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Ride Another Day

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Everything posted by Ride Another Day

  1. Everybody votes Voltex A comedic horror story of a man and his dysfunctional group trying to find a killer among them.
  2. Day Five The group had gone from a sad, depressed state into a group who held no trust to each other. The two main suspects at this point were Chro and Voltex. As supporters of self-acclaimed guide of the group fight Chro the strong, The Councilor had decided to take a break from the constant arguing and enjoy the beautiful fields they were in. A figure approached him from behind. "Want to take a walk together?" The figure asked. "If we don't discuss the ridiculous conditions back at camp, sure." They continued to walk in the fields when they were confronted by the Queen Butterfly. The Queen spoke unto the intruders "Behold, I am Wocanda! Mighty and terrible! State your names filthy travelers!" Manducus however was not pleased by her insult, being a Councilor and all. "How dare you, you morbid monstrosity, I am Manducus, and I am.." He broke off when the figure next to him lifted him up. "Hey what.." "Here you are my queen, fresh meat." He tossed Manducus towards the Queen. When he hit the ground, spikes shot out of the floor and impaled his legs. He look up to see the giant mouth of the queen engulf him. The figure stared, listening to the muffled screams of Manducus turn into crunches. The figure nodded to the Queen and walked away. Back at camp. Valendale looked into Manducus' tent to bring him out to cast the final vote. He noticed then that Manducus was gone and informed the rest. They went on a search all around the area when suddenly at the feet of Chro, a butterfly left a note reading: Thanks for the meal. This Councilor provided a very scrumptious dinner. Chro crumpled the paper and stared into the distance with agony of his lost friend. Day Six Same place, same dangers with the Queen. Chasing Cops distance: 1 day. Exit: 15 days. Message from the Cops: We have found some dead bodies in your last traveled areas, better get your act together and find the killer.
  3. Do you honestly think the killer is dumb enough to fall for that. Oh wait, knowing who it is I guess he might be...I will do a little persuading to get him to kill Voltex.
  4. But as far as the popular votes are going, and how the murderer seems to kill those who are chosen to be watched, it seems as though Agnes might not make it through the night.
  5. The dead get to decide how Voltex's afterlife will go.
  6. Alrighty then... You have all been decieved. Chro is the Queen Butterfly.
  7. Oh your right. He did indeed. Curse my slow reflexes. My mask.
  8. So this is a joke, right? Please clarify, Rider. I can't say I'm fond of a host that outright provides false information at a critical moment. Ah! Tis what makes doing this so fun Chro. I cannot tell a lie, nor can I tell the truth. And then Quisoves gave it away. Chro if it were to satisfy you, I shall not tell the role of anyone...except yours. Edit: Chro Bro who broke the Bro rule...
  9. I know this is SUCH a small thing but if you wouldn't mind I wish to be referred by the name Rider instead of Philips. Philips was a name just for the Link picture.
  10. I summon Oddball, who like his cousin OddJob will throw a ball of shredded cheese all molded together at you. My mask.
  11. By the way, for the rest of the fifth page one must include the word "Bro" when saying ones name. Yep.
  12. Tyler dropped once in my game. Let's not go there.
  13. Oh whoops. I forgot to write in that Quisoves was the guide....
  14. I wish to sign up. number less than a decimal please.
  15. I catch the pencil and do your homework. My mask.
  16. Voltex lied, He's no guide, QP died, By tomorrow you'll be tried. By 12 tomorrow, you'll feel sad sorrow, as even the thriller, can find your the killer. I may have messed up, bein' a little unfair, But mine cannot compare, From the anger you vent, as innocents lives were spent. Mysterious, the murders of the past, Now you the man behind the mask, And now you know the task, Grab the rope and tie him fast.
  17. Day Four After waiting in the same spot for about three days now, it seemed apparent that they were definitely leaving, here FAST! As Quisoves was being tied to the tree, he yelled furiously at his friends. "This is ridiculous I demand a recount." He yelled, just to be replied by Chro, "After tonight, maybe." They continued to tie him up and left Tyler to watch him. Later that night, Tyler was watching Quisoves when a figured walked up to him. Tyler opened his mouth when a loud ShutUp came from the figure. Tyler close his mouth and walked away as the figure walked up to Quisoves. "What?" as Quisoves stared at the man. Suddenly Quisoves was punched three time by the figure. He also suddenly grew an extra finger and died from blood loss as the blood was transferred to the finger instead of his brain. Watching Quisoves die, the figure walked away. Tyler returned with Voltex to Quisoves body. They said a few goodbyes and buried his body in the pit. No one regretted their actions that day. Day Five Location: A beautiful field filled with flowers and butterflies. However the Butterfly Queen is hungry and is looking for carcasses to feed on. Killing is allowed. The Guide can make the group stay here another day. Voting is allowed. Chasing cops behind: 2 days Exit: 15 days ahead. Please note that I didn't write this scene and it was at the request of the killer that I write all this. Thanks to Chro for throwing out the deciding vote while I wrote this scene.
  18. I want April 23 to come sooo much!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Oh. I wonder what this button does...

    3. Ride Another Day

      Ride Another Day


    4. Ghidora131


      But Professor


      it's so shiny

  19. Voting Quisoves at this point sounds very reasonable.
  20. Sorry to rain on your parade, but Chuck's snack is not the clue and neither was the mask Tyler was holding...even though it was Chuck's mask. And the guy was referring to the idea of staying here. But take it anyway you want, it's your funerals.
  21. His death was something of just an idea. I wasn't supposed to post it. However Quisoves beat my editing and read the original. Lets say that a continuum shift happened and Tyler was kept alive, but Quisoves came out seeing how that reality went. But yes, sorry for the mishap. I won't write a creative scene like that and just stick to the original. Valendale's punches will be my constant reminder.
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