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The Undertaken

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Everything posted by The Undertaken

  1. Alright, I have had little practice with building creative LEGO things, my pieces are all in a big bin, making it really hard to find the piece one is looking for, I only have two sets with CCBS parts, many of my Technic pieces are damaged, and I have little to no idea how to use LDD. I'm pretty sure there was supposed to be an inspirational "but" there that would lead to me montaging with building LEGO stuff for the next few months, but I can't think of anything so I'll just skip to the montage. When you have a one in a million chance, one has to come up eventually! There, inspirational thingy, now to make a MOC and enjoy seeing what everyone else makes!
  2. That... is a very good question. I kinda figured that it was that the EP had somehow mutated itself or something... yeah
  3. Perhaps the mountains suggest a more artificial world, but perhaps in a manner different from the old MU and the island of Mata Nui.
  4. More discussion, not about TTV(thank artahka). umm what about, er, the setting? We didn't already cover stuff about Okoto right? 'Cause if we're going to be on Okoto for a while, I'm kind of curious as to what it will be like.
  5. Steven Hawking shots you with his eye lasers. I give him back his Nobel prize and he flies off to go find a work around for relativity or something, leaving me with the mask. My mask
  6. a sentiment I think many of us appreciate, as amusing as writing by the seat of one's pants may be in some forms, generally speaking having a plan allows you to pull off the story better. Of course I don't need to tell you this as you have been doing this for a while now.
  7. I installed windows Vista on your mind, leaving you paralyzed as the OS runs into dozens of errors. I pluck the mask from your hands. My mask
  8. I would suspect that if they do go down that route it would be some combination of needing large amounts of power(ala the nova blast) with a recharge time of several days/weeks, the need for total synchronization(ie if one member of the fusion is not of like mind during the fusion, it will fail) and possibly require either some artifact or being at a location of power(think something along the lines of Ley Lines)
  9. ...Darn it! Okay, no pirates(for now), cause that is backfiring all over the place, giant robots are overdone at this point, which leaves only one thing... I steal the "Steal the Mask 3" forum, thereby stealing the mask! My mask!
  10. I board the shuttle, pirate style! Tossing the skeletons out of the ship I raise a jolly rodger, rename the shuttle Queen Anne's Revenge, and let fly the white flag of war! My mask and ship, which is now ramming the big ship! EDIT: Kapurad Okay, I bring my own Queen Anne's Revenge in space and gather up SV's guys, execute them and take the ask for myself. I'm still a space pirate, and I'm still charging Onaku's ship with the white flag of war raised! My mask, and prepare for boarding you salty space dogs!
  11. Out comes, Ralph Fiennes? Oh well, back into the pool he goes
  12. Not sure how they would do the flames, but that might actually be really cool.
  13. Doesn't stop them from making the seventh toa female this time around though!
  14. "Robots! ATTACK!" My robot army attacks you with weapons inspired by cheesy Sci-Fi movies. My mask
  15. Remove the word "not" and replace "any" with "all" and that would be correct TPBM is eating something right now
  16. All things considered, you can choose to see the number of ball joints as a limitation, or you can see it as an opportunity. At its core, a ball joint is just a connection point like any other. Here's what I've got for Wairuha so far. It's about 33 modules tall (roughly two inches taller than Kopaka). Obviously I'm going to want to work on filling in the sides and back of the torso, and it's hard to think about weapons until either the sets are out or their parts are on LDD, but I think this at least demonstrates that a Toa Kaita made from the new sets would be possible. EDIT: And I just worked a bit on refining my brother's concept for Akamai. Here it is. In this concept, Akamai is just slightly taller than Wairuha (roughly two inches taller than Tahu). I'll be able to work more on filling out the back, sides, and shoulders once I have the physical sets to fiddle around with, and I want to beef up the feet some, but again, this shows that it's definitely possible to build imposing Toa Kaita with the new sets. Wow, that came out really well!
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