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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Stormer XL looks like either a badly misshapen Iron Giant or a badly misshapen Iron Giant. Plus I liked Crystal Beast, especially that hilarious voice you gave her, I still laugh about that!
  2. I'm watching my TV, or is it watching me?

  3. You know, I have heard of this, but now I am really interested. Time to consult Google images and see this potoo... Oh my...
  4. ...I don't think I'll use emotes anymore... Well...You could just sign this contract and you'll never have to use emotes again... WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?
  5. Then I guess I'll join Quisoves divine quest to kill Luroka.
  6. Dear Vezon. Why did the French Fry?
  7. You burn up in the sunset, then your burning body falls and causes global warming. My mask.
  8. With my powers of Old Spice, I building kick you into SV's face! My mask.
  9. The alliances were one of the beginning factors to the story line being made in STM2. Watch yourselves. My mask.
  10. I then toss you into the maze at Hogwarts. My mask.
  11. So while on the topic of Huck Finn *gets shot*...
  12. *Puts knife away* Oh...Yeah totally wasn't me...just going to keep looking right now...yep...to the right.
  13. I summon Propeller Knight who shows you the true meaning of flying, and you become amazed. My mask.
  14. I throw you a hula skirt and you become Hawaiian. My mask.
  15. I buy a large citadel and an army with 4 heavy defense. Preparing for the storm to come.
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