers.




    OoC: Oliphko open for interaction

  11. IC: Eldani Kyoshi Drakata (Odaiba)


    Suddenly, Minami awoke, gasped, coughed blood and shattered the nearby table with her Mindarm powers. She didn't usually wake up like this, so something had gone wrong. I sigh, stand up and put my book on the chair. Then I walk hastily to Minami, and try to calm her down while grasping her shoulders. She seems very dizzy and barely concious. There is a small stream of blood flowing down her chin. A guardswoman enters, and I immediately order her to bring a towel with a strict, commanding tone. She obeys, and while she's gone I shake Minami and ask  how she is feeling. Of cource, it is obvious that she is nauseous, but it isn't clear how conscious she is or if she is feeling pain right now.

  12. IC: Eldani Kyoshi Drakata (Odaiba)
    Minami looked like she was dead. Her body was emotionless, her mouth was open, there were no signs of life. But I knew that she was alive. Her spirit had just left its home, wandered away, soaring through the skies. Minami often enjoyed using her Kanohi Iden, for she was too weak to leave the castle (or even walk for that matter), to venture outside to see the world beyond by herself. I entertained the thought of killing the lifeless, defensless corpse, but even if I would stage it to look like an accident, someone would still suspect me. No, I would wait. Plans take time to come to fruition, and I'm willing to wait.
    I am sitting on a comfortable velvet-covered wooden chair, watching over her body while she 'visited' the royal palace. She had decided to join the Dastana in what was very likely to be a civil war. There were news of riots in the streets of Sado, and unrest on other islands. This decision of hers was oddly timed, because our clan is being sundered apart as well. Minami has no heir, and is likely to die soon. Many Kyoshi are declaring themselves heirs, pointing at their family trees and rummaging through ancient inheritance laws. Me? I waited. I had a plan already. Right now, the only thing I could do was wait.
    I continue to read the book in my hands while Minami is away. I am her advisor, and to some extent, a guardian and a caretaker. And I have no intention to betray her. I have no need to, for she will perish any day now. As in any game that requires thought, consideration and contemplation, patience is important in the game of thrones. The only thing I can do is wait.

  13. Yeah, I still don't get how to insert an infobox...probably just me being stupid :P

    Just edit a page with an exsisting infobox and copy-paste it, then cancel the edit. That's how I did it.


    Otherwise, here's an example of an infobox:



    |Box Title = Example

    |Row 1 title = Example

    |Row 1 info = Example


  14. IC: Dakku(Ta-Koro)


    We finally landed, and as soon as my feet touched the ground I collapsed and spewed vomit. "Urgh.. Not really," I answered Venemi's question with a blurry voice. It took me a while to feel normal again, and even then I still felt a little dizzy. Only then did I pay attention to my surroundings. "Woah, they built the entire village in the middle of a lava lake?" I ask in wonder. I knew as a builder that such a feat was difficult to accomplish. I had heard of Ta-koro being near lava, but I didn't think that it would be in the middle of a fiery lake. The village itself was like an imposing fortress, built out of black, charred stone. There was a strange, metallic ring surrounding the village, and I saw something move on it. "Is that the monorail?" I asked from Venemi. I had read about it, although back then I didn't believe it. Looks like it was real afterall.

  15. OoC: Dartakh from Ko-Wahi


    IC: The Champion(Ta-Koro, Public House)


    Ta-Koro was muh further away than I thought. Looks like I will need a room for the night. The village has been built on a large, rocky island in the middle of a lava lake. I have no idea why any sensible people would want to build a settlement in a place like this. I would not be surprised if this village would sink into lava one day. Well, at least it look like an easily defensible location, so there's that. I follow the refugees, who are then taken care of by the local Guard. Seems like my job here is done.


    A while later I finally find a place where I can get a drink. I open the door, and see that the place is quite full today. I sit down, order a local drink, like I always do, and also a medium-sized meal. I haven't eaten much today, and my stomach is growling. Soon, the waiter brings me a stone plate filled with food, a loaf of bread and a mug of local brew. I taste the beer, and it has a slightly bitter and smokey taste. I don't like it much, but I drink it anyway. On the plate, there are mashed potatoes, a madu fruit, and some meat, which tasted like Kane-Ra meat. A little bit hard to chew on, but it tasted good. I wish that there would be some sauce, but overall the local food doesn't seem too bad.


    OoC: He's open for interaction for a while

  16. IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    The world outside Ko-koro was new for me. I had heard about it, read about it, talked about it, but I had not experienced it myself. It was fascinating, and I yearned for adventure. Maybe I yearned too much.


    "It'll be fine Dakku, I'll be alright," Haukka said with a quiet, gravelly and exhausted voice. The fever had taken a toll on her. She coughed quite violently. "Are you sure? I thought that you would be in a better condition, but it seems like it has gotten worse.." I felt conserned. Perhaps I should stay.. "I'll be fine, really. The doctors said.." She couged again. "..That I'll be alright. You can go." I felt terribly selfish for even thinking about leaving her behind. But does she really need me? Maybe if I don't stay away for too long.. I sighed, and said "I don't want to leave you now, when you're in that condition." She laughed, and coughed again. "You've spent your entire life in Ko-Koro. I have wandered the island for years, you haven't. I understand you. Just go, and don't feel bad about it." I was hesitant, but she she was speaking the truth. "Fine, I'll go. But I won't be gone for long," I said and grabbed her hand, "I promise." She nodded and coughed. It seemed like she tried to say something, but was unable to. "I love you," I said and tried to give her a kiss, but the nurse forbid me from doing that. I left the tent, waved at her with my hand and sent a blow kiss. She did the same.


    Venemi was waiting for me, and had the Gukko ready. "Um, how will I stay on that? What if I fall?" I worried. She said nothing and put me on the saddle. I started panicking. "Wait! No I don't.." The Gukko ran and took off into the air, while I screamed in terror. Luckily I didn't fall from it. Venemi flew near me, and laughed. Maybe I should've just enjoyed the ride. But I didn't.


    OoC: Venemi and Dakku to Ta-Wahi

  17. OoC: Lengthy character introduction post.

    IC: Oliphko (Western Po-Wahi)

    The wind was howling endlessly among the dry, rocky canyons. Here, there was no civilization, no life. Only the stone and the wind. In these ravines, I wandered with no destination. I was a simple stone carver from Po-Koro. But recently I had felt like my life was empty, meaningless.. I had no god to pray to, for Mata Nui was in deep slumber, and I would never worship the Master of Shadows. So, I decided to spend some time alone, in peace. I have always been introverted, but not having people around me allowed me to focus on myself, and understand what I was doing with my life. But I certainly didn't expect my life to go the way it did..

    One night, I was sleeping in my woolen sleeping bag, because the nights are very cold in the desert wasteland. However, I was awakened by a sudden, painfully loud crack of thunder. I jumped, surprised and terrified, and looked around me. The world was now completely silent. Now, had I never been in Ga-Wahi during a storm, I would not have realised that the sound came from a lightning strike. This time it had been much louder, but I knew that there was nothing else in the nature that could produce a sound as loud as that. The sky was clear, countless stars twinkled above me. One of them was bright and red. It was the Red star. I didn't know how there could be lightning without clouds, but I suspected that the star had something to do with it. There are stories about lightning that comes from the Red star, but I wasn't sure if they were true. Right now, it had been the explanation that made the most sense.

    The lightning had struck behind a large rock, and I went to investigate, fueled by curiosity. I peered behind the rock, and saw a charred and smoking crater that glowed red. It seemed fascinating.. but then, I noticed something weird. Right next to the crater, hidden inside a burning dry bush, was a metallic lever. It was completely out of place here in the middle of nothing. I wondered, what would happen if I were to pull it. So, I raised my metal staff and whack away the burning branches of the bush, and then cover them with my cape, extinguishing them. Next, I pulled the lever after it had cooled down. My imagination ran wildly, thinking about all the things that could happen, the dangerous ones too. I prepared myself to run away as fast as possible, but at first, nothing happened. For a moment, I thought that it hadn't worked. It was slightly rusty, after all, maybe it was broken. But then, I hear rumbling coming from inside the cliff face. I look around, afraid of something going terribly wrong. The wall before me started to move suddenly, and divide into two parts. I realised, that the lever had opened a secret, hidden door. I was immediately filled with excitement and curiosity, and I decided to walk inside, careful not to trigger any possible traps, interested to see what waited inside. I took out my lightstone, because the passage was dark and foreboding. I didn't like the dark, it terrified me and made my imagination run wild. I could sleep fine during nights like this, when the moon was glowing brightly. But otherwise, I kept my lightstone close and barely slept at all.

    The passage wasn't very long, and it ended in a small cavern. It didn't seem natural, more likely it had been carved in this rock. But who had done it? And why? I still haven't got an answer to those questions, but I did find out what was inside. There was a small pedestal, on it something wrapped in cloth, and behind it, a small round hemisphere carved out of rock. There was sadly no treasure, and luckily no terrifying Rahi or zombies. I approached the only item in this room with curiosity. The pedestal it stood on was just a rough rock pillar, so it was unikely that it would've been trapped. I picked up the thing, and removed the cloth wrapped around it. It was a brown crystal stone, that seemed to be glowing. After a moment, I realised that it was a Toa stone.

    I gasped in wonder. An actual Toa stone! This was amazing, and I entertained the thought of becoming a Toa. But something about it felt.. wrong. I am not a warrior, and something about changing into an entirely different being was disturbing. And what I could do as a Toa? I would make the worst protector of the Matoran, and I certainly wouldn't go back to carve stone. Then I realised, that I wore the Mask of Healing. I had never before even considered becoming a healer, becase I had no qualifications for it. My parents had taught me to carve rock, to write and read, but those were the only skills I had. But now, the idea of becoming a Toa healer was fascinating. I never hurt others, and respect life in general. Saving lives not by fighting, but by healing, felt like the right thing to do for me. There was a problem, though, because I had no idea what to do with this stone.

    I approached the round rock thing. It was the only other interesting object in this room, so I figured that it would have something to do with the stone. And indeed, when I walked closer, the Toa stone started to glow brighter, and a socket suddenly opened in the rock thing. This was a small Suva,I realised, and if I would put a stone inside the socket, I would transform into a Toa. But I thought about it again. The change would be irreversible, and I would never be a Matoran again. I would have elemental powers awaken inside of me, and the people I knew would not recognize me. I had doubts about this. Maybe someone else was destined to use this Toa stone? I was not a good canditate for a Toa, to be honest. Maybe I should just leave the stone on the pedestal and go away. But then I thought about the events that had lead me inside this cavern. The lightning from the clear sky, the hidden lever, the fact that this place was stranded, far away from anyone.. it was my Destiny to become a Toa. So, with new determination, I put the Toa stone inside the socket.

    Now, I stand transformed, and I feel tremendous powers inside of me. I am taller, the shape of my mask has changed, the old Oliphko is dead. This saddens me, but who am I to run away from my own Destiny? Now, there is new meaning in my life, new inspiration. I have become something more, a Toa. Who had difficulty walking. I stumbled as soon as I tried to take a single step. I'm not used to my new, taller and different body. And sadly, now my cape and sleeping bag are too small for me. Anyways, as I lie on the floor, I notice that the cloth which was wrapped around the Toa stone had markings on it. I crawl to it, and try to read it. The markings are weird, completely different from the letters I'm used to. But there seems to be a lot written here, and it's clearly a message for the person who would discover the stone. Maybe it says "DO NOT TOUCH"? Have I made a mistake? I need to find someone who can translate this for me, so I can be sure. But first, I would need to learn how to walk again.

    OoC: She's not open for interaction until she arrives in Po-koro.

  18. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)
    It is night. The stars above flicker faintly, and I load one of the last remaining patients on the cable car. I hop on as well, eager to go to a tavern, drink some alcohol, and go back to Obsidian to sleep. Others are talking nearby, the Ko-Toa and Veteran smoking a pipe. The grey clouds of smoke swirl in the air, and enter my nostril. I do not recognize the smell, so I assume that t's local. It has a slightly pungent odor, but it's not the worst tobcco or incense, and has a rather pleasant scent. But I stopped smoking ever since dealt with my addiction with it, so I won't ask for any. Instead, I pull the lever of the car, and begin my journey to Ta-koro. Alcohol is a man's best friend.. after a woman who loves him.
    OoC: Dartakh to Ta-Wahi

  19. IC: The Deceiver (Sanctum)


    Just as her blade was about to hit Xitec's chest, it stopped. Echelon had given an order for her to end the fight, and she obeyed by immediately sheating her sword and standing still, following what he was doing. Meanwhile, crystal enveloped Xitec inside, gradually making him unable to move. Deceiver observed Echelon and his servants do their bloody work. A new prophecy, it seemed. She stood silent and still, her eyes watching closely as they began their work on it.

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