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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. Yeah, it would have been sweet if that was one of the handful of backward compatible pieces. Oh well, the '04 eyes weren't backward compatible with the '01 heads either...
  2. Oh man, those were so bad, which is why I am all but waking everyone in my house with laughter at... QUARTER TO 2 IN THE MORNING?!? Eh, just a few more hours
  3. I arrive with an orbital bombardment cannon. Six hours of continuous bombardment of your general area later, I grab the mask from the smoking wreckage and leave for the nearest place not damaged by our conflict. My mask.
  4. Granted, BuT nOw Every oNe else is! I WiSh I haD a BaGeL.
  5. Morph ball, I think it would be really cool to curl up into a ball like some sort of futuristic armadillo. Also bombs are nice. WYR anchovies or olives on your pizza?
  6. Okay, I wasn't sure that I would like the new designs, as they seem kind of bulky, and if this version of Tahu is the new standard, well... Alright, he looks bulky, like if Tahu Nuva's armour were poorly fitted. I am not sure that I like that for some toa(like for instance Gali or Lewa, assuming that they are in the new series), but I think that I might grow to like this redesign, eventually... Eh, he does look kind of cool though, maybe more of a heavily armoured toa than his Mata or even Nuva counterparts... Yeah, I think I can grow to love this. EDIT: Okay, so now I saw the LEGO Bionicle website, can I just retract the whole thing about me being uncertain about the new character designs? Because I'm totally retracting my statement about being uncertain about the new character designs. The only thing I'm unsure about now is which one to get first, 'cause there is no way I'm not buying all of them.
  7. Somehow surviving the collision with the train, I fight you for the mask atop the HYPE TRAIN! My mask.
  8. I use everyone's exploding corpses as amo for my catapult. My Mask
  9. Granted, unfortunately it was a fruit-cake. I wish I knew the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
  10. Does anyone else think the the Mask of Creation looks like it is made out of cheese in this picture? Anyway, this just mades me even more excited about tomorrow! I can't wait to see what they reveal! I just really hope that I'll be able to get on the forums though. I had some trouble getting on them when the Mask of Creation was revealed. I can't imagine how busy they might be tomorrow. I thank you for that image, which I can not un-see, and now I have a desire to make a Mask of Creation out of cheddar.
  11. Alright, that sounds good then, and does make sense, I mean, why would you even need five kohlii sticks anyway? other than trading of course. Hold that thought, I think that I might have a use for many kohlii sticks... nah, I don't.
  12. I return, still crying, with a Gatling gun, and shoot every thing that moves, and a few things that don't. I then calmly pick up the mask from the carnage. My mask.
  13. Inventory system sounds like a great idea, I can't wait to see how it will work! Now just one question, will you be able to grab the various items in the villager's houses? Like Hahli's kohlii stick? And if so, will doing so eventually have some impact on their actions/dialogue/some other third thing?
  14. Is anyone else craving, like, leeks or green onions? Preferably in some sort of creamy soup, like potato soup or clam chowder? Man I'm hungry...

  15. I push you past the event horizon of that black hole with a stick, after grabbing the mask with a fishing rod. My mask
  16. Fair enough. a poor integration of gimmicks will probably not help a toy's sales, but the gimmicks themselves almost definitely will.
  17. Angered by the disrespect to tea(though pleasantly surprised at the replay of a moment of US history) I become the Hulk and punch you through a wall. My mask
  18. So this is looking marvelous so far. Simply fantastic as far as an early WIP goes. I tested it on Fantastic, screen res: 1366x768(my monitor resolution) and it seemed to work fairly well, some slight lagging, mostly while falling or being in the water, but otherwise pretty good. Just a few things I noticed as I was playing through earlier: Hahli's Kaukau is mostly invisible from behind.Jumping on a moving lift/elevator/thing causes you to fall through the elevator, landing in the waterWater movement seems, off. Trying to swim up can result in your character hitting what seems to be an invisible barrier at seemingly random spots in the water, making movement(not to mention the act of getting out of the water) difficult and potentially frustrating(though now that I think on it, it may somehow be due to lag... may investigate further)Some of the lily-pads seem to be floating on top of each other, no really laying on top of each otherOf course, all these things are to be expected with a first release, so no real worries and I will let you program at your own pace. 'Cause this is your game and you certainly do seem to know what you're doing. Also, I love how the Ussal crabs and the fish look, and the dialogue with Hahli and Jaller made my evening. The fact that there are several things set up that look like they will become the start of several quests has me practically shaking with anticipation. Long story short, some minor issues so far, but overall it looks like a very solid start!
  19. Granted, it was noticed by unpleasant individuals, including myself, who proceed to eat all your cake. (Happy Birthday by the way, but all the cake is still gone) I wish I was better at playing this game...
  20. I sneak up behind you and steal both the sandwich and the mask. My Mask, and midnight snack
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