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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. I say hi and that your favorite color is blue. You then become incorrect and are launched off the bridge. My mask.
  2. There is also Unit who has been hiding in the background.
  3. Places are decided by RNG. Not me.
  4. Day Seven The group had stopped near the ravines. They held vote to decide who was the ultimate killer, and with numbers now dwindling past what they hoped for, they had little time to find the killer. Luroka was the choice this time. He sat next to a tree as Chro and Voltex tied him up. He didn't complain, but rather instead thought of Tyler's gruesome death. Voltex sat to keep watch on him as Chro went off to set up tents and find supplies. Seaborgium was on the bridge looking over the ravine. He tossed a rock down to hear if it would land, but alas, no noise. Suddenly a figure appeared next to him. "Pretty deep huh?" the figure asked. "Yep." he replied, still staring down. Seaborgium started to walk back when suddenly a board broke. He fell and tried to grab onto something when a had reached out and caught him. "T..thanks.." He gasped. Seaborgium looked up at the figure. "Well...pull me up!" he said. "Tell the others I said hi." The figure replied. "What?" Seaborgum said., but then knew what the figure meant. "NO WAIT..." when then the figure let go and Seaborgium plunged into the ravine. Voltex heard yells coming from the ravine. Chro came running back. "Sounds like Seaborgium!" He said, and he and Voltex took off towards the bridge. Luroka sat there struggling to take the ropes off to go help his friends. When they got to the bridge, a broken platform was found on the bridge. They found no other evidence and silently walked back to camp. Day Eight The group walked on the bridge past the disaster of Seaborgium's death. They finally made it to the other side when suddenly a loud crack was heard. They turned around to the sight of the bridge falling into the ravine. New location: Waterfalls: a little cleared out area. The waterfalls fall straight into the ravine they had past. Killing is available here. Voting is allowed here. The guide can have them stay another day. Chasing Cops: 2 days behind. Exit: 13 days. Well...what can I say...The innocent better regroup and get him.
  5. People here are just giving away their roles. If they are doing that, then here some of my free rolls. Baked with lovin'.
  6. Eh...I don't know. P.S. I hit you with a tube sock. My mask.
  7. I get in the TARDIS and go to Steal the Mask 4 and retrieve that mask. My mask. There's one in every bunch. Why...... My mask.
  8. Alright if you want to be that way fine. I will say that I hid the secret on one of the first two pages. I still bet you might head there to look.
  9. I swear, do none of you know who yet? I left a pretty big clue.
  10. Believe me I am starting to wish so too.
  11. Day Six Tensions were rising, people were dying, and all the finger pointed at Voltex. Voltex sat and silently let them tie him up. He no longer cared for their deaths with all this ridiculousness. Seaborgium and Unit wiped their hands and started their vigil on watching the accused. Tyler sat rehearsing his Spanish when a figure came up to him. A snowman came up to him and asked if he wanted to help him build a killer. Tyler in the delusion thinking the snowman was nice followed him to a patch of snow in the field of flowers. They first built the body, then they built the head, and gave him a scarf. The snowman gave the other snowman an axe. Tyler asked what that was for when suddenly the snowman melted and a rumbling came from the newly built snowman. Tyler started to back away when suddenly the new snowman burst apart and a person ran at him wielding the axe. Tyler yelped in surprise before his head was chopped off. Luroka was exploring the fields when suddenly he came upon a snowman. He looked closer and noticed the head of Tyler resting on the snowman's body. Luroka screamed and ran off to tell the others what he saw. Day Seven The other packed camp and left the field of flowers. With Voltex untied and his name cleared, they had more faith in him now, or so he thinks. Luroka walked a little farther behind, sickened by the horrible sight he saw. New Location: A giant ravine with a very old rickety bridge. Killing is allowed. The killer can cause an event to hold the cops here for an extra day. Voting is allowed. Chasing Cops: 1 day behind Exit: 14 days away. I am starting to question the sanity of the person I am writing these scenes for.
  12. Now I speak in the local language of Giberia. HRGBLRGERBLURGURDERFURGERBLAH!!! Moya Maska.
  13. Я даю вам пирог. Моя маска .
  14. The rule that when someone dies and people can't vote the next day has totally become void. Seeing it now, you guys need these votes more than ever, so keep voting. Incriminate another innocent. FEED THE BUTTERFLIES FOOLS!!!
  15. You did have a good run...sadly you should have never trusted the sight of those flowers. Flowers can never be trusted. EDIT: Goodness...my eyes with the fast scrolling down and seeing the multiple infinity symbols. It...oh... Infinity is coming. Yes that's fine but if this keeps up my eyes won't get to see it.
  16. I can't desribe the shape, but ever since Chro started to use it, it hurts my eyes to scroll down the page at a fast rate.
  17. You did have a good run...sadly you should have never trusted the sight of those flowers. Flowers can never be trusted. EDIT: Goodness...my eyes with the fast scrolling down and seeing the multiple infinity symbols. It...oh...
  18. I watch as the world burns due to...natural...causes? My mask. (P.S. I am taking starting classes for Russian dude. Not cool.)
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