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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. My robot(which I totally already had) punches me in the face, stealing the mask... So my mask?
  2. Confused by all the court cases and time travel, I build a tank and flip out, crushing Onaku with the tank. my mask
  3. Happy Thanks Giving!

  4. Happy Thanks Giving!

  5. Happy Thanks Giving!

  6. Happy Thanks Giving!

  7. Personally, I am torn between magnetism, the green, gravity and psionics. the green just seems like an overall useful element, matoran get inherent knowledge of various plants, plus consider for a moment how useful a toa of the green would have been against the Morbuzakh. gravity, well, gravity control just seems awesome, though the abilities that the matoran would get seems slightly lacking psionics, while the matoran's perfect mental shield seems kinda useless in day to day work, as a toa power there simply is no equal(in my mind), and at the very least I would want a Ce-toa on my team However, my choice would ultimately have to be magnetism. Inherent sense of direction being better than most is always a plus, but more importantly if I were to become a toa I could figure out how to use my powers to make a rail-gun. Also, never getting lost.
  8. I collect the insurance money from the destroyed factory and use it to buy the mask off of you. My mask
  9. granted, but it is a poorly developed fan-movie with minimal resemblance to the original movie or comics. I wish I had enough money to get all the new Bionicle sets
  10. to the third one: you can run by hold the [shift] key
  11. so, based on the prices listed, I am going to need $225.00 CAD to buy all of them... Time to start saving up!
  12. Granted, however that also means that LEGO forgot that they already did that and are instead starting it up as their new series next year rather than Bionicle. I wish I knew what happened to my trans.-blue kaukau mask.
  13. I think that I can empathize with Silva. If you were going for some degree of autism, well, you've got it almost spot on, this also coming from experience.
  14. Samurai Jack always reminded me of Bionicle XD In particular, MNOG and the Online Animations. I like it, but the overview of Okoto is meh. No Slizer-borders, please Yeah, its basically Mata Nui with borders... hope its just for the preview... I know >.< Just in case anybody missed it, here is a picture from NYCC showing how the new mask-heads/faces look like: Clip on, like many guessed, wich I find very interesting. Aso, it appears to be using the same eye piece that came in 2004. Totally not backwards compatible though, wich I find a major bummer... It's a new eyepiece. I know, because thanks to last night's Lego store event in New York I am now the proud owner of one (along with many of the other new parts). The eyepiece actually works as a lever which knocks the mask off the head, thus simulating the play feature of the 2001 Toa with a stronger connection. And the masks can attach to a LOT of things—as I suspected, they can basically snap around most parts that feature a 2M axle or cross-axle hole. I might post the figure I built as a MOC topic sometime soon? In any case, I can answer questions about most of the new parts for those who are wondering. Really? So that would mean that the agori type heads could wear these new masks?
  15. Yeah man, the overall feel of this song also kind of works for a death-race type thing too.
  16. I begin working at the muffin factory, giving me access to massive quantities of muffins, which I throw at you. My mask
  17. Erp, okay, I meant to post this here, but missed(don't ask how)Anywho, Dragon Age:Origins is free on Origin this month.That is to say that they are giving the game away, to anyone who has an account, which you can make at any time during the month before the giveaway ends, and get the game, free of charge.I just want to then point out that I love free things, and as a result I guess I also love Origin? Something like that, maybe. Eh, it's a game manager, but it works okay and they...

    1. Ghidora131


      Question: Do you have any actual game systems? I know this is kinda weird of me asking this...

    2. The Undertaken

      The Undertaken

      Yes I do. I have: Wii, Xbox360, PS3, Gamecube, PS2(not working) and a DS, in addition to a half decent PC.

  18. Darn straight, some brilliantly done foreshadowing back in day one! I can only hope that the new storyline is able to set something up like that that ends up even half as well done, something that when they finally the grand reveal we'll be looking at it maybe several years down the road and still noticing stuff that we missed.
  19. I actually started a topic looking into how to do just that a while back I even got some decent results from it!
  20. As this is my first time posting in this topic and I have nothing to say (at the moment) about the game that hasn't already been said several times over, I agree with Shadowhawk. However I haven't said it yet, so I will say that I have been playing this game for a couple of weeks now, only just finished digging my way through the topic, and have enjoyed the game so far and look forward to the updates no doubt to come, when you get around to them.
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