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Posts posted by bohrokman

  1. That would be amazing. It seems like it could be fairly fun, as a mixture of lacrosse and hockey. I remember thinking the same thing a while ago and I wrote up a few basic rules based on those in MNOLG as well as sketching out some MNOLG inspired armor.

    Yeah it is really fun! I made a kohli stick out of the end of a lacrosse stick and a golf club.



    I think they should have a video for each Toa's story. Other wise we get too much of the Dark Destiny "swinging camera" effect. 


    Also the animations have focused a little too much on Tahu. I want to see the other Toa get a story too.



    I certainly agree with that! Tahu may be the guy in charge but he's certainly not the only one we're interested in after all. I'm particularly keen to see Pohatu and Kopaka get some lines and action. Be interesting to see all of them, even the less exciting non-Toa characters :P

    What about the best toa LEWA

    Yeah, I'm hoping to move away from Tahu and focus on the others, especially Kopaka.


    A lot of dedicated fans btw I think I should once we get enough entries narrow it down to 10 people then vote

    This isn't really going to work you know.If you really do insist on trying this out, then make separate topics for each category, and setup some more visible rules. Give a deadline, and then select 10 from each category, and create a poll for each category. The only issue is that people would vote for themselves, which is why this won't work.

    Not sure what you mean by different catagories but deadline is jan7

  4. I want to do a contest like thing to find out who is the ultimate bionic fan. If you want to participate here are my rules: write a pharagraph explaining why you are the best bionic fan, it should include how many sets you own, why you are the best fan (duh) and examples of your fanness.

    Post your entries in the comments. the prize will be overall fame and glory. 

  5. I wrote a bionic story it takes place during the time slip on an island that is almost an exact replica of metru nui. (the people are different) so with out further ado here is book 1 in the forgotten heroes series.(not sure where this topic belongs, please move if i am wrong) WARNING NOT EDITED. 






    To any other Matoran today would be just another day in the life of Metru Nui, but to Akalu today was a day of shadow. “Tell her it’s now or never, we all should be remembered.” She was arguing with herself again, Akalu had been doing this a lot lately. “Stop beating yourself up, you were once mighty Toa!” Akalu scolded herself, which was a strange sight. She knew the Toa were gathered in the coliseum to talk to Turaga Thrasher, she felt this was urgent enough to interrupt. Off she went to the gathered Toa to tell them the un-told story of the Toa Madra.

    Akalu awoke, standing around her were five other beings about the same size as her. An immense structure, stood high above them, canisters splayed across the floor that was about the same size as the Toa. Where did I get that name, Akalu wondered. Ever since she had awaken the only things she remembered was a two words Akalu and toa. Akalu, a name somehow she felt it belonged to her, but the other word she instantly knew what it meant. The toa were guardians, and protectors, heroes because of their duty they held great power.

                “I am Lehalu, the greatest Toa-hero ever!” the green one said, “maybe we should quick-talk about what we do next we are obviously Toa come from the canisters over there. So what do we do next we need a good thought-plan.”

                The toa of air certainly has spirit, Akalu thought, but what of the Fire master he seems distant like he hides a dark secret.

                Talmu noticed the toa of water sizing him up and spoke. “ I see a city in the distance I say we head that way. Anyway I am Talmu,” he said unsure of that, he had been left with only a name Talmu he knew it was his.

                The Toa left toward the city unknowing of the dangers there. The city named Madra Nui by the residents there; they are called matoran in the native language. They finally arrived at the city after miles of water, but they found a city full of busy matoran and protodermiss canals littered across the city. One of the matoran stopped and looked up at the newborn heroes. “Toa, no one has seen toa for at least 1,000 years ago” the matoran said wonder on her face.

    “Are you really Toa or just some matoran on proto-stilts?” one of them asked skeptically.

                “Yes we are what you say yet we have had a chance to test are new abilities,” Kalar new found toa of ice said.

                “Well your about to get your chance” a matoran exclaimed,” Rahkshi! It must have escaped from its protodermiss shell in po-madra!”

                “Proto-what?” Lehalu asked confused.

    Then searing heat whizzed past his ear and he looked up to see a yellow beast with a monstrous head and body, was shooting heat vision rays right at them. “To the river!” Akalu shouted.


                “Wait Akalu us other toa cannot breathe under water like you!” Metox toa of stone noted. Just then Rahkshi delivered one last bolt that sent him diving into the liquid. He fell in, but something in his mask changed he heard a click and suddenly he was breathing under water no hold his breath, no restraint, nothing just swimming in the water. He came up to the surface he saw the others (except Akalu) sending blast of pure fire, ice, wind, and earth.

                “We need to attack as a team if we continue like this we will just keep ruining each others attempts to stop it!” Dalran, earth toa shouted over the noise over the exploding buildings. Dalran made a hand of earth breaking the ground underneath the Rakshi, shocking the beast this allowed Kalar to freeze the feet of it. The Rahkshi was trying to pull away, and then Talmu set a blast of heat straight at the Rahkshi. The Rahkshi ran away terrified of the toa’s power. Akalu and metox stepped out of the water.

                “ Brothers, when I fell into the water I found that we can breathe under the water, but are elemental powers are temporarily disabled.” Metox told the others.

                “Wait a minute that Rahkshi ran onto flat land and now he just disappeared.” Kalar pointed out.

    “ Maybe we should quick-follow his trail.” Lehalu said pointing toward sear marks in the ground headed east.

    “Great toa thank you for saving us, allow me to introduce myself I am Gamoro the city’s elder. Rahkshi and Muaka cats, another rahi beast, have been running amuck lately there was a break in at the po-madra archives.” Gamoro informed them.

    “Archives I’ve heard that word before and what is this protodermiss substance?” Talmu asked.

    “The archives are a living museum of every rahi beast known in Madra Nui.” She answered,” Protodermiss is a substance used to make almost everything you see here is made of it. There are many different types of it in different cities here there is liquid protodermiss. In ta-madra it is molten protodermiss which is used to forge certain items.”

    The Toa stepped to the side wanting a private conversation.

    “I feel as if we were meant to protect them.” Akalu suggested.

    “I the same.” Metox added.

    “Then our next move is to follow the trail Lehalu found and track down that Rahkshi. We can’t have this thing running freely around.” Talmu said.

    “Then let’s quick-move!” Lehalu exclaimed impatiently.

    The toa saw the trail stretched farther into the flat dry land then they thought finally they arrived at the end of the scorch marks. “Nothing left!” Lehalu yelled stomping his foot in frustration. There was a creak and a groan behind him, but he didn’t notice.” What, why is everyone glare-looking at me?” Lehalu asked the others.

    “Turn around and the answer will come.” Dalran said.

    Lehalu did turn and what he saw left a look of shock on his face. There was a tunnel with stairs leading deeper in to the earth.

    “Off we go to the underground.” Akalu said.

    “In my mind a toa of air should be high-flying in the air not down under the earth.” Lehalu complained, but Dalran was at home and comfortable here walking underneath the earth.

    The toa finished climbing down the last flight of stairs, but what they saw was a sight of horror. Thousands upon thousands of Rahkshi and Muaka Cats as you probably already know the two beasts do not get along, because in fact any time they are together there is a devastating battle. But why were so many of them united almost like an army... This is what the toa wondered as they witnessed this horrific sight. Then the ground was shaking, but this was no natural rumble it was the effect of thousands of muaka cats cheering (rahkshi are incapable of speech). Why the toa asked them selves again the answer came in one terrifying voice and a creature so gruesome even the toa turned their faces away. The horrifying creature was some mix of a rahkshi and muaka cat, which had the massive jaws of the cat and the face of a rakshi. It had the spines on it’s back just like a rakshi, but it had the humungous body and muscular legs of a muaka cat. It had the big, ugly, deadly claws of the great cat too. Then it did the most surprising thing of all. Although Rahkshi are incapable speech it spoke in a voice that sounded like strep throat and lion mixed into English language.

    “Rahi, you are gathered here for one purpose and one purpose only.” It said, “I the muakshi have called you to destroy those matoran who have threatened us for many years!”

    Shocked at the wrong thought of who was threatening whom Talmu clicked his fire blade to life and recklessly jumped into the crowd. Before you could say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 20 times the toa of fire was captured.

    “Talmu!” Akalu cried distressed, not realizing she had blown their hidden location. A team of muaka cats jumped up to their level and tied ropes around the toa all was lost for the toa madra. They were thrown in a small stone prison with Talmu.

    “Ha they throw a toa of stone in a stone prison, this should be an easy escape.” Metox said confidently.

    Using his mastery of stone he made the bars dissipate into the earth, then something unexpected happened Metox was shot backward against the wall. 

    “Ooff!” he exclaimed, blacking out in the process.

    “The prison it alive!” Kalar exclaimed.

    Suddenly the whole thing shook and the floor was burning with white-hot fire.

    “Fire, fire, Kalar stop this madness!” Lehalu shouted.

    “I, I can’t but oddly enough I don’t seem to be effected by the heat it’s not bothering me.” He told lehalu.

    The others murmured in agreement becoming peaceful for the time being

    “I think I may know why” Akalu said,” It is our armor it must be immune to all elements.”

    “It is quite possible.” Metox noted slowly moving into consciousness.

    “Dalran why so quite?” Lehalu asked.

    “I may have found our way out.” He informed them, pointing to a crack in the wall. He easily busted through the rock with his giant claw hand.” Hurry before the hole closes.” Dalran said. Lehalu was the last one out barely making it, but as our heroes quickly learned breaking out isn’t the same as getting out.

    “It appears we have walked out of a prison and into maze.” Akalu said, her voice soothing, but full of fear, ”we need something to track our steps.”

    “Ugg, how about some prot-urg-dermis chisels.” Dalran asked picking up a huge hunk of protodermis.

    “So this is why they left us with weapons.” Talmu announced,” They knew we wouldn’t escape this alive.”


    Chit, chit, chit, left or right, right! Chit, chit, chit, hit a dead end. This pattern would happen many times before they would finally hit another choice, then the trip got a little difficult. Grrah! Talmu had been struck with the white rahkshi’s power sending powerful dangerous blasts of heat in every direction. Boom! The walls to the maze exploded why hadn’t they thought of that. It took an anger consumed Toa to think of it. Half of the maze was destroyed devowered by the power of fire. Suddenly out of know where a green rahkshi appeared, the white one retreating to gather it’s self for a rematch.

    “Another one, haven’t we had enough of these trouble-bad beasts.” Lehalu complained jokingly. The Rahkshi and Talmu both surged forward at the same time blades colliding. Talmu used his sword with skill deflecting blows and trying to land a blow. A bright flash blinded them all and when it settled Akalu’s mask glowed violently against the dark cavern. This gave Talmu a chance; with power he sent a stream of heat at the Rahkshi. Shear force sent it reeling back hitting the ground hard. Talmu gave Akalu a look, the others would think it was thanks, but they both knew what it meant. Her mask power it allowed her to see danger and on it’s own the mask would act almost as if it were it’s own master. In those few seconds before the flash time had almost seemed to slow, and Akalu saw the tip of the Rakshi’s staff touch Talmu’s mask.

    “Why didn’t I think of this before?” Lehalu suddenly exclaimed.

    “Why didn’t you think of what?” Kalar asked slowly scared to know the answer.

    “Oh no the Le-Matoran’s brain is working, bad things are going to happen.” Dalran joked. Lehalu then shot into the air with newfound power.

    “Just as I thought,” Lehalu told the others. ”The maze has a pattern it shockingly simple. Left, right that’s it.”

    “I can’t believe I didn’t notice it.” Akalu said blandly for her mind was elsewhere.

    “Talmu he was infected by rahkshi poison. Even though he denies it I don’t think so, my mask power was activated then and that was no accident.” She thought, “Worse things are still to come.”

    They continued across the maze eerily never running into another rahkshi.

    They approached a massive “stage” on which the muakshi was speaking, but what you couldn’t see from the audience was a back part of the  “stage.” The Toa crept up to it silently hiding behind the curtain.

    “My dear brothers join me now as we glide onto the surface to conquer!” The Muakshi cried.

    “Kalar no!” Talmu whispered violently.

    “Raaah!” Kalar screamed racing forward at the rahi.

     CLANG, GROAN there was the sound of metal hitting metal as Kalar made a strike, which the muakshi easily blocked with his claw, bam! It shot a blazing beam of heat toward Kalar, which he instantly froze. It clattered to the ground shattering into thousands of fragments. Kalar raced forward clashing with the beast in the same way as before, it was too quick. The muakshi then flicked on the offensive switch sending blasts of fear in Kalar’s direction. Kalar was surprised how bad the aim was, then the beast zipped fowared, Bam! Final score Muakshi: 1 Kalar:0. Kalar was flying through the air toward his friends. Talmu raced at it having the same results as Kalar. They each made individual

    “Hitting him with our weapons and using isn’t going to work, we need to work together.” Talmu suggested.

    “My army attack!” Muakshi yelled. They Rahi army marched forward on que.

    “This tunnel isn’t to big maybe I can-urg!” Metox said, concentrating hard to focus his elemental energies. Putting a massive wall of stone in between the army and them the muakshi glanced around worried. ”That won’t hold for long.” He informed them.

    They all shot elemental energies at it not seeming to land a blow on this almost impossible foe. He just dissipated it all with his incredible rahkshi power. Zap, bam, wind, fire, ice, water, stone, and earth powers bounced through the air all around the room, but they never could hurt the muakshi. It shot it’s own power forward his blast of fear striking the Toa of Ice.

    “The others will think I’m a terrible Toa I can’t even defeat a muakshi.” Kalar mumbled his voice quickening,” they will laugh. No, no they wouldn’t do that! Yes, this is just the rahkshi power of fear! No muakshi you will not take me over with your fear.”

    “We must attack when we have the chance, form a circle around him!” Talmu shouted, the gears turning in his head.

    They all stood about 3 feet apart forming a circle around it.

    “On the count of three, one, two, and now!” Talmu yelled.

    Zttz they all shot rays of power a beast they all struggled. An impenetrable cage formed around the muakshi, made of the combined toa’s power. There was a bright flash of light and in perfect timing (for the muakshi) loads of Rahkshi and muaka cats poured in.  They soon realized their leader had been defeated the two beast hate each other, the only thing holding them together was a “great and powerful” leader who had been defeated by “weak” Toa. The Toa braced themselves for another fight, but instead of fighting the two species were fighting each other. A massive war broke out the two rahi sent claws and energy at each other Grrumble, the whole building shook violently groaning and creaking.

    “The whole place is coming down we got to go.” Kalar said.

    Dalran picked up the muakshi cage the creature in it screaming in protest. The six toa ran across the halls with newfound speed. The building crumbling around them they ran around the corner and up the man-made stairs. They emerged from the underground. “Um excuse me guys I have a giant screaming monster in a cage over here.” Dalran reminded them” Can we get moving”

    “We should take this to those archives.” Metox suggested.

    “Maybe we should ask that fellow over there.” Lehume said.

    “Excuse me matoran I am Toa Talmu, Toa… madra of fire.” He said thinking the madra part was good.” Can you tell me where the archives is located.”

    “Take the cables east five bio,” said the matoran suspiciously, pointing to a tube like structure from which matoran were getting on and off of. “By the way I am a Ta-Matoran called Thrasher.”

    “Wahoo!” Lehalu yelled, “This is the way to travel!”

    They were speeding through the cables it worked like a vacuum almost. You were your own vehicle steer by leaning and watch out for other “vehicles.”

    “ With my calculations we get off ahead.” Kalar informed them. Thud, thud, thud the toa hit the ground just outside a domed structure surrounded by guards. They approached it with caution.

    “Were to drop of a rare artifact?” Dalran asked the guard.

    The guard’s eyes went big “Are you toa?” he asked awestruck.

    “Yes now answer my question hurry!” Dalran replied getting impatient.

    “Of course toa right in here.” He said pointing to a wall.

    “It’s just a wall.” Dalran stated it obviously.

    “Oh sorry still getting used to the new system,” he said pulling a pattern of hidden levers. The door hissed open” You can drop it off inside “

    They walked down a flight of stairs strolling through dim lit halls. They can to a stop at a place named drop off. They approached the matoran operating the system.

    “What do you want I’ve got a busy day ahead?” He asked grumpily still looking down at his sheet.

    “Um we have a err uh rare creature for you it’s called muakshi.” Dalran said offended.

    The matoran now looked up his eyes widened as he realized they were toa.

    “Oh I’m sorry for my rudeness great toa yes just um drop it down here.” He said studying it closely muttering something about sub-level four.

    The Toa quickly exited stepping outside to decide what to do next.

    “We should go to the center of the city were the events take place.” Akalu suggested quite proud of the fact that she knew the center of the city was full of people.

    “Of we go again then.” Talmu said in a happier mood than normal. They started off toward the city seeking answers about their forgotten past.

    Meanwhile in the archives,

    “The Toa fell into my little trap.” An all to familiar voice said. “Time to plan my revenge on the toa, time to control the archives. A storm is coming heroes and when it hits you won’t realize it is there until it sweeps you away. Yesss my master is great he is powerful he will come and then all will realize the might of the muakshi.”

    This is the first story in the series of adventures of the toa madra. There are still more stories to be told but for now this is the end.








    note i am working on a second book 


    hope you like it

    ok sorry please move to s and t

  6. i think the video hinted that this was the protecter of fire's son. Because it said that the protecter job was passed down from generation, to generation.

    He is very cute and maybe youst maybe he might have a bigger role later on the story.

    YES did you see the way he looked at tahu and then the "camera" shifted to him. i think he is going to be a toer(blech) later.

  7. Kevin Michael Richardson played in ben 10 , tmnt (tv), gravity falls, ultimate spiderman, phineas and ferb, kung fu panda legends of awesomeness, mad, legends of korra, star trek into darkness, adventure time, young justice, penguins of maragascar, star wars the clone wars, and so many like hundreds of others that surprised me.

    I think chris evans for Tahu, so awesome!

    and who ever plays nokama for gali

    lewa should be by hmm uh i don't really know who can't think of a good voice for him. Got any ideas? I would keep the others (kopaka, onua, pohatu)

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