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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. Wait, This is the protodermis entity you encounter in the game Maze Of Shadows, Right? then wheres the Avohkii Hands? Kraahkan? I know the Kraahkan wasn't available in grey, or silver, but you could do a Gradient color scheme, Like slowly going from silver to Gunmetal, to black.
  2. Well then, Maybe Shadow should watch his tail, and How is Scribbler a terrible insult?
  3. How can you get even close- oh, No ccbs, just using different colored pieces? anyway, I guess nobody in the Refectory open for interaction? If no one tells me anyone in the next ten minutes, Then I'll have Vorzorak leave the refectory. Find a smith in the gy- no, I would die, Infirmary, Vorzorak does not want to step back in there for a while, Library, Yes, then some other location. like courtyard
  4. Yes, Click told me, but Click also told me, Fang wouldn't be much help right now.
  5. Your work with the rahkshi is Still Appreciated? People have yet TO Appreciate it, The are all Rahkshi Master pieces, makes my Rahkshi look terrible in comparison(Well I guess my Shadow is just really A normal Rahkshi with CCBS Slapped on) Heres... my... sad... Creation... I made this one, Before My Character was even typed out here. Shadows only here, because, well, I made a MOC, and wanted to be it in Corpus Rahkshi https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLRTZSVXNNWWU5MVk/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLUVdZb0JQWTlCbDg/edit And Just so you know Click, thats the larger Shoulder pad that broke Rain's spines, And caused Shadow to lose circulation, and is currently still lying on the gym floor.. hmm, and thats the Rahkshi who drew on her face, oh yeah, and when did this Become BBC? lets stop Spamming up this place with our creations! *Uploads a thousand more pictures of rahkshi MOCS on this topic* Rahkshi are awsome though, The can have pictures of themself wherever they want. Especcially Corpus Rahkshi Rahkshi, They are best rahkshi. Either way, there's still my Question, does anyone know a smith, and is open for interaction in the refectory?
  6. OH, woopsy, editing now.
  7. Is anyone Open for interaction in the Refectory, Vorzorak needs to ask around for a smith or referrals to a smith, He wants a Sword, He will Name it Klinge, and Vorzorak is in the Refectory Also, anyone know a smith, I wasn't going to have him just happen to meet Sanurahk, no, that would be too easy, Suspiciously easy... And just so you know, You can Refer him to Sanurahk, as Sanurahk has made it quite Clear to anyone walking in the dorm area whilst hes crafting, that he's a smith(He's always out in the hallway, just sitting there, making Gadgets and Gizmos and Doohickys). Too bad Vorzorak Hasn't Been at his dorm that often, So less chance of that, and the few times he has been at his dorm, Sanurahks been elsewhere.
  8. You Seemed to Pick up the whole Roodaka look, but, where exactly is the ccbs, I mean, if your entering this in the contest, You need a little CCBS to make it less like just a Roodaka revamp, And more 2015 Style. Because Right now it looks Gen 1 Style(Which is best style) Also I like the Staff, Could you take a picture of here climbing up a large rock(As a throwback to that one comic), and That is a very nice use of the IFB Tail Claws as Hair.
  9. IC: Vorzorak-Gym--->Hallway---> Dorm--->Refectory Vorzorak sat to the side, watching People Spar, and Decided I need A sword, A staff and a bow can't be a permanent Fighting Style Vorzorak Walked out of the gym, and towards his dorm, where he set down his Staff, and Headed towards the Refectory, After what he was told that thing by that Rahkshi, about them all being merely an experiment, Something inside him changed Well if were all just an experiment, might as well change my conditions He Became more Social, less shy, Stronger, Knowledge is power, and Power is power But for now, he needed to ask around for a smith. He needed a sword, and a Scabbard. What would he do when he got the sword, name it, why, is unknown I'll Name it... Not Gladius, Not Sharpie, Not Mr. Blade, well, maybe Gladius... And with that, He set out for a blade, He'll name it Klinge. I'll Find a Smith by asking Rahkshi in the Refectory, If Anyones still alive after eating All that Dirt.
  10. Oh right, that too, I'll Edit it Nothing about The Bearded Red Dude Breaking into houses on Dec. 25th though?
  11. that Vaalku one, you made it recently though, I can tell because of there only being 2 limbs... And I like that Bullseye one(Maybe Because I love archers in bionicle, Thats why Vorzorak is one), And its Cool that you used a toa metru onewa body, you know whats the coolest part of them all? that they're Rahkshi.
  12. And Raptor died. Well I didn't miss Ultron making a detailed description of Phantom killing Raptor. That was before I drew all over Rain's face.
  13. IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard "Ok, now, What are you building?" Asked Sanurahk as he unlatched a little box from his belt taking out a Hammer and a few other tools "Oh right, if your going to get materials, I'm gonna Grab some for myself if possible, as making so many tools, takes a lot of Steel." Well, that rahkshi speaks with a bit of a strange accent... "Oh yes, my name is Sanurahk, yours?" Sanurahk was energetic, possibly a bit off-putting, he had found a larger project than a flip out knife!
  14. IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard admiring the gardens. Sanurahk was admiring the Porters hard work on the gardens, Crafting, it is a term used for many things, but The Fohrok and I, we have something in common, the love of Crafting, They love crafting gardens, I love crafting tools His Attention turned to 3 people building something Hey, their building a thing, I want to build a thing! Sanurahk raced over to them and asked as he was Getting out his assortment of tools from his Toolbelt. "Hey, can I help build this thing, and can I know what this thing your Building is?" OOC: Asking Metal, Vlad, and Drift if he can help Build(Because Sanurahk likes to construct.)
  15. Teridax, Tahu MoF, Takanuva Mistika, an Army of Skull Warriors, also Minnie Figure, That one Giant Crab from Lego atlantis, Onua, Onua MoE, That one lego Creator set with the Mouse and the Cat, Fluffy Senior, not any other Fluffys though, Jeff, a few Throwbots, TMN, Kopaka MoI, Kopaka 1.0, and Kopaka Mistika Arguing with eachother for whos best Kopaka, and last but definitely least, Unnamed, Unimportant, Unmanly, Man.
  16. We all know about those Skeleton Dudes Coming in the summer, Just as much as we Know a bearded red dude Breaks into everyone's houses on Dec. 24 But, Do we know exactly their roles? Skull Warriors Guards of the ancient city positioned outside and on the wall to the Ancient City Skull Slicer Look out, He stands atop the wall and alerts the rest of the Skull Warriors Skull Scorpio A Swarm of undead scorpions Position in the ancient city surrounding the Gate to the Temple of Time Skull Basher Skull Grinders Trusted Lieutenant, Skull Grinder guards the Stairway to the Temple of Time Skull Grinder General of the Skull armies, Right hand man of Makuta, he tirelessly tries to find a way to reawaken Makuta. EDIT: Also keeping Ekimu in the coma for good, Obviously now Makuta and Ekimu are enemies in a sort of Star Wars III Kanobi vs Skywalker thing, and Nobody in the Skull Armies would want Ekimu(The more powerful one, Like I said, Star wars III), to come back and defeat them.
  17. Yeah, I was too busy Drawing all over Rain to notice earlier,
  18. Darn you Alijar! you got my Rahkshi deep in thought, Depressed, then inspired, then a bit Depressed again... But he is starting to change thoughts, adapting to whatever measures it takes to live, and now wants to make the school stronger, by making everyone work With each other, not against, Alijar, You just sorta made him have a breakthrough by sending him into deep though, so thank you In other news Sanurahk just finished Engraving his knife! Anyway, I'm confused as to what the heck is happening with Kats arm, so, whats happening with Kats arm? why did it get cut off? Is it that attack on the matoran village Illusive spoke of? And why am I excluded from the chaos?
  19. IC: Vorzorak-Gym Vorzorak started to return from he thoughts, every hit he preformed on the dummy was harder than the last, until he stopped, took a deep breath, and stabbed his staff right through the Dummy in one, clean blow. he then turned around, took his bow off his shoulder, took an arrow from his quiver, and fired at a target, he was getting better at his aim, he also wondered why there weren't many archers, he took an arrow, and made a small hole in his staff, so if a fight ever got too hard, he could escape into his staff. And I'm safe as long as they don't annihilate the staff completely, Safe, Safe... That word doesn't exist in this school... I need to take measures to make sure I don't die in this school...
  20. IC: Vorzorak-Gym Vorzorak couldn't take his mind off what that rahkshi said in the infirmary Does this mean we're merely experiments? We have no purpose? We have no variable in that, that depends on us? Vorzorak was hitting dummies with his staff, not with much power though... He was too deep in though to apply too much force. I've read about squadrons of rahkshi, working as a team, but those are the ones who aren't as smart as us, but imagine, if we, the more intelligent, did that, they are difficult to destroy, but we, would be impossible to destroy! Now if only I could convince the rest of that, but by the third word I say 20 more rahkshi would be dead, and dozens more injured. This school is dangerous, not because of the area, not because of the fohrok, well a bit because of the fohrok, but its because the students strength, the students intelligence, the students.... Vorzorak had made a breakthrough, but he had to convince others, one at a time, of his ideas, but he couldn't, because they would be trying to rip his arm off halfway through what he is trying to say. If only... IC: Sanurahk-Hallway He had finally finished the engraving on he custom knife, and he tried out his special gimmick He flipped a switch, that moved a small gear, which flipped out the knife blade, he flipped the switch the other way, and it went back in. "YES!" He exclaimed, loud enough that the people in Voya Nui could hear "This is my greatest Creation ever! and will be so for a long long long time!" He hoped he didn't make people dislike him after that outburst "Well, who cares if people hate me, I gots me a new knife! And I'm proud of it!"
  21. IC: Vorzorak-Refectory Vorzorak hated this slop, absolutely hated it, and he had a small to-do list 1st Slop, then find a smith for a weapon, then ask for a knife or brass knuckle or something, then found out what crazy payment it is to get that weapon. It was a slow, meal OOC: Pretty much all my characters are always up for interaction, except Shadow, who is incapacitated at the moment.
  22. IC: Sanurahk-Hallway Sanurahk was almost done his engraving on his knife, He was now on "H". OOC: Still open for interaction, like a conversation, not exactly asking for directions.
  23. IC; Sanurahk "Um, over in that direction," Said Sanurahk whilst pointing down the hallway in the direction of the dorms "Just round the corner, we're actually pretty close." Said Sanurahk, before returning to carving the "R" in his knife "You just need to go down the hall."
  24. IC: Sanurahk-Hall Sanurahk was making an engraved knife with the word SANURAHK on it, making sure its extremely sharp. he was doing it in the middle of the hall because he felt like doing it somewhere else but his dorm, and he was running low on protosteel, how he would get more, well, if anyone wants anything from him, hes decided the payment will be protosteel. He needs lots of Protosteel to make this stuff. OOC: Still open for interaction
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