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Sassy Dalmation

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Everything posted by Sassy Dalmation

  1. Just so you know, the Causeway connects the Corpus Rahkshi island to the mainland. It's pretty long; long enough that a person at one end wouldn't be able to see or hear what's happening all the way over at the other. So it's pretty unrealistic impossible for your guy to have just emerged from the school and immediately be able to see what's happening all the way at the other end of the Causeway, in the middle of the night, in pitch darkness. It's fine to force your way into other player's interactions, but only if your character is realistically able to do so, which is not the case this time. So I would kindly request that you edit your post. Alright, edited it. Hopefully, it will be in a better timeframe. EDIT: Made it so he has not heard anything, and is about halfway down the Causeway. Sorry, overlooked that bit of important information.
  2. IC: Shock Shock was about halfway down the causeway when he tripped. Why the karz- hold on was that- Nah, I'm crazy. Shock thought. He thought he heard carnage, but that was generally always going on in his head. He continued on.
  3. IC: Shock Shock walked out of the school, following Torch. He looked, around, hoping no more spies popped up on him. Nothing. Shock casually strolled/ hopped across the causeway, hoping that Torch was behind him.
  4. IC: Shock Shock followed along, happy as can be. OOC. Alright. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Probably going to get Skull Basher first, due to that awesome function and cool color scheme. After that, I will probably get MM vs. SG, then Warrior, Slicer, and Scorpion.
  6. IC: Shock "Alright!" He yelled to Nightmare. He then said, "uninhabited part, eh? Sounds grand." Shock smiled cruelly. IC: Vitesse Vitesse realized that her emotions may have gotten ahead of her. The talk with the small Rahk proved it. She calmed down, killed her emotions, and returned to her closed off self. She called out for Scoops to follow her, then headed for the Library.
  7. IC: Vitesse "But yours did not take everything..." Vitesse said, remembering... IC: Vitesse, a few months ago. The realm of Karzahni. How to describe it? Horrifying. Icarax grunted."pick your weapon and go!" He yelled to some other Rahkshi and her. She looked around, horrified. Why? Why did they have to pick weapons, all of which could potentially kill someone? She picked up the smallest weapon she could find: a small throwing knife. She was about to leave, when she realized something. There was a shadowy giant behind her. She slowly turned around, only to meet another hit, in the gut. "Pick again." Very quickly, "Phantom" chose the nearest weapons: Another throwing knife, two longer knives, and a bow. She rushed off, hoping that she wouldn't attract the giant's attention.
  8. IC: Vitesse Deadly serious, she spoke quietly. "To avoid him. It's Icarax. Unfortunately, I did not have the fortune to avoid him. And looked what happened." She gestured at the tatooes.
  9. IC: Vitesse "I take it you don't know who the Makuta of Karzahni is." Vitesse said, examining her knives.
  10. IC: Vitesse "I'll give you a hint. I take the phrase, 'go to Karzahni', on a more personal level." Vitesse said, though as if she was not there.
  11. IC: Vitesse "It has good balance." Vitesse said. "Also, you aren't a real monster. He is." Vitesse said, pointing at the tattoo on her shoulder.
  12. IC: Vitesse "I suppose I could. Although, I do quite like it." Vitesse said, admiring the blade. She then tossed the knife. "Also, you aren't going to kill anyone here." Vitesse said angrily. "Only monsters would kill innocents. Nobody here should sink to that level." She then noticed the Rahk with... Snot on her faceplate before her. "Who the karz is Xara?"
  13. IC: Vitesse "You know, there's one thing that I really hate. People who put themselves in power using fear. And that is exactly what you have done. Or you think you have. You have zero power, even with fear as your ally." Vitesse spat out those words, as if they were acid.
  14. IC: Vitesse Vitesse waited for a bit, then jumped and twisted in the air, slashing with her knives.
  15. IC: Vitesse Karz. Why had she done that? Vitesse took out her knives, and started running again. She had to make it to the Library, and she was not going to be stopped by a pipsqueak of a Rahkshi. Not after all she had been through. Vitesse looked back. He could move well.
  16. IC: Vitesse But the little Rahk's legs could almost certainly not catch up to her. Looking back, she flashed a quick smile before pulling out her bow again, loaded three arrows, and fired at the little one.
  17. IC: Vitesse Vitesse twisted around, and hit the knife out of the air. She picked it up, and said, "thanks!" Before starting to run again.
  18. IC: Shock "WHAT THE KARZ-I WAS JOKING!" Shock shouted, pulling out his sword. He swung at a-he stopped."WHAT KIND OF KARZING COLOR IS PINK!!?" He swung again, pouring his power into his blade, at the pink Rahk IC: Vitesse Vitesse pulled out her bow, and shot an arrow at the short one. She then said,"Follow me!" And started running to the Library.
  19. IC: Shock "Alright. Might be spies around." Shock said in a joking manner. Little did he know how right he was. IC: Vitesse "3. Go go go!" Vitesse said, drawing her knives.
  20. IC: Shock "Sweet. So, let's get started!" Shock said, grinning. IC: Vitesse "2..."
  21. IC: Shock "Fine, fine. So, do we look for an army?" Shock said, hoping he could command stuff. IC: Vitesse This could be awful. Vitesse whispered, "on the count of three, we rush. These guys are going to kill somebody, and we need to warn someone. One..."
  22. IC: Shock "Okay, okay. But, seriously. We should do some real talk. FEELING CIRCLE!" Shock shouted happily.
  23. IC: Shock "Yes I DO!" Shock pulled out his sword and sliced the doorframe. "But Nightmare, that's honestly the least of my mental problems." Shock said.
  24. IC: Shock "Shock. And this is my little comrade, Nightmare. Apparently, some students did something so all the matoran their hate us. The nerve of some people!" Shock said. He then thought he heard something in that room, but it mIght of been nothing. Even so, he looked into the room.
  25. IC: Shock Looking at Nightmare, he was about to ask if he could go when he remembered. He looked at the taller Rahk, and said, "The matoran are apparently very hostile, sad face. Can't go, as I would rather like my legs." Shock was very sad, now that his Cordak dreams were gone. IC: Vitesse Vitesse released a sigh as she heard that this electric Rahk would not get a Cordak- before she realized she had let out a sigh. Why the karz did I do that!? Vitesse thought, furious at herself. Now they surely would know she was here. She prepared for the worst.
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