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Sassy Dalmation

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Everything posted by Sassy Dalmation

  1. IC: Vitesse "I believe you are talking about Palma, the nurse. And no, she is not fearsome. She's just there to heal you up." Vitesse said.
  2. How to win over Shock 1. Good food ... That's pretty much it.
  3. Well, Shocks definitely out of that completely. Competence? We are talking about a Rahk who is afraid of flowers and cuts up books for fun. Loyalty? He would sell his friends for some half-decent food.
  4. IC: Shock "Let's hit the library, teach you how to read. Then, we can do some more plotting!" Shock said, running towards the library. IC: Vitesse Perfect. This Rahk would learn not to complain, which had been her original intention. She smiled to herself, and approached Kuma.
  5. IC: Vitesse Well, this Rahk seemed slightly bipolar. Everyone had their issues. She went back to sharpening her knives.
  6. IC: Vitesse "Unfortunately, I learned a very different lesson. Peaceful resolutions will only bring harm to you. Believe me, I have found that out the hard way." Vitesse said quietly, holding her pendant out.
  7. IC: Vitesse She had just fired when she heard Vaalku. Granted, nobody would know, save those here.
  8. IC: Vitesse "Strangely, I'm liking that idea..." Vitesse said." But why don't we just give a warning?" Almost instantly, Vitesse pulled out her bow, knocked an arrow, and shot about an inch to the left of San's head.
  9. IC: Vitesse "Yes, yes. I gave an apology. But you have not answered my question. What would you do if you picked a fight you couldn't win?" Vitesse asked.
  10. IC: Vitesse Typical. Everyone in this group would side with this whining brat just because he did not get to see the rest of this unimpressive building. Granted, it could be worse, redoing the entire tour. She continued sharpening her knives. She then heard Kuma, and smiled for perhaps the first time in her life. Perhaps he wasn't utterly useless. "Big words, perhaps backed up. But what happens when you bite off more than you can chew? By the looks of it, you already have." Looking at San, she gave an apology. "I see that, but the string may be a little short for that rock. Maybe a longer one would work better and cause more damage." She said to Scoops.
  11. IC: Vitesse "If you want to see it, I could kick you back to the beginning of it, so you could see it all and have your breath already taken away." Vitesse said, having little patience for this newcomer.
  12. IC: Vitesse Why is it that wherever she went, there was always nut jobs around her, oblivious to the obvious that they were all being used? Because of the lies they were fed, she thought to herself. She sighed, and started sharpening her knives.
  13. IC: Vitesse Vitesse looked around at the dorms. There was no point to this, however, as each dorm was exactly the same. Typical of Makuta, treating us as soldiers rather than individual beings. She sighed and shook her head.
  14. IC: Shock "Lets be glad Icarax doesn't run this place. Sheesh, imagine what he would do." Shock said, getting up.
  15. IC: Shock "I mean, let's think about this. We are provided food by a Makuta. He could utterly troll us and make it taste like poison or a kraata or something. But no, he just has it tasting only slightly disgusting. So kudos to you Tridax." Shock said, eating the remains of his sludge.
  16. IC: Vitesse Vitesse followed. IC: Shock "Y'know, the sludge could be worse," Shock said, eating his fill of sludge, after making it into a skull and stabbing it with his fork, where he got reprimanded for playing with his food by a random Rahkshi walking by.
  17. IC: Vitesse "Punished by disintegration..." Vitesse added, knowing how little tolerance they had for rebellion.
  18. IC: Vitesse All this talk of names reminded her of the day she got her first one... IC: Vitesse, A few months ago... "But I don't want this name! Why not something poetic?" Vitesse asked, though then it was not her name. Rather, it was Phantom, a brutal name given to her by a brutal Makuta. "Poetry? Pathetic. You are a warrior, not some scholar who wastes their life writing books. I will not have a Rahkshi servant with some absurd name!" Her Makuta yelled these last words, then hit her across the room. "Phantom" hit the wall with a sickening thud, then slid to the ground. *why was he so cruel?* She thought to herself. "Now get up! We have training to do..." The Makuta stormed out of the room. *I won't be named some sick, brutal name. But I can't think of a better one. But I will...* "Phantom" thought to herself. She reluctantly followed the Makuta, into the realm of Karzahni. IC: Vitesse now Kuma's words snapped her back into reality. "Unfortunately so. It is a Kraata's 'destiny' to transform into a suit. It doesn't make it any less morbid, though." Vitesse said, speaking quietly.
  19. Well, Vitesse has a burning hatred for the Makuta...
  20. IC: Vitesse "Oh, they're easy to make.... If you are a Makuta. As a Rahk, unless you want to hurl yourself into energized protodermis, you can not. Also, I am pretty sure that a Makuta would not give you a new suit even if it was half crushed. They don't care about us. We are their cannon fodder." Vitesse said, those last two sentences spoken with acid on the tone of them.
  21. IC: Vitesse Vitesse looked around at this group of Rahk. An Anger Rahk, who seemed to be anything but angry. She was slightly surprised that he has lasted this long. An Electric Rahk, who was missing all of his left appendages. No wonder, due to his annoying personality and the violent nature here. A Density Control Rahk, whose name did not fit him whatsoever. And a Rahk of hunger, who looke like one of density control. Guess he hates his powers... The only one who seemed at least slightly strong was the Rahi Control Rahk. Vitesse shook her head, wondering how the Karz they were all alive. Granted, she had survived in a worse place than they when she was just as care free... No. She could not think of this right now. She took a quick glance at her pendant to stay focused on the now, not the past.
  22. IC: Vitesse "It means rat." Vitesse said, seeing how well the name really fit.
  23. IC: Vitesse "... Or that." Vitesse said, cursing herself on the inside for her ignorance.
  24. IC: Vitesse "I would think it is quite obvious. Someone did something to him, he got payback, and probably did way more damage than he recieved to that pour soul. Simple." Vitesse spoke behind the group, somewhat surprised that the Anger Rahk did not get it.
  25. IC: Vitesse It seems that this other Rahk did not like being spied on. Granted, she had just followed to learn more about this school, so she was not going to apologize. She just good in silence, listening to the conversation. There wasn't much else she could do. Run? No, that would pretty much confirm she was spying. Say something? That might only provoke them. Although, if she stood in silence, she may seem ignorant of the hints they were dropping. She sighed, and walked over to the group...
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