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Sassy Dalmation

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Everything posted by Sassy Dalmation

  1. IC: Vitesse "Let's just say they are the poster children of the Makuta. Either that or totally insane. Him too. Also, Density Control." Vitesse said, while looking at the Electricity Rahk. Suddenly, he stirred. "Hide." Vitesse whispered, deadly quiet. IC: Shock Shock stirred. "But I don't want to go to school Tridax.... Oh wait." Shock then looked at Nightmare, who was still laughing. "Why is it always the flowers with you? It wouldn't have been half as bad if you stabbed me in the foot. Okay, fine. No Cordak blaster," Shock said dejectedly.
  2. IC: Vitesse She had, however, knew a Rahkshi was behind her. The heavy footsteps, the singing, it had to be Scoops. Without a hint that she was surprised, she whispered, "Keep your voice do- wait. How did-" She then realized what happened. While she was hidden around the corner in the room, Scoops had stepped over the Electric Rahks unconscious body, while the others were too busy laughing. Unfortunately, Scoops was the worst color to hide in the shadows. "Just keep your voice down. We may have trouble here in a moment."
  3. IC: Shock "Wow. Why is it, when- KARZING FLOWER!!" Shock screeched, then retreated to the wall in horror. Unfortunately, he fell through a cracked open door... IC: Vitesse Karz... This could be bad. Vitesse backed up into a corner, hoping her armor would blend in with the shadow. She grabbed her knives, but kept them sheathed.
  4. IC: Shock "Well, I get to kill flowers too. So more win..." Shock said, grinning.
  5. IC: Shock "Exactly. I see zero flaws!" Shock said, happy as can be. Bye bye books, bye bye Literahk, Shock thought. IC: Vitesse They were all insane. Great. That really put a damper on her day. Vitesse thought of what the electricity Rahk would do if he got a Cordak, and shuddered. She continued listening.
  6. IC: Shock "Sweet! Any Cordak blasters on Nyrnah with the flame thrower? Do you need coffee?" Shock asked. Seeing Nightmare's face, he said "What? I speak gibberish."
  7. IC: Shock "See? Alright, alright." Shock said after seeing Nightmares angry face. "But where are you heading?" Shock asked the Rahk who stood before him. IC: Vitesse Finally having enough with this group, Vitesse left heading for the gym, when she saw that same Rahk, with two others, one abnormally short. Mutilation? Burning? They really were Makuta's little angels. She had to listen in, to see what the karz that were doing. She went into a small room nearby, and listened in. OOC: Not sure if there are any other official rooms, but it is a big school, so there probably are other rooms.
  8. IC: Shock "You never let me have my fun." Shock muttered, then louder, he said " Well, what if there is a giant crowd with him? We can't just hope they stay still so we can cut off some limbs. What then?"
  9. IC: Shock "Wait, you burn stuff? Maybe Rahkshi? Cause I have a few names..." Shock said, all while smiling happily.
  10. IC: Shock "Okay. Where to find a smith..." Shock said. He then noticed a weirdly colored Rahk ahead. "Oy! You! Got a question: Do you know a Master of FIYYYAAAAA- Sorry, Smith?" OOC: that's Torch
  11. IC: Vitesse Vitesse noticed the Rahk smiling. She slowly grabbed her knives, as most people who smile here for no apparent reason we're either stupidly happy or plotting to kill you. She watched as the Rahk went away, then relaxed a bit.
  12. IC: Vitesse What was up with this Rahk? How could one be so innocent, so oblivious to the fact that they were nothing more than simple soldiers? Or maybe he actually believes that there might be a meaning to life, she thought. Whatever the case, she was definitely interested in what went through this ones mind. After sharpening her knives razor-sharp and doing matinence on her bow, she listened to what others had to say.
  13. IC: Shock Shock finally managed to stand up. "I must say, your feet are very... Silver..." Shock said to Xara, then went towards Nightmare.
  14. IC: Shock Shock was finally coming to. What the karz- he then looked at who he ran into: a chain lightning Rahk. "Nice feet" was all he could muster to say. IC: Vitesse Vitesse looked around. The stage in the middle was not lost on her. Probably for executions, she thought. She then followed Revenge to the nurses office.
  15. IC: Shock "Alright, alright. Let's go outside." Shock said, heading outside. They grow up so fast, Shock thought. Unfortunately, he was lost in thought, and skidded across the wall. This caused him to stop flying and fall- At the feet of a large, silver Rahkshi(Xara).
  16. So it seems Lucid's prophecy has come true... Or almost, at least.
  17. IC: Shock "Excellent, my young apprentice. Except that you can't learn how to read the easy way... But who gives a Karz?" Shock said, grinning.
  18. IC: Shock "No. Go sit in the corner. You are in time out. Hey, I'm just telling it like our teachers do. It's a Y." Shock said, after seeing the confused look on his face.
  19. Don't worry, I have no idea who Shark is, and Scoops is in a state where he barely comprehends the scale of his own existence. Have to give it to him though, he seems to like it. Meanwhile, Vitesse seems to hate everyone, save Scoops and Kuma.
  20. IC: Vitesse What the Karz? Eh, he was crazy. Vitesse noticed a scratch on her bow, and started doing matinence. IC: Shock "So, what is this letter?" Shock said, pointing at the letter Y.
  21. IC: Vitesse That's fine by me, Vitesse thought for herself. She started checking her bow for any scratches.
  22. IC: Vitesse "Not quite what I meant. You talked how arrows, pendants, and all were madness. In reality, they are common objects. Things that do the opposite of the norm they do, or the unpredictability of simple objects that should hold a simple purpose, that's madness. Karzahni is filled with that stuff." Vitesse said, remembering the landscape. IC: Shock "Alright. Those are the 26 letters. So, Quiz time! What is this letter?" Shock said, drawing a Y.
  23. IC: Vitesse "I would say that's you have not experienced true madness until you went to Karzahni." Vitesse said, putting her now razor-sharp knives away. IC: Shock "Okay, let's see... Chapter one: Letters... Okay, let's start. This is 'a' which is also a word. Example: I went to 'a' training match..." Shock continued on with the letters.
  24. IC: Vitesse "No idea. I would say often, as we are in a school built by Makuta, for us to learn to fight." Vitesse said, looking around.
  25. IC: Vitesse "She is a Rahkshi of quick healing, so..." Vitesse didn't add that last part, as she thought that that answer was enough to explain.
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