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Sassy Dalmation

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Everything posted by Sassy Dalmation

  1. Eh, it's fine. Probably going to do the anger thing. In other news, how long is the tunnel to the flamethrower? It seems like it would be fairly short, unless the matoran dug it for some reason.
  2. Well. That whole things ruined, then. I'll find out some other way.
  3. Well, it's her guilt and hatred of the Makuta for her, pretty much. Basically, she was forced to kill his Rahkshi, who was a good friend of hers in Karzahni, due to being unable to disobey the mental orders coming from Icarax. I'll edit it, though.
  4. IC: Vitesse Vitesse gasped- a sound, she thought, she had never made. "How- A- " for a moment, Vitesse was lost for words. Finally, Vitesse whispered, "It's beautiful. How-" Vitesse could not find the right words.
  5. Alright. Edited, so it's a few Matoran. Also, not sure if the illusion Vitesse is seeing could overpower the ring... If I should edit it, I will. *checks Lucid's profile* Oh. Maybe Lucid would see it, if it's a shared dream.
  6. I would have though that a bunch of Matoran would be sent before the Turaga stopped sending them. After all, there's bound to be a size able chunk that were injured or lazy. Should I edit it? Also, I would have thought that it was more of basic training, as it seems like an Icarax thing to do to infect Matoran's mask, line them up, and have the Rahkshi slaughter them, so the Rahks get basic training, and he sees some serious brutality.
  7. IC: Vitesse "..But I kill several Matoran in Karzahni... Not like I had a choice..." Vitesse sighed. "Do it. Perhaps it would be better to see the world in a new light." IC: Shock "Yay! Dark places! I hope there aren't any fluffy robots or something." Shock said, happy. Shock started humming something similar to Cotton Eye Rahk, an odd song. IC: Mortsia Mortsia walked, or rather, climbed into the gym to see an organ. Mortsia, deciding to spy a little, blended in to the rocky gym on the wall.
  8. IC: Shock "Wait. So we flew to a random spot!?" Shock asked. IC: Vitesse "I... I guess that would be... Preferable. But... I wonder if I... Deserve it. After... Everything I have done." Vitesse said, thinking.
  9. IC: Shock "Wow. What a bunch of buzzkill. Ah, well. We found Trusty- I think. So, sweet!" Shock said, grinning happily. IC: Vitesse Vitesse thought hard for a moment. A perfect world? It sounded good, to forget those awful times. And yet, she had her doubts.. What if this did not work, and she remembered in much more vivid detail? And what about the strange Rahkshi before her? She might judge her as weak, or a monster if she got in her head and saw what she had done. Finally, she sighed. "While I would forget the past, I would also forget the fierce joy of battle, the lessons learned, and all. I'm just not sure if it's worth losing all that." Vitesse said, looking back to the shore, past the causeway... She frowned. The guards were not back, at least not to her eye. They could be hiding, but why? Were they expecting an attack? Changing to a more serious tone, she said, "Did you see anything unusual at the guard camp at the causeway? I don't see any matoran." IC: Mortsia Mortsia nodded, when he heard the massive chord, followed by a guitar solo. Slightly curious, Mortsia headed to the gym, the source of all the ruckus.
  10. IC: Vitesse Vitesse stayed silent for a moment, before saying: "I would if I could. The old me saw those beauties, even in the darkest of times. She had hope for a better future... But she is gone. She is now just a fading memory..."
  11. IC: Vitesse "The problem is, no matter how much I look upon the beauties of our world, the nightmares always creep up. I was taught that I was simply cannon fodder. Fairly harsh teaching, too." Vitesse said, sighing. "I have tried to look for the beauty in the world, yet nothing works. I look to the flowers, and I see them wilting. The rain will always go away. Even the heavens, too, are not permanent. All I see is the end for things."
  12. IC: Shock Shock landed on the burnt orange ground. "So this is where it its? How did it not burn down the tree?" Shock asked. IC: Vitesse Vitesse frowned even more. "Look, I am going to be blunt. I'm a fairly literal person, so I probably can't see anything. Besides, what meaning there is to life for us is simple: We are the Makuta's slaves, servants, and army. We were built to serve the blasted beings. That's all there is."
  13. Well. I am now terrified of the thought of a plump Rahkshi walking through the school, manipulating and murdering. I never thought that I would say that sentence...
  14. IC: Vitesse ...I see." Vitesse said, frowning. While it was a source of excitement for the strange Rahk, Vitesse was fairly literal and to the point, so this was lost on her. Trying to be nice, she said: "I don't quite understand it, though. Could you perhaps, enlighten me on the details?"
  15. IC: Vitesse Vitesse turned, surprised that she hadn't seen the colorful Rahkshi. Putting the troubled thoughts she had out of her mind, Vitesse went over to Lucid, now curious. "What is it?" She asked, somewhat shocked that a Rahk could be so happy.
  16. IC: Shock Shock headed for the clearing, admiring the carnage of burnt trees.
  17. IC: Mortsia Mortsia looked down upon this newcomer. Then, in a deep and melodic voice, he said: "Walking on the ceiling is my liberty Rather than always following the rules Rather than always living in misery Rather than being a tool."
  18. IC: Mortsia Mortsia finished the book. He closed it, and let go with his claws, all while flipping to land on his feet. He did indeed land it, and put the book up. He then stepped into the hall, jumped onto the wall, and climed up to the ceiling, where he started crawling through the hall. OOC: Mortsia open for interaction in the hallways.
  19. IC: Mortsia Mortsia was in the library, reading some poetry. This would have been normal(ish), if it were not for the fact that he was hanging by the claws of his feet on the ceiling. He didn't mind the strange looks he got, either. He casually turned the page, looked around, and continued reading. OOC: Mortsia open for interaction in the library.
  20. Not quite. while they have the same sort of ending, they are pronounced differently, with month having an "unth" sound, while billionth has a sort of "enth" sound. Curse the English language.
  21. IC: Shock Charred forest? Heading in the direction of a flamethrower? This guy had some issues. Maybe we need counseling... Nah! Shock thought, flying on. Even so, the trees looked angry that somebody burnt their friends. Organisms tend to do that, but still. IC: Vitesse Vitesse continued observing the land, when she saw it. The trees in an area were gone, as if they had been burned. By a pyromaniac... Vitesse thought, shuddering. For a moment, she thought two shapes were flying through that area- a white and blue one, and a blue and green one with red and yellow on it. But they were gone. Shaking her head, she looked around on the island, seeing if she could see the villages. OOC: Vitesse open for interaction on the roof.
  22. Name: Mortsia Type: Chameleon Level: 3 Gender: Neither, but will generally go by he. Appearance: A tall, lanky, and fairly thin Rahkshi, colored dark red and silver. Gear: He carries gloves with talons on them that go on his hands. He also replaced his regular feet with ones that are clawed. He uses them not only to fight, but to also climb on the ceiling, something he prefers to do rather than walking. Personality: Mortsia is a fairly strange Rahkshi, mainly by the fact that, rather than simple words, he speaks in rhymes for whatever reason. He uses his feet as much in combat as his hands, which can be a deadly combination. He hates the words Orange, Silver, Purple, and Month, due to not being able to rhyme. As stated above, he prefers to climb and hang from the ceiling, rather than walking. He possesses a great dislike to those who cannot read, and is quite antisocial. Does not agree with the Makuta. Bio: Not much has truly happened to Mortsia yet. He came to Corpus Rahkshi to learn more hand-to-hand combat, and for the vast collection of books. Most likely my last character for a long while.
  23. IC: Shock "Alrighty then." Shock said, flying along. Truth be told, he did not fully trust Torch, as it turns out it's hard to trust anybody with a giant urge to kill somebody. He should know, too.
  24. IC: Shock "Honestly, limbs sound good right about now. Unless there is a warehouse where they store weapons and only visit every so often..." Shock said, hoping for some good weapons. IC: Vitesse After training, Vitesse went to the roof to observe the mainland and think about the day. She got up there and went to the edge, observing everything. She scanned the area, over the guard cam- wait. Where were the guards? Granted, they were probably switching shifts. Nothing to worry about. She sighed a sigh of relief, and continued observing the land.
  25. http://cdn.gajitz.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/color-scanning-pen-design.jpgIt's close, but you would have to manually do it. Also, it's a ballpoint pen, so... Can't custom color pieces. The tech is there, though.
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