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Posts posted by IcarusBen

  1. IC Tallix:

    Tallix felt a sharp pain across his back, then he began to feel faint and soon enough, he collapsed, his... whatever Toa have that's equivalent to blood... spilling across the desert sand. It was the end of an era. The countless souls he had harmed could finally rest in peace.


    IC Jorik:

    Jorik looped back around towards the Toa he had worked so hard to kill. Witnessing Halyx's sudden show of strength, Jorik uttered three words he had hoped he'd never have to say.


    "I'm too late."


    IC Halyx:

    Halyx soon recovered from his slight breakdown, an apparent sign of his elemental expenditure being his colors becoming faded and replaced with a bright silver. "Ugh... what... what happened? Is that? Oh, Mata Nui, did... did Lumira kill Tallix?"

  2. Actually, the creature and the lack of powers could be connected. A large sort of nexus designed to sap elemental and mask energy, but said energy isn't disposed of properly, resulting in it coalescing into Freddy Fazbear and Freddy Kruger's lovechild.


    Basically, less adventure-comedy like the standard BZPRPG, and more survival horror... with robots.


    You know, ghidora, I could draw up a map of the asylum for you, perhaps flesh out some areas, if you'd like.

  3. IC Halyx:

    "Ask Seneaux. She's the halfwit who missed our dear friend over there and shot me with a bolt of ice. I can't seem to... ugh... activate my fire powers... Or even... ack... move my arms... ERGH! Lumira, mind helpin---ARGH!!!" Halyx was overtaken with a sudden blast of pain in his mind, like a thousand voices were going off inside of his head. Without any control over his actions, Halyx summoned up all the elemental energy his could. Combined with his mask power, he was able to free himself, kickjump himself onto the land, dash towards the dome Tallix had produced and destroy it. As he went in for the killing blow, however, he collapsed.

  4. I imagine that if they decide to awaken Makuta, he won't be a bad guy, per se. Before he decided to wear the MoUP, he didn't do anything truly evil. He was only trying to prove he was as good a maskmaker as Ekimu. The mask made him all dark and evil and shadowy and stuff, and you can't blame a bomb for the actions of the detonator. Makuta makes evil mask, mask makes evil Makuta. 

    • Upvote 1


    Has the Entropy Beetle plot progressed at all? It seems to only be the same few people posting, but I feel like it should be a huge event. All of Le-Koro was evacuated, that doesn't happen very often. Shouldnt there be some staff involvement? 


    Wrong topic. :P You're looking for the News and Discussion Topic.


    Take a drink?


    Anyway, for my RPG on the asylum, there would be some kind of an unknown monster that comes at certain nights and attempts to kill people. No, it's not always successful, but it's a reason to be wary. Characters that survive will be put to the ultimate test of figuring out what is going on, and at random scientists will be made patients. The whole game is essentially a plot twist.


    The location would be on an island very similar to Alcatraz, except high up and with sharp rocks lining the shores. There would be a lot of testing on the "patients" and not all of them are really insane. Plus anyone who plays as a scientist will be tasked to errands and will be completely naïve to any plot-important occurrences.


    No playable doctors, methinks. Too many factions makes for an odd split. Let the players form up naturally. Plus, it works better thematically.


    My main issue so far is I don't see what specifically makes this a Bionicle RPG. Any thoughts on how you plan to accomplish that?


    -Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:


    Well, I'm certain Metru Nui has some psychiatric facilities, and considering the complete lack of OSHA compliance the city has, I'd assume that such an asylum would have something running around inside. I'll take a wild guess and say that if a Matoran asylum had a monster running around, it'd be a combination of Freddy Fazbear, Freddy Kruger, and that thing running around inside that house in Amityville.


    Plus, such a concept has a rather easy solution; just add robot, stir throughly, microwave for 5 minutes, enjoy.

  6. There's any number of safe positions; Ko-Matoran Seer, Inventor, heck, go to BS01's occupations page and take a look. We're not all suicidally overconfident.


    Speak for yourself. Hey, guys, wanna watch ski down Mt. Ihu using two twigs and two palm leaves? 


    Actually, that's not skiing. Skiing implies gliding down a slope. That's not skiing, that's free-falling. The bunny slope goes "wee eee eee eee eee." Mt. Ihu? "WEE-splat."

    • Upvote 3
  7. Ic: Seneaux


    Seneaux blasted ice at tallix

    IC Tallix:

    "Will some one PLEASE stop attacking me? One at a time, people, not a lot to ask!" Tallix expertly dodged the ice, and summoned a shield of stone to protect himself.


    IC Halyx:

    You know who didn't dodge the ice? Halyx. "Guys? Help! I'm stuck to the boat! 

  8. Relax? Enjoy some time off with family?


    Learn everything?


    Establish a company of Chroniclers then murder them brutally?

    When faced with these situations, I like to think WWLD. What Would Linkara Do?


    If anyone's seen AT4W, there was an episode where some Elder God planned on consuming everything until it was literally everything. The thing was, it never thought about what it would do after it had completed it's goal, so it ending up killing itself so it could learn what would happen when an elder god dies. Admittedly, a better question would be how could it complete it's goal, considering everything was infinite, so this entity could never complete it's goal, but still, it did the job.

  9. (WARNING: I'm about to start hating on third place)


    What on Mata Nui's green (and brown, and white, and blue, and black and red) island were they thinking with 3rd place? That head, sure it's big, but it's horribly ugly. The legs are alright, I suppose, but that waist is way too thin and those arms... good grief, those arms... The arms are just a little too short and way too skinny. The only good parts are the color scheme and legs, and that's not going to outweigh the cons. I look at Xares and I don't see a villain of Light, like a Knight Templar or something like that. A villain based around Light should be graceful. Xares has about as much grace as a flying brick. 


    Still, at least we can rule out Bedrock's theory of bias; Xares's creator has a grand total of two posts, and I'm going to guess he signed up entirely to post his entry.

  10. Visalk walked up behind Tallix using huna and tapped him on the shoulder.

    OOC: You forgot to mark it with IC: Visalk. Oops.


    IC Tallix: 

    Tallix, startled by the invisible figure, swung his daggers around behind him, hoping to slash whatever was trying to hit him.

  11. Everyone, look! It's a Naming Day miracle!


    It's beginning to look a lot like Naming Day

    Bionicle in every store

    But the prettiest site to see

    Are the Kanohi that'll be

    On your own su-VA!


    Question here, regarding Echelon. If I'm right and his plan is world conquest, what does he plan to do after he's finished with his goal?

  12. Hero Factory sets use a very slightly different style called CCBS. They're compatible with the old parts, but I personally think HF isn't quite as good, particularly IFB, the last wave released. If you can find the Breakout or Brain Attack sets, I'd recommend those, as well as Witch Doctor and Rocka XL from the 3.0 wave.

  13. IC Tallix:

    Tallix jumped back skillfully, gasping in relief as the sword barely missed his midriff. "I suppose I should give you my name. It's Tallix. Jalim's the guy I stole the boat from to begin with. Silly little Ga-Matoran trader, made me chuckle as I crushed him with a cocoon of stone. Perhaps I'll do the same to you." Tallix summoned several large boulders and began throwing them towards Lumira, attempting to crush her. 



    Is this an autohit or godmodding or something? I'm not sure.


    IC: Leron


    Leron felt the blade graze the side of his arm as he lurched to the side using his mask. "****, I'm too slow," he thought to himself as he drew his sword and swung at his attacker.




    The Toa Voya never get a peaceful moment, do we?


    The former owner of this here ship was, apparently, raring for some revenge but hadn't taken long enough to pinpoint who he should be taking revenge against. I mean, he could have tried killing one of us, the people who had actually stolen the boat from him, but noooooooo; he had to go and start whaling on the one guy who had nothing to do with the heist.


    And of course, I couldn't let that happen, now could I?


    I drew my sword as I was running for the ship's gangplank, my trip down and across the dock barely registering for me. In no time at all, I was approaching the skirmish, trying to come up behind the attacking Toa whilst trying to remember what his name was so I could come up with something witty to say when he was defeated.


    I was running at him, aiming my sword for a slash across the back of his left calf, lamenting the fact that I probably wouldn't be able to come with any sort of one-liner, witty or otherwise.




    IC Halyx:

    "Lumira! Ugh! Why are these Le-Matoran always so stubborn?" Halyx activated his Calix, hoping to provide some much needed assistance to the Matoran and her Toa counterpart. 


    IC Tallix:

    Tallix had barely enough time to register Lumira's attack, though thankfully for him, her sword barely grazed him. After recovering from the pain, he tried to attack Lumira, attempting to stab her in the heart.

  15. The green guy is supposed to be bald and the red guy was a pain in the tooshie to fit inside the ship, so I just decided not to give him head gear. It's a heck of a lot easier than painstakingly experimenting with every single angle until he fit.


    As for the landing bay, thanks for the idea, Bike. I'll work on it later.


    EDIT: Adding a new picture of the drydock.

  16. siwoR11.png



    Here it is; the Space - 2081 set. I'm working on a new set design for LEGO Ideas and here's my prototype. What should I change about this before I submit it?


    (For those who are wondering, the redshirts are pilots, blueshirts are engineers, greenshirts are administration, yellowshirts are communications officers and whiteshirts are the technicians and science personnel)


    EDIT: Added a new photo of the landing bay. It's not like a modular two-floor building, but I did add a sort of observation deck. There's no ladder, but I couldn't figure out how to work it out.

  17. While I don't like Akutahn as a MOC, the rules stated you could use and Lego pieces in your collection, even the rare ones or the 2015 ones. It may be unfair, but it's Lego's rules. 


    Actually, Helsephyr reminds of an old MOC design I had that relied entirely on the color black, a sort of walking shadow. He looks good. The legs might need to be a little longer (possibly using a leg beam with an extra O) but it looks really neat, and the hands look very sinister to me.


    Of course, this is a very subjective opinion, so... yeah. 

    • Upvote 1
  18. I can imagine that the Protectoran (just what I call them, since I feel the Protectors are more like a title, not the species name) will get a sizable vocabulary but not an actual language.


    Speaking of which, if anyone watches Stargate (Silvan, I'm looking at you) then the new Okoto script reminds me of the Ancient script, with it's lovely use of sharp edges.

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