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Posts posted by bohrokman


    One thing I'm not sure of...is 'Kimu's hammer also a six shooter? That seems kind of dumb to me, considering he already has a gear function (though I'm not sure that 2 friction gears are necessary). But then again, I've yet to actually try a six shooter, so maybe this is actually a pro.

    While I didn't see it demonstrated, but seeing as the set comes with extra ammo, I'd say that yet, it does function.


    if you look closer on the pic of the end of the hammer it does not have the piece that is yellow and ejects the studs

  2. I don't think this thread needs to exist over one letter. I've been saying Bionicles for 14 years, if you don't like it, tell me and I'll leave the site because I'm not changing the way I say it.

    So happy-cheer

    "Bionicles" has always been valid because the only people who will correct you are pedantic fans way outside the target age range.




    An interesting grammar question; I'd say yes in terms of something like bones pointed out; referring to the totality, you'd probably say something like "the BIONICLE lines" rather than "the BIONICLEs".

    I'm 13 and all correct you
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    i was wondering which creature would you rather have as a pet a karate or a skull spider?


    One:Capital letter I.Two:It's kraata, not karate.Three:After the word, "pet" you need to put a comma.


    A kraata would be like raising an oversized bug (since they level up) plus, there's a lot to choose from. Skull spiders can possess you and there's only three to choose from. I might say kraata so I can get him a rahkshi suit and help me fight, or a skull spider that's like a faithful companion. I don't think I have a preference so I'm gonna say both.

    Stupid auto correct
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  4. I'm pretty sure the guy was joking about having 'rights' to a MOC.

    But....I'm sorta on the fence one them turning into "Nuva"'s. Sure they'll most likely change form, but I doubt it's going to be G2 Nuva.


    Sorry should have cleared that up. I never would prevent others from building mocs :)
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