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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. IC: Shadow-Gym Shadow was even more aggravated when the kick missed No, shes just making me more angry, and thus leading me into a trap. I can't fall for this. And with this he got a plan If shes just going to dodge every attack, then a fake attack, one I can easily deliver another blow within seconds, unlike say, a kick, and so while she was dodging that attack, deliver that blow and so he executed his plan
  2. IC:Shadow-gym Shadow was falling to the ground because someone Tripped him, his face hit the ground, he got up. and said simply "Why. Just Why." Now the second time someone had Purposely annoyed him... He reached for his knife but stopped, and thought, no, I will not do this barbarically, Maybe just one thing, instead of a knife, a kick.
  3. IC: Shadow-Gym Shadow was merely running around the gym, Strength and speed were both important, now he was working on speed OOC: Available for interaction IC: Vorzorak Vorzorak felt like he had alot of pressure on him, because he had alot of pressure on him, he was carrying a rahkshi who was bleeding out to the infirmary, trying to go as fast as he could in order to get him to the infirmary and save him Hopefully Palmas ready to take a patient... IC: Sanurahk-Hallway Sanurahk was just taking a walk around the area, nothing particularly interesting was happening at the moment.
  4. Omylordylordlord, I fear something convoluted, dangerous, and Destructive, coming from Roman's mind...
  5. Granted, but the are also magnetic, and are stuck to a super magnet I wish I had an beter gramamature
  6. Nah. I've got something much better than explosions in mind. Now I'm Scared....
  7. Huki! oh sorry, wrong year... GO HUKI GO HUKI GO HUKI Yeah Hewkii for the win!
  8. What do you mea- oh yeah, that, I have an idea
  9. Ok, Deadeyes unconscious, Vector and Vorzorak trying to save Vaalku(So many "v"s!) Whats next, Corpus rahkshi explodes?
  10. IC: Vorzorak Suddenly, Vorzorak could start to see again, and so he and another rahkshi, rushed this injured rahkshi, to the infirmary, when he realized Hey, I know none of these guys names... That thought planted itself in his head, he thought he should ask when another thought popped up no, that is not the top priority, top priority is to get this rahkshi to the infirmary.
  11. IC:Vorzorak Hey look, Someone was helping Vorzorak with this injured rahkshi "Well then, this trip to the library has been... eventful." said Vorzorak to himself when a Blinding beam of light, well, blinded him
  12. One deep-fried infirmary, coming right up! We should keep 12 in each room around here
  13. Well, no, I think that someone should rush him to this infirmary thats not on the front page of locations, but I keep hearing about.
  14. And the arrow was a hit! woohoo! now step 2, Vaalku, I think you need an infirmary
  15. IC: Vorzorak-Library Ok, step one complete, Step 2, rush that other rahkshi to the infirmary, so he ran over, and tried to help him up
  16. Ahh, so everything is falling apart. Vaalku Vs. Deadeye Search team or something from what I can understand has a member dying every 2 seconds, and the refectory is still serving slop that they call food.
  17. Why exactly are vaalku and deadeye fighting?
  18. IC: Vorzorak-Library Vorzorak came back to the library hoping that those two rahkshi had stopped fighting. Oh no, Its only gotten worse, more rahkshi Have gotten involved... Vorzorak decided one more time, to take his bow off of his shoulders, knock an arrow, pull the arrow back, have it aimed at that rahkshi who's been as it appears, spilling some blood, and, Fire...
  19. I think that you can create new ones using a formula involving mashed up bananas. Get over here Banana gunz! I gots me a hammer!
  20. Hello Ghiddy, I can't come up with anything clever at all, though maybe... you slammed your face against the keyboard and that came out? all i can get is gvyuhe vhgfhld,
  21. Eat, because I dont know what tren krom is, but i know he is all powerful, and so I would absorb his energy. WYR go up against a Fohrok, or a Kohrok
  22. not gonna put up with you cutting your sentences short. TPBM has all Bonkle winter 2015 Because I do...
  23. Nope! I wish for a better unkown wish than Vezon of the Olmak
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