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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. IC: Vorzorak-Infirmary---> Hallway Vorzorak wanted to ignore that, but he couldn't ignore it, it was so, so, Confusing, yet logical, when he finally wrapped his head around it, and so Vorzorak went off, thinking I need a weapon, and more arrows
  2. IC: Sanurahk- Dorms Sanurahk was merely sitting outside his dorm playing the flute, just sort of random notes that came out together and sounded nice, Music, Creativity is good, and he has 2 ways to express his creativity, Music, and working with metal, that metal working kit was handy, he was thinking of making a Knife later, His staff is good though, but... there was so many different things he could do!
  3. I realize Sanurahk hasn't done anything remotely interesting, at all, whatsoever, I need to change that, soon. Sanurahk open for interaction.
  4. And Shadows probably the worst offender
  5. She already has fury from Palma on her, why would she want more fury at her, and I'm getting away with drawing on her face! By the way Click, that whole thing was sort of your fault, and what did I say, Drawing on your face, would only end in my favour... hehehe...
  6. Ha! Shadow lives to see another day- err, rather night. I know right.
  7. IC: Vorzorak Vorzorak looked at the doorway and saw a rahkshi about to Stab another rahkshi "What in Karzahni are you doing!" Yelled Vorzorak "I've had enough seeing this sort of thing, aren't rahkshi supposed to not kill eachother? and why try and kill him while he's in the infirmary, that is stupid and pointless, killing eachother is pointless!" Vorzorak really did not like this behavior, well yes he did shoot an arrow at someone, but that was to save another, and that guy sort of deserved an arrow in him.
  8. IC: Vorzorak "Yeah, that may be a problem" said Vorzorak
  9. IC: Vorzorak-Infirmary Vozorak made sure he had arrows and his bow ready, he only has 6 arrows left, that was enough though, "Ok, my name is Vorzorak, and then you better be careful, and travel in a team, because that way, you'll be a bit safer, that way, your luck will hold out a little longer."
  10. IC:Shadow He had just felt something stab his back, instead of crying out in pain, he put one arm on the spot just to apply pressure on the wound He only had to go a bit faster, or maybe, he took out his knife, glanced back, and threw it at his pursuer, he hadn't the energy to maintain flight much longer, just down the hall, and... he had almost made it, he rolled a half a foot away from the door and yelled "Come on!" and so attempted to crawl inside, just a little longer, just a little while ago, Shadow was winning the battle, well, not anymore, he got inside, and said "Incoming patient!" he was hoping he didn't get stabbed again, and with that he fell flat on his face.
  11. IC:Vorzorak "I'm not entirely sure, I was almost sure I wouldn't get you here in time, and I can see he's got several mental issues, but I dont know how you survived, err, whats your name?" That question returned to Vorzorak, he knew literally nobody's name, IC: Shadow Oh no, she caught on to the trick, all he needed to do though was get to the infirmary, to batch up the arm, He reclined and went into flight, as he exited the courtyard he burst past 2 other rahkshi He was losing blood, He was getting woozy, he needed to fly to the infirmary, to get patched up, Just a little longer...
  12. IC:Shadow-gym Shadow saw her reaching for her staff, and so he thought of a way to escape with his life, first a distraction, He sharpened his quill to make it a dart, threw it towards her, and Ran, he needed to patch up his arm a bit, He ran towards the doorway, and went towards to courtyard, He needed to stall her, and the fohrok there are very territorial towards the garden, he needed to get her to mess with the garden, step on it or something, so the fohrok would stall long enough for a short trip to the infirmary to get the arm patched up, for blood was still coming out.
  13. IC: Sanurahk-Hallway---> Dorm Sanurahk finally decided to stop wandering aimlessly through the halls and go to his dorm, where he went to bed. nothing interesting.
  14. Ok, I guess, but there's also limited invulnerability, if Someone tried to kill Tridax, It would be extremely hard, and take a while, or just take one Extremely powerful blow, I guess Illusive must be planning one extremely powerful blow in order to kill Tridax,
  15. And Tridax has all 42 powers of rahkshi, What I'm getting at is the power of mind reading, if Illusive were planning to overthrow him, Tridax would know, on that note, How did Tridax not understand perfectly what Illusive Was trying to say in De-Matoran, Just saying.
  16. I agree, because why would the person who controls them both, want one of them, to foil the others plot? I guess we're relying on Fog, or Mar'jik then.
  17. IC: Vorzorak- Hallway---> Infirmary Vorzorak decided, if that rahkshi he dragged to the infirmary was conscious, might as well go say hello So Vorzorak did go and find that rahkshi, and when he found the rahkshi in the infirmary, he said "Hello, I'm the person who carried you to the infirmary, and shot your attacker with an arrow." OOC: Interacting with Vaalku,
  18. IC: SHadow Shadow felt blood trickling down he arm, the armor dented and is now cutting off circulation, and now shes insulting him, Ha, what do you think thats gonna do. words cannot hurt me. Shadow realized his arm was going numb, so he took off the shoulder pad, and also observed, that everytime the paint all over her was messed up, she got angrier, so Shadow took his quill out of his pocket, and decided, to scribble all over her paint, Anger will only end up in your own demise. This can't hurt you physically, but it will mentally. Mental attacks, heh, dirty tricks, will only end up in his favor. So he simply calmly walked forward, and point his quill up, and attempted to scribble all over the paint Bet shes not expecting this and hopefully, she didn't dodge this. though it was really easy to dodge. OOC: he has small pockets in his armor of his upper leg. he keeps his knife, small notebook, and quill in them.
  19. IC:Shadow Though it hurts when armor Dents and pierces you, Though Shadow thinks it would hurt more having Spines dented and snapped, Ha, and Shadow believed that he was gonna get hurt! these plans are going great, OOC: Ok, I have to go, until friday, I maybe able to respond here and there but, don't expect a fast response, like within a 5 hour range..
  20. IC:Shadow Shadow found his tactics to be working everyonce in a while, but then this part, she was charging at him with spines pointed forward towards him All shadow could think of was turn his larger more protective shoulder plate, forward. This was starting to get excessive.
  21. Granted, I give you a wish, and someone else steals it I wish I broke the fourth wall
  22. IC: Shadow-Gym Turns out, Shadow needed to use different plans, He went for a kick, too bad his powers couldn't help him with this battle, and so went for an uppercut and a punch to the side of her face. OOC: I don't have much time, in 30 minutes, I wont be available until friday.
  23. Welcome to BZP! on topic, its a cool moc, I like the Kakama on it.
  24. IC: Shadow-gym Shadows hit worked, but he decided instead, to mix it up for this next hit, sort of randomize the number of blows before the main final one, maybe throw in a kick here and there, he kept going at it with that plan, Stay unpredictable. Keep going as long as possible, prevail.
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