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Everything posted by McNugget

  1. Lets see, I tried my hand at another Character, LoSS, LoSS-Laughed upon, mutation of one of the Skull Scorpio Horde, he was sent to rule the Skull spiders, the weakest, Dumbest, and smallest of the Skull armies, using the Mask of Skull Spider Control, he was enraged by this insult, and so he decided to use his Skull Spiders to destroy the islands inhabitants, when the Toa Arrived on the Island, he went to the Temple of time and Begged his General, Skull Grinder, to give him more powerful troops, then Skull Grinder Laughed, and told LoSS He was to go and destroy the Toa himself, LoSS begged him to reconsider, then LoSS was told if he was that afraid of the Toa, merely guard the Bridges to the city, LoSS Begged him for at least a few Skull Warriors, but then Skull Grinder Lifted the Mask of Creation from the pedestal, and said, "This is the bait, they are mice, and we set up five traps for them, I'll count down, 5th, Basher, 4th, The Scorpio Horde, 3rd, the Skull Slicer's Squad of Warriors, 2nd, the Main army of Warriors, and 1st..." LoSS started tensing up "You." And thats why LoSS guards the bridges to the Ancient city.
  2. That was the ones I had to order as my last of the winter wave(On January 16!) Heres the order I got them Jan 1st- MoI, PoI, MoS, PoS, PoJ Jan 2nd- MoJ, MoF Jan 16th- Ordered: Onua and Gali- Bought that day(at target), PoE, PoF, PoW, LoSS Jan 19th- I recieved- MoE, MoW
  3. OOC: Its been a while, he just grabbed a quick meal and came back, it was 5:20pm(Eastern) when he left, and 6:30pm(Again, Eastern) when he came back, so that was sufficient time for a meal. IC: Sanu-Courtyard "Well, I don't know what to do, perhaps you can find a guide to an instrument in the Library, Find something other than Magic? some sort of display of Something." Said Sanu
  4. IC: Sanu-Refectory-Courtyard Sanu finished his slop, and headed back to the courtyard to work on the project, whilst walking there, he was practicing the flute. he had arrived, still playing the flute.
  5. Oh no, half the people are gonna vote for that because she won the BFTGM, and the other half because its awesome.
  6. IC: Sanu-Courtyard-Refectory "Okay, I'm gonna go for a little bit to get some food." and so he left for food.
  7. IC: Sanu-Courtyard Sanurahk Placed in a finishing screw for one Half of the stage "Finally! We're halfway done, and I'm hungry, what do you say about a quick trip to the refectory to fill up guys?" Asked Sanurahk.
  8. Sorry sir, though its an awesome moc(I like the use of Sidoraks faceplate thing), Its too late to enter, entry period ended 4 hours ago... Though it looks spot on to voporak, just, Wheres the enormous tail?
  9. IC: Sanu- Courtyard "So you have a Headache inducing power, and a horrifying grin, alright..." Said Sanurahk, as he Hammered in more nails, "ow ow ow ow," Said Sanu as his head hurt more every time he hit the nail, "Ok, less headaches" He softened the metal with his metal working kits Heatstone welding tool, and slid the nail right through, then let it cool again, and repeated with the rest of the nails
  10. IC: Sanu-Courtyard "Not a bit, my name is a bit long anyway." Answered Sanurahk
  11. Lennox the Archer! https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLejFxb0I2T2c1N1E/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLbHpzMU1MZ0lVZzQ/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLa1hTVG9NZy1jTlU/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLUDBuQVM5UjdBb0k/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLM2tQcmhzc2s2M0U/edit https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EdRvSKnOeLbHpzMU1MZ0lVZzQ/edit
  12. IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard "I play the Flute." Said Sanurahk.
  13. He was my third set, and I have even more pain than you, My olmak snapped in half... But now that I think about it, it was Boggorak as my first.
  14. Only level 6 Kraata and Shadow Kraata can Heal others
  15. IC: Shadow-Infirmary--->Hallway Shadow was afraid He saw how angry that Rahkshi got when he Drew on her face, its time to watch his back, he needs a new knife, because his is lost in the school, a new quill, his is lost in the gym, he might want a longer weapon than a knife, like a sword, or staff, or bow, something, he needed a piece of steel, he can make his own weapon with his powers, He tried to get up, but he was stiff, he decided, first thing, go find a piece of steel to make a blade. maybe 2 blades... OOC: Shadow open for interaction IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard He decided by the time he got that rope, everyone had gotten enough materials, He started Bonding the metals on the outer area of the stage together using his Metal working kit, to make sure something doesn't topple the stage.
  16. Well I would find it strange to have one Scorpion, I think an entire swarm of Scorpions would be better in my mind. Oh and when I saw Windrider post I was thinking "Oh no, did I do something wrong? whenever Wind posts its to answer a Q&A, or to tell someone they broke a rule..."
  17. IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard "Then lets start making a rectangular prism, I guess just stack the materials then." Said Sanurahk
  18. IC: Sanurahk "Well now we sort of, Well, Draw out blueprints for the Building, now, It turns out I don't have Writing materials so, do you? otherwise we have to find them or borrow some." Said Sanurahk OOC: last Post of the night, see ya in the morn!
  19. Oh yeah, Vaalku can't wear Raptor either(Sorry Vaalku)
  20. Hmmm... Foreboding...(I'm saying that about what Gukko said)
  21. IC: Sanurahk-Courtyard "No, don't cut it, just Snap it Against the Ground, It will snap back up, and there will be the line." Said Sanurahk
  22. IC: Sanurahk Sanurahk came back to the Courtyard, Picked up a small map with a specific room Highlighted, and found Metal Trying to use a Chalk line, "So what is it your have trouble with? Keeping it in place, or what?" Said Sanurahk as he took out a little hilt of a Knife, and a Compass(Like the ones for making circles, not Navigation.), "Oh wait," Said Sanurahk, he Flipped a small switch on the Knife hilt, and, Clink! a Blade came out, "Pretty cool, eh? That was just for Show, now back to business, He stuck The sharp part of the Compass in the Ground through one end the line, and gave Metal the Reel "Pull this to the length you wish, and I will make the line on the ground." OOC: I know what tool your referring to, as I've used one several times before.
  23. Well maybe you should have thought about those Matoran Reinforcements Yesterday.
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