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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Lets say that if we keep the old scene, he was pardoned from death by mata nui himself. I messed up okay. Or if you want " Major unprofessionalism."
  2. Okay, Chuck left with the figure when he was pushed into the pit. The figure then transformed him into a Barraki, killing him since he can't breathe air no more. I was trying to be creative, but then my hand decided different and posted the idea, but the idea compromised my rules which was why I wasn't intending to post it. No the pit isn't the clue.
  3. Mistakes were made. I had to go in. Refigure everything. The original scene was an idea, but instead of hitting more reply options I hit post. I had to scramble my fingers and recall the scene, and math class was ending so time was of the essence. Tyler isn't dead, I will tell of Chuck's death later. First I need to go rethink my life. P.S. You guys overlooked the hint I left.
  4. Day Three As day was coming to an end, Chuck was eating away at his snack. His tent zipper opened and a figure walked in. "What do you want." Chuck muttered. "Want to explore that pit?" the figured asked. "Sure, better than sitting around all day." and Chuck disappeared out the tent with the figure. Three dark figures gathered in a room. "We need to stay here another night." one figure said. "Why, so we can all be killed?" one said. "I don't think that's a bad idea." the third one muttered. Suddenly, Quisoves opened the tent, light shining in on Voltex, Chro, and Luroka. "Chuck is missing." Luroka went searching around when he ran across Tyler, holding a mask. "Something wrong?" Luroka asked. "Tyler opened his mouth to speak when Chro burst into the clearing. Tyler had discussed with them what he had seen. Another day, another death. Day Four Same place, same stuff. Chasing Cops: three days behind. Voting is allowed again.
  5. I then surgically remove those bullets on the premises, then reload those same bullets into my gun and shoot you in the forearms. My mask.
  6. I am a psychopath and I'm digging hole. Diggy diggy hole.

    1. Valendale


      Be a sleepy peepy.

    2. Ghidora131


      Be a sloppy poppy. (what in the?)

  7. BTW: Thanks for enjoying my game guys. I try to be a little interactive with the players in games that I host. As in besides here. He may make his hints misdirectional, omnidirectional, unidirectional, lies *cough cough*, multidirectional, and nodirectional just to throw you off, but if you look a little closer (Or better than you are now for those few) and I hide a hint towards who it is. However if you do find him and watch him, he will still have the capability to kill someone, so it is pretty much the matter of "We caught him, now who's the tribute?" situation, but at least you know who it is and with (hopefully) superior numbers overwhelm him and capture him and wait for the cops. BTW someone needs to die now. I already killed off Mandicus. EDIT: Hi Fighty!
  8. *Resists urge to make it real* I'm pretty sure my friend the RNG will make it so.
  9. Well....You all are going to die now.
  10. Very correct. Lucky you as your tent is the food supply tent.
  11. I swear if you kill him I might laugh and roll on the floor. But then my teacher might take me for some psycho. Um, the killer can still kill someone here you know. I never said a place was limited to a certain number of kills.
  12. I should be like Elijah Wood In that Spy Kids movie. Show up on my shining kikanalo with a flowing cape saying "I shall save you!" then instantly take a sniper shot to the head.
  13. End of Day Two As Quisoves read the votes out loud, everyone knew that Kopeke was being tied up tonight. As Chro and Voltex tied the angry Kopeke to the tree, a lifeless body of Mandicus hung nearby. Kopeke was tied to a tree and was left waiting in the rain against the tree, left to the watchful eye of Chuck. Later in the night the rain had lowered to a light shower. Kopeke had fallen asleep, as so did the Watchful Toa. As Kopeke snored away, a dark figure stalked up to the tree. Kopeke slowly opened his when suddenly one of the ropes raised to his neck and tightened. He tried calling out to Chuck but the rope had silenced his screams. With the ropes around his arms he couldn't fight back. A voice then spoke out to him. "I am what you once could have been." Kopeke gave a final gasp as the rope snapped his neck. His body went limp and the figure walked away. Chuck awoke when a drop hit his nose. He yawned and went over to Kopeke. "Wake up. Your done and free to go." He untied the rope and Kopeke's body collapsed forward. Chuck started to panic and checked his pulse. Nothing. He ran to the others yelling the news. Everyone gathered around and stared at the body. A moment passed and Voltex went off to bury the body. Chro tried to calm everyone but to no avail. The group was stuck here for another as the rain had bogged them down. The group was also afraid to be around each other so no votes could be held to find the killer. For now, all seemed lost. Day Three The group had come together to eat. No one spoke. No one said thing. After the meal they all went back to their tents. Their spirits waning. Chro had tried, but failed to regroup them. All that could be done now was try and catch the killer in the act. Area Info: Same. Chasing Cops Progress: 4 days behind.
  14. Noo!! Curse you suddenly popped up out of nowhere crash and burn factory!! My mask.
  15. Votes: Kopeke: 4 Voltex: 2 Host Vote: Mandicus: Instant Lynch. You have until 12 to get in your votes.
  16. YES!! The first to rollerblade on their head. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM My mask.
  17. I put blades on my feet. Rollerblades that is. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..... My mask.
  18. I said Mandicus. Not Manducus. I haven't paid off my protodermis debt this year yet.
  19. I sit and counsel my men. They aren't housebroken.
  20. Yes your right. I did say that, but as host I said that Chro and Voltex's morale helped keep the other's fine allowing them to vote again. I won't be as generous next time, seeing as this is pretty much your only defense against the killer.
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