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Daniel the Finlander

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Posts posted by Daniel the Finlander

  1. IC: Dakku (Le-koro)


    "Ta-koro?" I was curious. I had never been to the village of Fire before. "Well, maybe. But I don't want to leave my wife." I thought about it for a moment. The doctors can probably take care of her. She only had fever, and no other symptoms. Maybe I could go to Ta-koro. Living in a tent, in a rainy jungle, bugs crawling inside..


    After a moment of thinking, I turned back to Venemi. "Or actually, I think she'll be fine. Can you wait here while I tell her? I'll be back soon."


    OoC: Feel free to transport Dakku to Ta.

  2. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


    "Perhaps she is," I say to Forger. "If that is all, I'll go to help with transporting the patients over the Break." I leave the room, and walk outside. The Ko-Toa and Veteran were already working on it. Not sure how I can help them. Besides, I'm still wearing the heavy set of protosteel armour. I decide to go to the armoury and leave my armour there, then I'll go to help with the patients. Or I might just travel to Ta-koro and go order a drink at the tavern. Maybe.

  3. IC: Dakku (Le.Koro)


    "What? I don't want to be a homeless refugee again! I won't give up on hope just yet. Maybe the beetles can be dealt with. It's not over yet, and I'm just starting to get used to my new life. Besides, my wife is still sick, and I won't leave her behind."

  4. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)

    "Is the world black and white?" I wasn't expecting Forger to ask such a question. But it wouldn't be too hard to answer. Actually, I haven't had a proper discussion with anyone for ages. I sit down on a nearby chair. "Well, I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere, so relax and listen." I clear my throat, and start to speak. "Tell me, are Muaka evil? They kill other Rahi, mercilessly hunting them down. In stories, fairy tales and such, they are often evil, the villain. But they kill, because they have no other option. They can't eat plants, and they will die without fresh meat. And they're mindless Rahi too, no way they have any consept of morals and such. But still, are people any different? Muaka are driven by hunger, for the need to survive. And if they enjoy eating as much as we do, they are also driven by the desire of pleasure. Aren't all of us, Matoran, Toa, Skakdi, Vortixx, motivated by the same desires?"

    "We all want to survive, we all want to enjoy our lives. The point is, that everyone enjoys different things. Some enjoy killing, some enjoy working, some enjoy bullying, some helping others, some just want to earn profit and feed their families.. we all want different things from life. Some things cause harm to others, but some things help others. And all of us form societies, try to live a peaceful life together, expect those who have selfish desires. It's easy to brand them evil. The murderers, the thieves, the liars.. they all ignore the society, and only care about fulfilling their selfish desires. But no one is not perfect, they are not good or evil. All of us have some selfish cravings, all of us care first and foremost about our own survival and happiness. And what about the Muaka? They are lone hunters, they have no need for society, for language, or morals. They just fight to survive, like all other Rahi. So, to answer your question: the natural world is colourless, like water. The people who live in it are different shades of grey. Now, I'm no philosopher, but I've met countless people, seen numerous cultures, travelled far and wide. Experience grants wisdom, like some say. If you regret becoming a mercenary, there is no reason to. We're just.. more grey than others."

    My mouth is dry, and I'm not sure why I rambled that long about morals. I pick up my flask and pour some water down my throat. I'm not used to talking this much. I feel like I could do with some ale right now. Forger seems thoughtful, pondering my words. "Forger, I need to talk to you about something else," I then say and break the silence. "If you ever lead me on a mission, remember the following mercenary house rules: Number one, don't take jobs without upfront payment. Number two, don't break your deals, always finish the jobs you are given. Short term, it might be less profitable. Long term, you will be known as a reliable mercenary. That is important. Number thrity-six: Don't send your men inside fortified buildings alone. Judge lost an eye, because he was alone. Mercenary groups work and fight together. That's all I wanted to say." I rise up from my chair. "Is there anything you want to say?"

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  5. IC: Dakku (Le-koro)


    I travelled with Venemi to the ground floor on an elevator. I might not be afraid of heights, but riding the elevator made me quite nervous. I have this gut-wrenching feeling that the elevator will break and fall down.. machines are unreliable, in my opinion. Thankfully, it doesn't take too long and soon my feet are on solid ground. People from the village were gathering here, some already preparing tents and temporary shelters in case it would rain, which is quite common in these humid jungles. Some are climbing the neaby trees, and then jumping fom branch to branch with long, impressive leaps. They carried weapons, so I assumed that they were part of the Gukko force.


    I turn to Venemi. "Could you help them deal with the swarm somehow?"

  6. OoC: Norik, don't forget to deal with Dahkapa :P


    IC: The Deceiver (Sanctum)


    Xitec still didn't see her anywhere. Suddenly, the crystal stairs started to twist and move, and began to envelop him inside. Then, the Deceiver deactivated her mask, and appeared in front of Xitec. She immediately drove the weapon towards Xitec's chest with a powerful thrust.


    Edit: Woo, 200th post!!  :smeag:

  7. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)


    I look Veteran in the eyes, with an expression that basically asks the question "What the karz?". He winks with his one eye, although I wasn't sure if he was just blinking at first. Soon, I nod quietly, and answer his question. "I am called the Champion. We are coming from Ko-Koro with a large group of refugees, some of them hospital patients. Would you mind if we stay here for tonight?" Seems like he's planning an intricate act to cover up the fact that this is our base. I need to notify Forger and the rest about this. He answers my question, saying that it will be fine if we do. "Recruits?" I ask with a whisper, and he nods. I turn away and walk to a Ko-Toa, (Kouyran) one of the recruits. "Keep it quiet. You and this place have nothing to do with the Outsiders, alright?" I quietly say to him. After a moment, he nods a few times. Uncertainty is gleaming in his eyes. Novice.


    I walk to Forger. who is sitting comfortably on a chair, make sure that no one can hear us, and ask him if he knows about Veteran's plan.

  8. IC: The Champion (Obsidian Outpost)

    It took us an entire day to walk back. When we arrived, the sun had already set behind the horizon, some of its orange light reflecting from the feathery clouds above. I was tired. Not much physically, but mentally. This had been quite a day, but it wasn't over yet. I still haven't checked out the taverns in Ta-Koro, and I could certainly do with a drink.

    I put down the box of medical supplies I had been carrying all day. Then I look behind me. Others are coming, refugees with them. I turn back: looks like Veteran and some strangers are setting up tents and beds in the courtyard. Why? Aren't the refugees going straight to Ta-koro? I walk up to the old Skakdi, ask him "Who are these people?" and gesture towards the three unfamiliar faces(Scholar, Ayar and Rekhyt). They might be recruits, but they might as well not be. Better be sure. "And why the **** are you setting up a refugee camp here?"

  9. IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


    A Toa joined our conversation, offering help. Venemi asked where we should go. "Well, everyone is being evacuated to the ground level, so we need to head there first. Then maybe you can help the Gukko force by dealing with the beetles." I doubted that I could've been of any use whatsoever. I was just a humble Matoran builder. Well, maybe I could've smacked some bugs with my shovel, but that would have been of no use. I turned to look at the turquoise Toa. "What's your name, stranger?

  10. OoC: Apparently, Le-koro is being evacuated. I'll make this conversation take place before that post.


    IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    I was confused for a moment when Venemi told me that she was not a Toa. I took a closer look at her, and only then realised that she might be a Lesterin. "Oh.. sorry," I said, slightly ashamed. I was about to thank her for telling me about the inn, when the music, coming from the branches above, stopped. Actually, it seemed like the entire Koro had become almost completely silent. The only Matoran-made voice I could hear is someone giving a speech, addressing a group of people. It was coming from the market I had just come from. "I think we should check that out," I said to Venemi.


    When we arrived, the speech was already over. I asked a member of the Gukko Force about it, he said that the Koro is being evacuated: everyone must go down to the jungle floor. He said that they didn't want to take risks with the tree-consuming swarm. I turned to look at Venemi again. "Looks like we need to leave. At least I have food with me," I said and glanced at my basket.

  11. IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


    A Hunter and a fighter? I thought that it was interesting. She lives here, so she might know the best drinking place here. "What's the best tavern in the village? Not that Toa like you would have any reason to visit such places, but maybe you have heard of the finest drinking establishments here."

  12. IC: Dakku (Le.Koro)

    We shook hands, she told me her name and that she had arrived on the island. She was a foreigner, it seemed. "What do you do for a living? I am a builder. Helped constructing many of the buildings in Ko.. I'm saddened by the fact that much of my work will be ruined and forgotten."

  13. IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


    I had my savings with me, so I was one of the few refugees able to rent a hut. Right now, I was walking from the market, with a basket full of food I had bought. I still refused to use the chutes, they terrified me, so I walked along a wooden walkway. I could hear music coming from the branches above. Slowly, I was starting to like this place, it's not too bad.


    Suddenly, the Toa who had helped us in the forest appeared again. She asked how I was doing. "Oh, nice to meet you again.. I'm fine, I guess. Well, I do have a home to live in and enough money to buy food," I said and raised my filled basket so she could see it. "But my wife is sick. The doctors said that they would do their best to cure her, and I hope that everything will be alright." I realised that I didn't even know her name. Maybe I could ask about it. "So.. I assume you live here? Oh, by the way, we don't know each other's names. My name is Dakku," I said, and reached out with my hand. I am always willing to meet new people, make new friends. The idea of a Toa being a friend was.. interesting. I was curious to see how it would go.

  14. IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    We weren't in a hurry, so we stayed while the Toa healed most of the injured. We thanked her and moved on. I admire Toa who stick to the Three Virtues, or at least who are willing to help those in trouble. They are a glimmer of hope in these dark times, when Mata Nui sleeps and can only do little to help us.




    Three days have passed, and we finally see Le-Koro, build on the branches of giant trees, near the largest lake I've ever seen.  During our journey, two of the fevered died, sadly, and we had to bury them among the roots of the trees. Five others are now sick as well. Gauru says that the forest is haunted by spirits who infect any foreigners passing through the jungle, but I say that it's nonsense. But we are likely to find out the truth when we arrive in the village. I at least hope so, because my wife has fever.


    The jungle was mostly intact around here. A Muaka decided to try its luck, and succeeded in killing Gauru last night. We buried her as well. We are all exhausted, depressed and deprived of sleep. But finally, we arrive at the Koro. The guards welcome us, and take us on elevators into the village of Air. The sick are now inside a hospital, and the rest of us are trying to settle down. I'm one of them. I am a builder, so I hope that eventually I will get a construction job. But right now, the villagers are trying to deal with the beetle swarm. I cannot help them, but I hope that the swarm will be stopped before it reaches the village. I don't want to be homeless refugee again. And I pray for Mata Nui to do everything He can to help my wife..

  15. IC: The Deceiver (Sanctum)


    Xitec couldn't see the Deceiver anywhere. Suddenly, a knife appeared spinning in mid-air, flying towards him. Simultaneously, a set of crystal strairs started to form below him. If he couldn't unclamp his claw, he would end up in trouble.

  16. IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    "Well, it was going badly when we left. The main gate was breached by the attackers, the Sanctum was bombed.. but I don't know who the attackers are. Worshippers of Makuta, perhaps. Anyways, could you at least heal the injured? We'll deal with those with fever once we arrive in Le-Koro. Thank you for the directions, by the way. Swamps are getting increasingly common as we move on and it's hard to stay on path sometimes."

  17. IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    The Toa threatened to kill whoever was behind this. There was anger in her eyes for a moment, anger that seemed to terrify some of us. When she noticed, she changed her tone to a friendlier one. She offered to heal us wih her blessed mask powers. I thank her, and direct her to the wagon carried by a Kane-Ra. "When we left, we took six patients who were in the best condition. Sadly, our only doctor disappeared during a snow storm, and one patient died from an infected wound. Most of these are injured, one is sick with flu." I then walked to the group of fellow refugees. "Three of us are sick with some strange fever, and we have no idea how to cure them" I turn to look at her, and ask "Can you cure the sick and heal the wounded? We have some widgets to pay with if you want them."

  18. IC: The Champion (Not too ar away from Ko-Koro)


    The Toa seems to be interested in joining us. I'm fine with that, and I glance at Enforcer, who is still talking with the tall grey warrior. Did the Toa think that he was our leader for this mission? Well, he's wrong, Forger is. So I walk to him. He's busy talking with the Ko-Toa. I interrupt them and say to Forger "We need to talk later. In private." He nods, and I move on.

  19. OoC: Yes, I know that she isn't a Toa, but Dakku doesn't know.
    IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)
    Suddenly, a black and yellow Toa jumped from a tree when we were walking in an untouched part of the jungle. She asked us if we were refugees from Ko-koro. But we were surprised, and none of us seemed to have the motivation or courage to talk to her. She was closest to me, and overall I am more talkative than most Ko-Matoran, so I soon tried to talk with her. She didn't seem to have the intention to kill us.
    "Yes, we are. The Koro has..." I couldn't suddenly say it out loud. I had difficulty accepting the truth that my home village, where I had lived for decades, had fallen. "...been invaded.  We are now without a home. Hopefully Le-Koroans will help us."
    There was a moment of silence, but I had a burning question to ask. Besides, I would've rather avoided thinking about Ko-Koro. "Oh, do you know what has happened here? Not too long ago we walked through a huge clearing, it seemed unnatural. There were swarms of beetles flying around and devouring trees."

  20. IC: The Champion (Not too far away from Ko-Koro)


    As I was walking, the green Toa, one of the defenders, tried to chat with me. I just glanced at him when he started talking, and I swear that he wasn't there a moment ago. Maybe he has one of those fancy stealth or invisibility masks, I don't know and only care a little. I grunt, don't say anything for a moment. "This is the first mission for months. I haven't been on this isle for very long," I then say, and remain silent afterwards. If this guy gets too curious. I'll have to avoid him. I must be careful not to reveal too much: Zero likes secrecy, and wants us to share her antics. She pays me, so I'm personally not complaining.

  21. OoC: Dakku along with other refugees from Ko-Wahi


    IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


    We made our way through the dense jungle. A path lead through the gnarly, tall trees, and we made sure to stay on it. The jungle is filled with the sounds of countless Rahi, which was a stark difference from the utterly silent nature of Ko-Wahi. They don't stop during the night, either, so most of us were suffering from sleep deprivation. Speaking of problems, one patient had died, three fellow refugees were sick and one of us was missing. Luckily, I am fine along with my wife.


    Soon, however, we start hearing the sound of falling trees (not that I already knew what it sounded like) and soon we notice that groups of large insects are churning on the trees. They don't seem to pay attention to us, instead focusing on eating the trees. Other refugee was crushed under a falling tree, and soon died from her wounds. Now, we avoid trees, which is becoming increasingly easy as we move on. It seems like a swarm of these bugs have destroyed a huge area of the jungle. We see large birds flying above us, and I swear that I saw Matoran riding them. Maybe I'm sick and seeing things..

  22. IC: The Deceiver (Sanctum)


    Xitec retaliated suddenly, and pushed forward instead of stumbling backwards. She was quick to react, pulled her sword away and took a step back. But as she was about to strike again, Xitec raised his left arm, and aimed at her with some strange device. She instinctively stepped to the side, and dodged a glowing hookshot that instead hit the wall behind her. Almost immediately, the hookshot started to pull Xitec towards the wall, and she stayed out of the way, and activated her Huna.



    IC: The Champion (Not too far away from the hospital)


    I trudge in the snow, carrying a wooden box full of medical supplies. From here, I can finally catch a glimpse of the Koro. It's a beautiful place, carved out of ice, with bridges spanning across deep chasms and windmills spinnig high above. Few pillars of black smoke rise from the gates of the village, with corpses scattered around in front of it. I wonder if any civilians are still inside the walls, hiding away from the besiegers. If so, they are likely to be taken prisoner, enslaved, robbed, murdered, abused violently.. Sieges are brutal affairs. But there is not much we can do. In total, there is about a dozen of us, including five Outsiders. We're divided, the first half has no designated leader and the second half wil not go on such a dangerous mission without payment. There is little hope for those trapped inside the place they used to call home.


    I turn away and continue walking. It's a long journey ahead of us, and I would like to get inside a warm, comfortable tavern with a refreshing drink in my hands as soon as possible.

  23. IC: The Deceiver (Sanctum)


    Xitec broke through the crystal bond, and stood up. Her swing hit his shield, and she felt how all the force of her blow was absorbed. She pulled back her sword, and with one fluid motion she struck at the Vortixx again. He blocked, but the Deceiver was relentless and kept striking at him, trying to get through his defences. She showed no sign of emotion and remained silent.

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